About the Multiverse


New Member
About the Multiverse

OK. I agree with the multiverse theory. But I took the liberty of modelling it arround a bit. I heard many say that time travel is impossible. You know, that paradox and other stuff. I say let's forget TIME for a minute (irronical, isn't it? :D ).
Think of it this way: for every second, millisecond or even nanosecond there is a parralel universe. What makes it interresting is that there are an infinity of nanoseconds (or universes), each having it's own version based on cause and effect. For example: In this universe you get hit by a car, right? In another you get hit by a bike, bus, bird, meteor, etc. So actually we're shifting from one universe to another everytime. There is a pattern, a path. This path is followed by each set of universes to avoid possible colissions with others.
My oppinion is that we're travelling through space, not time.

(sorry for my bad english, I'm from Romania :D )


Junior Member
Re: About the Multiverse

I kinda like it like that TV show Sliders.


New Member
Re: About the Multiverse


I don't know if you'll understand much of this picture... anyway, it's about the Universe Sets and Event Replacement. I will explain this at your request. :)


New Member
Re: About the Multiverse

Well, it goes like this: as I said, for every second, millisecond, nanosecond, etc. there is an alternate universe.As you can see that is a normal path of a Universe Set. The Universe Set is a set of alternate universes, more like a timeline, for example. You can see above: Universe ONE, Universe TWO, Universe THREE, etc.
For example, the World War 3 began on June 19 2005, ok? In the present day, witch is June 15 3042, we already know of the existence of a war in the past and we would like to stop it. To do this we send a traveller back into Universe ONE, and he could stop the war in Universe TWO (that's kinda fast, but it's only an example :D ).
Thus the path encounters an error. Universe THREE and the others that followed it became invalid, because the war has been stopped. To keep this path, the rest of the Universe Set (from Universe THREE) has been replaced with a new set. As I said before there is an infinite number of Universes, thus there is an infinite number of Sets. They are based on the "Cause and Effect" theory. One cause. All possible effects. So we have, virtually all the possible versions that followed the war. For example The war could have been not stopped sooner, but a day later. That would require a new Set, because even if you stop it one second sooner, that would mean altering the path. Luckly, the path has a fail-safe system that allows it to maintain the Universe Set stable. This fail-safe system is actually that Universe Set replacement.
Back to our story. So the path has replaced the Universe Set ONE (form Universe THREE) with another set. This Set has no war. The people didn't even know the existence of a war.
From all of this above I could only say this: there is no UNPREDICTABLE. Everything is programmed from the very beggining. Every version of an effect.


Junior Member
Re: About the Multiverse

ok ...i gottcha..........but dosent that set up a paradox.....u sent someone from 3042 to stop the war....if they are succsesful ....how would you know to send them??....I really like the way one universe effects the rest in your explaination.....I see diff universes/timelines in the oob state.....could all b in my head..but I lean in the multiverse direction..this gives much to think about....if u r right....thanks...and feel free to add more....


New Member
Re: About the Multiverse

What if we could build a platform? An artificial Universe (obviously, much more smaller), that would support the repacement of the universes. Something that will not be affected by this shifting. A central system that could control the shifts. I know it sound kinda Science Fictional, but this is a SF forum. :D


New Member
Re: About the Multiverse

What I'm trying to say is that we should forget TIME and focus more upon SPACE. Actually, we don't know much about space nor time... So my opinnion is that space must be our top priority.


New Member
Re: About the Multiverse

This is a mere theory... it's nothing concrete... I don't have the knowledge yet (phisycs, chemistry, astonomy, etc.) to put this theory in practice... What did you expect? I'm only 15 :D

But at your request to go on... I will do so...
Try to think of it as a chaotic movement. Yet, this chaotic movement is coordonated, following a predefined set of rules. The Path is a perfect example of a rule. It prevents universe colission, followed by a mass destruction. This is the part where I'm not so sure if my theory is somehow... "safe". We could only travel by altering the path. But by doing that we could very well destabilize the Multiverse.
But have no fear, because Brimstone is here! :)
I think I may have the solution to that problem. If we could study the Path, we would find out that it uses an complex mathematical algorithm. If we could make a replica of the Path, we could add it to the existent one. Thus we would have a back-up. If we screw one up we still got one left.
Now, we should use one of them for the travel. With the Platform it will be easy to manipulate the Path, and keeping the Multiverse balance intact.
Remember... this is just a crazy kid's theory :D
