Are we alone in the universe?


Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

promise not to laugh :D ok I'll spin ya a yarn
I have often pondered this very thing, and came to this end.
my daddy GOD ALMIGHTY don't make dead things, and since I believe HE made all things. then every solor system will have life of some type in it. or it would be dead, and DADDY don't make dead things:eek: there must be life everywhere. or there would be no life anywhere
call me a goof but thats my story and I am stickin to it:confused:


Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

My head hurts!
Are you saying that everything is alive, even inanimate things ?


Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

well kinda, everything we can see is part of the life's blood of everything ells we can see,
like a tree, it is alive, but without the dirt it will die. all life is connected to all life in some way or another.and all things are part of life. we must have air to live, the trees need co2. earth has life on it, but without the sun,moon it would not. everywhere you look you will find life or part of it in some manner. and just for somethin to ponder
when CHRIST road the donkey into jerusalem. the kids were callin HIM HOSSANNA. the priests got mad, and told HIM to make them stop. HE responded by sayin. if they should stop, the very rocks would cry out.
I know it sounds wacked but it makes sence to me:eek:


Active Member
Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

kc wildman said:
well kinda, everything we can see is part of the life's blood of everything ells we can see,
like a tree, it is alive, but without the dirt it will die. all life is connected to all life in some way or another.and all things are part of life. we must have air to live, the trees need co2. earth has life on it, but without the sun,moon it would not. everywhere you look you will find life or part of it in some manner. and just for somethin to ponder
when CHRIST road the donkey into jerusalem. the kids were callin HIM HOSSANNA. the priests got mad, and told HIM to make them stop. HE responded by sayin. if they should stop, the very rocks would cry out.
I know it sounds wacked but it makes sence to me:eek:

Well at the very least everything has some kind of energy....thats what holds everything together...Everything is relative huh?


Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

gonzogirl said:
Well at the very least everything has some kind of energy....thats what holds everything together.
Uh, I thought it was the force that was holding everything together. ;)


Re: Are We Alone In The Universe ?

I do not believe that any of the big religions on this mud ball has it right. If there is a God I can not imagine Him to be swayed by the adornment of the people on earth. All the praying will gain nothing at all. However I do believe we are not here by accident, intelligent life has a meaning and a reason behind it. Whatever this might be.

I also do find it highly unlikely that we will make contact with other civilizations. To make a meaningful contact they would have to be at about the same level of technology as we are. If they are only 100 years more advanced they would not use radio for communication, if they are 100 years behind us they would have no radio. I do believe that we could not contact them either way, But do not forget they might be thousands of years more advanced or less developed. So a contact by radio seems to be highly unlikely.

For a physical contact, well that is much more likely as all the seti tries. We will see it, I hope its during my lifetime. Most likely it will be that we encounter robot probes.


Time Travel Professor
Re: Are we alone in the universe?

From: memoryatlas :)

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