artist rendition


Senior Member
Debunking is the easy part, its proving it that brings in the challenge without any more info its kind of at a hault. Pete has basically fallen off the map after the hair incident so there is no more records of these girls.

Alot of abductions claim to have the intercourse and the beautiful odd looking women, but this is the first one i have heard of where 2 random beautiful women appear naked in the guys bed lookin for a good time.


Junior Member
Debunking is the easy part, its proving it that brings in the challenge without any more info its kind of at a hault. Pete has basically fallen off the map after the hair incident so there is no more records of these girls.

Alot of abductions claim to have the intercourse and the beautiful odd looking women, but this is the first one i have heard of where 2 random beautiful women appear naked in the guys bed lookin for a good time.
Aparently Peter wasnt happy about the whole incident , he bit off one of her nipples , he said she didnt react to it , when he tryed to push her away twice , she pulled him into her breasts , with superman strength he said , thats when he bit off her nipple : )


Junior Member
i think alot of the perception of her is also the angle in wich she is taking the picture

Ya i can go with that , she has hair around her lower jaw , that creates an effect , but im not to sure about the eyes and the small jaw , im not even sure the picture is real , I dont have any answers , i know there can be alot of illusions created on the computer to trick us , but im almost positive its real , im not here to make people believe something , i didnt realize what i was looking at for months , i have this pic on my refrigerator , and i kept seeing her image on the sight i was on, one night i just sat up and looked closely , then turned around to look at the refrigerator , and thats how it all started , just to let you know , i am somewhat insane , yet , i never lie ,,,
