Astronaut says Roswell was real and that we've been contacted by aliens


Re: Astronaut Says Roswell Was Real and We Have Been Contacted By Aliens

I normally run down the middle on most UFO issues. That is I try to see both sides, and take the correct path. There is one area where I tend to differ with the majority of UFO investigators. Full disclosure. I do believe in disclosure, but I also believe that the general public does not always need to know everything.
There has been a lot of discussion lately on UFO message boards on this subject, beginning with Former Canadian Minister Of Defence Asks Canadian Parliament Asked To Hold Hearings On Relations With Alien "Et" Civilizations. Paul Hellyer, Canada?s Defence Minister from 1963-67 started the ball rolling with his request to Parliament to release UFO info.

Paul Hellyer:

Wed Feb 28, 1:04 PM ET
OTTAWA (AFP) - A former Canadian defense minister is demanding governments worldwide disclose and use secret alien technologies obtained in alleged UFO crashes to stem climate change, a local paper said Wednesday.

"I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation ... that could be a way to save our planet," Paul Hellyer, 83, told the Ottawa Citizen.

Exopolitics Toronto and the Canadian Disclosure Initiative present an exclusive Press Conference on UFO Disclosure Witness Testimony. A press screening of authentic military, corporate and government witness testimony will present compelling evidence attesting to:
  • The reality of an extraterrestrial presence,
  • The authenticity and geo-political policy implications of unidentified aerial phenomenon of non-Earth origin and
  • The 58 year old military/government cover-up of this issue.
This historic press event will feature statements and remarks by the Hon. Paul Hellyer former Minister of National Defense in Canada and Dr. Steven M. Greer Director of the Disclosure Project Washington DC.
Exopolitics Toronto will screen a professionally produced Witness Testimony digital video film created by the Disclosure Project under the direction of Dr. Steven Greer on the theatre screen at the prestigious De La Salle Oaklands College in Toronto Ontario on Tuesday May 9th at 7:00 pm.</B>
The goal of this press conference is to present witness testimony by Brigadier Generals, Naval Photographic experts, military officers, ICBM Launch Commanders, an FAA Crash Site Senior Administrator, NORAD air traffic controllers and pilots that confirms authentic, first-hand encounters with intelligently controlled unidentified aerial craft of non-Earth origin.
Statements and remarks by Dr. Greer and the Hon. Paul Hellyer about the testimony?s policy and geo-political implications will follow the film?s screening. An open question period for the press will follow remarks by Dr. Greer and Mr. Hellyer.
For the first time in Canada, this provocative and unambiguous witness testimony provides all journalists an opportunity to study irrefutable, documented and shockingly compelling witness testimony about the presence of unidentified aerial phenomenon of non-Earth origin and the associated 58 year cover-up by military and government officials.
In fact, each witness has stated they are willing to testify, under oath, before Congress or Parliament as to the truth of their testimony; a bold personal and legal precedent set by these courageous military, government and corporate officials.
Understandably mainstream media has always been reluctant to approach this issue; dismissing it because of inconclusive evidence or skepticism. This is no longer the case.
Press now will have the right to unreservedly examine superior quality information assembled by researchers and experts in this field; information only accessible in the past officials with the highest levels of security clearance.
This category of evidential material has been withheld from the press for over 58 years. Exopolitics Toronto?s disclosure press conference rectifies this situation; an event no journalist will want to overlook due to the gravity of the witness? disclosures.
Abundant evidence and witness testimony also exists that establishes the existence of related covert projects that have developed advanced energy and propulsion technologies that could replace the need for oil, gas, coal and nuclear power.
These rogue, so-called "black" projects have hidden these energy breakthroughs from the public, to the detriment of national security, the environment and the economy, so that elite special interests can maintain the current status quo.
Press will also be able to view copies of original government documents and national security memoranda that confirm a co-ordinated involvement with and a high level of interest in global UFO activity by military and national security agencies.
Exopolitics Toronto will have on hand copies of original secret documents of NORAD Status and Events obtained under the Access to Information and Privacy Act ? National Defense Headquarters showing the scrambling of two NORAD CF-18 jets in 2001 to intercept three unidentified craft tracked by an MEDEVAC LR-35 out of Anchorage Alaska.
Also on the agenda will be a special announcement concerning the documentary Dan Aykroyd Unplugged On UFOs. This documentary by Canadian David Sereda will be released in late May.


Re: Astronaut Says Roswell Was Real and We Have Been Contacted By Aliens

Former Canadian Defense Minister Speaks Out on Extraterrestrial Visitors & Government Secrecy

Hon Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian Minister for National Defense gave a speech in Toronto at an event titled: "Exopolitics Toronto: A Symposium on UFO Disclosure and Planetary Direction" (Exopolitics Toronto) . Hellyer described his time as Minister for Defense from 1963-1967 where the occasional UFO sighting report crossed his desk. He claims to never have had time for what he considered to be a "flight of fancy", but nevertheless retained an interest in the UFO phenomenon. While Minister for Defense, he was guest of honor at the opening of the world's first UFO landing pad at Alberta, Canada in 1967. He thought it an innovative idea from a progressive Canadian community willing to pay for his helicopter ride, but did not give much thought to UFOs as having serious policy implications. He also describes a private UFO sighting he later had with family and guests, but once again attributed it to a 'flight of fancy' rather than anything having serious policy implications.

Hellyer's position on UFOs dramatically changed after watching the late Peter Jennings documentary special, "Seeing is Believing" in February 2005. Hellyer decided to read a book that had been idly sitting on his book shelf for two years. Philip Corso's, The Day After Roswell, sparked intense interest for Hellyer in terms of its policy implications. Corso named real people, institutions and events in his book that could be checked. Intrigued by the policy implications, Hellyer decided to confirm whether Corso's book was real or a "work of fiction". He contacted a retired United States Air Force General and spoke to him directly to verify Corso's claims. The unnamed General simply said: "every word is true and more". Hellyer then proceeded to discuss the "and more ?" with the general and claimed he was told remarkable things concerning UFOs and the extraterrestrial hypothesis that interplanetary visitors have been here since at least 1947. Finally convinced that the UFO phenomenon was real Hellyer decided to come forward and speak at Exopolitics Toronto about some of the "most profoundly important policy questions that must be addressed" The policy questions Hellyer addressed in his talk are both profound and vitally important for citizens of every nation of Earth.

First, Hellyer claimed that evidence concerning UFOs is the "greatest and most successful cover up in the history of the world". He confirmed that senior political officials even at the rank of Minister of Defense, a position he himself occupied, are simply out of the loop when it comes to information concerning UFOs and visiting extraterrestrials. From a democratic perspective, that raises many concerns about oversight, transparency and accountability of those in control of the information, technology and projects concerning the extraterrestrial visitors.

A second profound policy question concerns the designation by the U.S. military of visiting extraterrestrials as an 'enemy'. According to Hellyer, this had led to the development of "laser and particle guns to the point that they can be used against the visitors from space" It is this targeting of visiting extraterrestrials that concerns Hellyer, and he asks "is it wise to spend so much time and money to build weapon systems to rid the skies of alien visitors" Hellyer poignantly raises the key policy question: "Are they really enemies or merely legitimate explorers from afar" Hellyer's question raises profound importance in understanding the relationship between visiting extraterrestrial civilizations and world peace.

The third policy question arose from the recent decision by President Bush to build a base on the moon. Hellyer believes this is the activation of a plan first launched by Col Corso's mentor, Lt General Arthur Trudeau to build a base from which visiting extraterrestrials could be monitored and possibly targeted as they approach the Earth. Hellyer outlined his opposition to the weaponization of space, something that the liberal government of Canada is currently opposed to. The weaponization of space remains a key policy issue clearly has profound policy issues from the perspective of extraterrestrial visitors to Earth.

Finally, Hellyer declared that the "time has come to lift the veil of secrecy" and to have an "informed debate about a problem that doesn't officially exist" Understanding the evidence concerning the UFO phenomenon is vital to fully preparing citizens around the world for the truth concerning extraterrestrials, despite official denial and secrecy by those "in the loop". He calls for major global initiatives to fully prepare global citizenry for the truth. He endorses a position taken by key exopolitical researchers such as Alfred Webre to prepare for a "Decade of Contact" where humanity is prepared for the truth about extraterrestrial visitors through informed debate and education.

Paul Hellyer is the first senior politician to openly come out and declare the truth about the extraterrestrial presence. He is blazing a trail that many other senior politicians are destined to take. It will be wise if the world's senior politicians quickly learn more about this remarkable Canadian statesman and heed his important advise about data on extraterrestrial visitors and the "profoundly important policy questions that must be addressed"


Re: Astronaut Says Roswell Was Real and We Have Been Contacted By Aliens

Well, Spring 2008, did they released anything ?
Where are those secret files now, can we see them ?
Isn't the disclosure a proof that ETs are real ?
I don't get the part where they say they released it, but we don't hear about it, and can't see anything.
Am I wring if I want to see pictures and reports ?



Re: Astronaut Says Roswell Was Real and We Have Been Contacted By Aliens

If you skip to 1:40sec, the Vice Premier of Canada states that aliens came many years ago and warned us of the fate of our planet but we didn't listen. The rest of the 10 minute video also is about the recovered aircraft we had and how we were trying to back engineer this stuff.

One thing he doesn't talk about but that I will tell you is that we made an agreement with the ETs at that time to allow them to experiment on US citizens in return for technology. They gave us the technology and 50 years later we are just realizing that they purposely gave us technology that would never fully work and we still can't get our crafts engineered to operate fully.


Re: Astronaut Says Roswell Was Real and We Have Been Contacted By Aliens

You answered my questions pretty well, thanks.
That's an interesting video again.
That was the stuff I was asking for.

When are we going to see this in the main stream medias ?



Re: Astronaut Says Roswell Was Real and We Have Been Contacted By Aliens

Peter Jennings and Larry King are already on it. Let me see if I can find a clip or article on it.

The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Two-Hour Primetime Special


Almost 50 percent of Americans, according to recent polls, and millions of people elsewhere in the world believe that UFOs are real. For many it is a deeply held belief.

For decades there have been sightings of UFOs by millions and millions of people. It is a mystery that only science can solve, and yet the phenomenon remains largely unexamined. Most of the reporting on this subject by the mainstream media holds those who claim to have seen UFOs up to ridicule.
On Feb. 24, "Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs -- Seeing Is Believing" takes a fresh look at the UFO phenomenon. "As a journalist," says Jennings, "I began this project with a healthy dose of skepticism and as open a mind as possible. After almost 150 interviews with scientists, investigators and with many of those who claim to have witnessed unidentified flying objects, there are important questions that have not been completely answered -- and a great deal not fully explained."

This two-hour primetime special reports on the entire scope of the UFO experience -- from the first famous sighting by Kenneth Arnold in 1947 to the present day. The program draws on interviews with police officers, pilots, military personnel, scientists and ordinary citizens who give extraordinary accounts of encounters with the unexplained. Also included are the voices of professional skeptics about UFOs, including scientists who are leading the search for life forms beyond Earth elsewhere in the universe.
The program explores the facts behind the enduring mystery of the incident at Roswell, N.M., and looks into the strange stories of alien abductions. Among the UFO cases presented:
Minot Air Force Base, N.D., October 1968 -- Sixteen airmen on the ground and the crew of an airborne B-52 witness a massive unidentified object hovering near the base.

Phoenix, March 1997 -- Hundreds witness a huge triangular craft moving slowly over the city.

St. Clair County, Ill., January 2000 -- Police officers in five adjoining towns all independently report witnessing a giant craft with multiple bright lights moving silently across the sky at a very low altitude.

Today if you report a UFO to the U.S. government you will be informed that the Air Force conducted a 22-year investigation that ended in 1969 and concluded that UFOs are not a threat to national security and are of no scientific interest. But as one of the world's leading theoretical physicists says in the program, "You simply cannot dismiss the possibility that some of these UFO sightings are actually sightings from some object created by ... a civilization perhaps millions of years ahead of us in technology."
"Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs -- Seeing Is Believing" is produced by PJ Productions and Springs Media for ABC News. Mark Obenhaus and Tom Yellin are the executive producers.

Larry King


Re: Astronaut Says Roswell Was Real and We Have Been Contacted By Aliens

Here is something I'm not sure I really take very serious but the interesting part is that it took place in England--home of the eternal skeptics--and to this day, they still can't prove it was a hoax and don't know what it was. Just tune out the hokey pictures and nauseating music and just listen to the message. It's kind of neat. If it was a hoax, they did pretty good for 1977.

YouTube - Incredible BBC Interrupted 1977 by A Real Alien Message


Re: Astronaut Says Roswell Was Real and We Have Been Contacted By Aliens

I've seen this video last month, it's hard to know if it's true or not.
It could be true in my opinion, but I can't be sure.



Re: Astronaut Says Roswell Was Real and We Have Been Contacted By Aliens

Apollo 14 astronaut claims aliens HAVE made contact - but it has been covered up for 60 years
Last updated at 1:44 AM on 24th July 2008

Edgar Mitchell was the Lunar Module Pilot for Apollo 14

Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed.

Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA but each one was covered up.
Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as 'little people who look strange to us.'
He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.
Chillingly, he claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned 'we would be been gone by now'.
Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes following their 1971 mission.
'I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,' Dr Mitchell said.
'It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.


UFO theorists believe Roswell in New Mexico was the site of an alien crash in 1947

'I've been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of what has been public knowledge, yes - we have been visited. Reading the papers recently, it's been happening quite a bit.'

Dr Mitchell, who has a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering and a Doctor of Science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics claimed Roswell was real and similar alien visits continue to be investigated.
He told the astonished Kerrang! radio host Nick Margerrison: "This is really starting to open up. I think we're headed for real disclosure and some serious organisations are moving in that direction.'
Mr Margerrison said: 'I thought I'd stumbled on some sort of astronaut humour but he was absolutely serious that aliens are definitely out there and there's no debating it.'
Officials from NASA, however, were quick to play the comments down.

In a statement, a spokesman said: "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe.
'Dr Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue.'
