Clues left behind by John Titor? - 01

The real question is, do saucer UFO's work off the principles of anti-gravity, or is it a unique type of propulsion system that would count as work against gravity? Due to its maneuverability, it seems to be anti-gravity. I'm not going off topic here, UFO's are a type of time machine, just not the same type John was using. Space-time is integrated as one entity, to travel through space is to travel through time, offset spacial divergence. Therefore, to travel through time, you just need to cover a lot of ground in a short period. Travel near the speed of light, your time slows down while the universe continues on at normal pace. You are travelling to the FUTURE! It's a one way trip though, so don't let this happen:

I wont go into what rammed into the WTC buildings. That's anybody's guess...However on the Titor-mobile, how those black hole similar globes worked, where two approximation sleeve, or envelope Kerr non-definite localities black holes.

This double BH approximation works, like the action of a neon store front sign. So has the option to travel both into the future and back into the past, as the double sphere localities as based within their functional dynamics, have been made adjustable.

This is a similar situation to sitting at a floor show in Las Vegas, to where a girl on stage doing the 60s review on how to do the shimmy & shake can adjust her angle, on request. As in "Hey baby, can you tilt it this way and maybe shake it for me,.. this way"?

Stranger things have happened. For today, poster Einstein is our sunshine boy.He amazes me at every turn. Thanks guys ;)
You don't have to convince me...

That was about the same time I encountered a group of "investigators" to, what I now presume was, monitor my whereabouts in order to confirm my exclusion from involvement; deductive reasoning - I didn't do it.

I can tell you the core of what it was all about and you won't believe it or will dismiss and ignore it. I already have. No one cares. They are too busy peering around and between trees trying to spot the forest. Otherwise they are too busy playing "clean-up", trying to contain a potential disaster with truth.

I am still piecing things together, sorting things out, but I will summarize with a general overview of what I can gather and conclude: There is a vast grid-work of information frozen in time across many centuries, that reads like a message using various mediums and does not necessarily conform to the normal constraints of time as we normally perceive it. ...looks kinda like a great big connect the dots, ..or sort of like The Matrix or something.

There is a patch of dots, events and circumstances surrounding a lot of money and power and influence and big things. Within that patch is a string or cluster of events and some death and destruction that corresponds to people, some of them a family and friends network and regular everyday good folks. It kind of looks like a victims list or something, as if justice is being served. The 9/11 attacks is a cluster of dots, represents a small group of people who aren't terrorists.

I think someone is pissed off about something.
There is a patch of dots, events and circumstances surrounding a lot of money and power and influence and big things. Within that patch is a string or cluster of events and some death and destruction that corresponds to people, some of them a family and friends network and regular everyday good folks. It kind of looks like a victims list or something, as if justice is being served. The 9/11 attacks is a cluster of dots, represents a small group of people who aren't terrorists.

I think someone is pissed off about something.

It may have to do with attempted euthanasia?I had figured out with reference to cJD, that Mendellion wise, this projected happenstance does have the potential for happening. I'm really good at this technology, but my name is not John Harrison.
Sure. That's freedom of speech for you. Just lie and deceive till your hearts content.

Yes i agree with you...The postings i like most are those that are supported by links that dont exist, or the links have no relevance what so ever to what they are writing about.....I also like it when names of people are given out, and a simple search on those names again reveals either no relevance to what they are writing about, or just simply dont exist :LOL:.
be nice einstein, not everyone provides proof of their claims and it's ok.
they don't work for you.

Sure. That's freedom of speech for you. Just lie and deceive till your hearts content.

I can sit here and post evidence and explain how it all fits together for a while, would keep everyone busy. But in order to do so, I have to give a lot of specific verifiable information. In doing so, I would expose people's personal information and whatever level of involvement in whichever endeavors. And what is the consequence to that? What is the consequence to causing a lot of people to see reality as different, with physical elements added to their perception? (I can sit here and think of consequences all day long.)

There are good reasons for not doing so. That's not the lie. I will tell you what the lie is..

The lie is obstructing truth via manipulating everything. altering the posts that are a piece of a greater communication, claiming to own and author it as to control it, controlling the narrative as per a fiction, starting arguments and flooding or burying threads in order to prevent intelligent discussion, basically a myriad of tactics for no other reason that to control it and/or stir up shit and prevent this whole thing from being intelligent honest and fruitful.

There are consequences to the lies as well. All the people in control of the Titor-verse, all the claimed authority and experts, all the regulars and integral members are guilty of being manipulative, and appear aware of the underlying context to some degree.

Not. Good.
@ Einstein

I'll give an example of the lie.

For whatever reasons, the people controlling the narrative decided to spin it as a hoax. But it's not a hoax. It's communication. Someone is pointing things out and someones are trying to prevent that by obfuscating and whatnot. And I know that's what they're doing because there are all kinds of other things everywhere else outside of the Titor-verse pointing to the same things. (It stands out when something has been altered or removed because it breaks pattern and context, etc)

So I see this and go to TTI and call them out on it. And I was immediately banned. (this is not the only blatant move Cosmo has pulled).

Now, why would he do that? Why mess with it and control it in the first place? And when busted, why try to lie about it or blatantly reject the truth and ban people? When I continue to call him out, he threatens to call my ISP like a bitch or some such shit. Why?

Considering the level of importance and nature of what's in there, considering indications that Cosmo is aware of at least some of it, when considering etc etc etc.... it says that he is an evil person into some really evil things. Whatever, ...

...but the lie is not being honest with me about it. I'm not your average enthusiast. This stuff effects my life on a personal level, and people like that are fuking with me with their games. THAT is the lie, and they know it, do it intentionally.

BAD BAD BAD moves.
When I hear about Cosmo and Pamela and Kay and all the liars and manipulators and their families getting slaughtered, I am not going to feel sorry for them. I am instead going to remember all of the times they had the chance to do the right thing and chose to fuck with people's lives instead, including my own.

I may even celebrate.
