Diseases and Plagues


Senior Member
Have you notice there is one news story after another regarding the CDC and viruses. One of these days we will find out that we are really screwed and we can't do anything about it as we are either too sick or just plain dead. Poisoned by air, chemtrails...by water, contamination...or food, contamination. We are all like sitting ducks. Quack you I say...if I were a duck!


Have you notice there is one news story after another regarding the CDC and viruses.

You have a point. Viruses aren't really news anymore. They will never end. They always mutate and replicate. The media tries to make us freak out about them, though.


Active Member
Check this out! A new way to administer antidote shots from afar for medical professionals. I think this is a great way to insure the health and safety of physicians when dealing with severely infected patients.


Senior Member
Check this out! A new way to administer antidote shots from afar for medical professionals. I think this is a great way to insure the health and safety of physicians when dealing with severely infected patients.
You may be right...the government releases mutated viruses into society and they will claim infected people will need to be shot to prevent the spread of this horrible disease. This disease will be called zombiemania and the shot to the head antidote will be done with our safety in mind, for the greater good of society. Population reduction, here we come.


Interesting Fact: Media once had us panicking about H1N1. It is still around and is mutating and they are making the vaccine every year, yet because media isn't talking about it anymore, nobody cares. It all comes down to just getting vaccinated and taking proper precautions as usual. No need for widespread chaos.

The 2013-2014 trivalent influenza vaccine is made from the following three viruses:

  • an A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
  • an A(H3N2) virus antigenically like the cell-propagated prototype virus A/Victoria/361/2011;
  • a B/Massachusetts/2/2012-like virus.
What You Should Know for the 2013-2014 Influenza Season - CDC

I believe in vaccines. My kid has asthma. He shouldn't get the flu. Just IMHO.


Senior Member
One of these days they will say..."sorry this disease got away from us" or they may say nothing. Remember the flick The Stand?

Vials of Smallpox Found Unsecured in NIH Bethesda Storage Room
Vials of the most severe strain of smallpox were found unsecured in an unused storage room on the National Institutes of Health Bethesda campus. Authorities say there was no risk of public exposure to the disease.
Posted by Deb Belt (Editor) , July 08, 2014 at 03:48 PM
Link to full story
Vials of Smallpox Found Unsecured in NIH Bethesda Storage Room - Around the Region - Gaithersburg, MD Patch

walt willis

Senior Member
I am not so sure that you what to know about the 70 dead people that our government collected the puss from about three years ago.

I am pretty sure they did this as a way to build a Bio weapon from that material.

It was reported to me that it was a 90% killer virus of the Emboli family.

I received my training from the feds back in 2000 and was shocked to hear that the Russians have very little control over their stockpile of a very dangerous cocktail mix of smallpox based bio weapons.

This material could be transported via a human host and carried anywhere in the world in days.

Bio weapons tend to grow legs once released into the public domain.

The week long school went on both day and night as there was much to cover.

If the bad guys ever found a was to deliver this material effectively, the world could lose half it's population in just a year.


Senior Member
I am not so sure that you what to know about the 70 dead people that our government collected the puss from about three years ago.

I am pretty sure they did this as a way to build a Bio weapon from that material.

It was reported to me that it was a 90% killer virus of the Emboli family.

I received my training from the feds back in 2000 and was shocked to hear that the Russians have very little control over their stockpile of a very dangerous cocktail mix of smallpox based bio weapons.

This material could be transported via a human host and carried anywhere in the world in days.

Bio weapons tend to grow legs once released into the public domain.

The week long school went on both day and night as there was much to cover.

If the bad guys ever found a was to deliver this material effectively, the world could lose half it's population in just a year.
I wasn't aware of the 70 people who were puss donors? There are probably a lot of things out there that I am not aware of. I'm attaching info on smallpox but any virus can be deadly and like you said they can grow legs. We are interconnected to everyone else so the spreading of a disease would move like a wildfire.
During the 20th century, it is estimated that smallpox was responsible for 300–500 million deaths.[5][6][7] In the early 1950s an estimated 50 million cases of smallpox occurred in the world each year.[8] As recently as 1967, the World Health Organization estimated that 15 million people contracted the disease and that two million died in that year.[8] After successful vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the WHO certified the eradication of smallpox in December 1979.[8] To this day, smallpox is the only human infectious disease to have been completely eradicated.[9] Maybe...maybe not


Junior Member
One of these days a super bug will evolve or scientists may help it evolve and we will end up in a similar situation as the movie, "The Stand". It will spread like wildfire and we will be history, at least most of us.
The GuardianDeadly New Virus Found in Humans
In a report released Thursday, the CDC warned against a virus -- that had previously not been seen in humans -- that has killed 8.
Where the outbreak has been seen

This to change is very easy if one knows Biology and Chemistry and a bit of Immunology.
