Does an electric field or a magnetic field have mass


Senior Member
Ok, Seriously Sir Francis, how can ANYTHING Exhist, On This PHYSICAL PLANE, IF it Did Not Posses A Fraction Of "Mass" , Especialy When E=mcSquared is a Tad of Law here? IF Einsteins Equation Exists One Way, It HAS To Exist The Other Way , If I Am Not Mistaken. Imho. MASS = ENERGY, CONVERSELY, ENERGY HAS TO = MASS. Yes??


New Member
You mention that the "U" in your equation is not the same as the "E" in E=mc^2. In fact, it is exactly the same.
I think you misread my post. I was referring to the electric field in the equation for energy density.

I did make at least one mistake, though. The equation for total energy should have contained a volume integral instead of assuming the energy density is everywhere the same. I was hoping someone would point it out.

Anyway, I just wanted to point out more or less the "official" viewpoint, whether or not I agree with it.


Senior Member
I'll say this once
EM fields are massless, it's why they can oscillate at the speed of light(for para to even exist).
They are called forcefields. Equation for force is Force=mass x acceleration (F=ma)
How can forceless forcefields push mass electrons around?

obviously mass hasn't been correctly identified.

mass is one condition of the aether material
EM fields is another condition of the aether material.

what would be their difference? well only way to answer that is to correctly identify the aether and it's conditional states.


Hi time geeks, does a electric field and a magnetic field have mass:unsure:
they are the 2 dominant forces of your universe.. you got no other force unless put into place by the deep state.. albert einstein was good but he worked for the group to later make up the deep state.. while tesla was freelance.. this is why einstein is where einstein is in your twisted history and tesla is not.. both were good.. just one an independent freelance and the other work for the system of humans.. and if you know humans you know modern 'humans' ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS you will learn it with .. time


by the way you will never
1. see your earth in a photo.. you know real photo from outside in.. lets say turn around the hubble showing you your lovely earth in all its glory
2. be able to dig into the earth deep enough to figure where you are.. it wont let you
3. get into high orbit unless allowed and you are NOT allowed .. you are allowed only into low orbit and orbit is not quite what you think it is
4. get beyond antarctica unless you wage a real physical war and win it.. and no you DO NOT pop back up north
5. have an explanation as to what gravity is.. your species simply work gravity into anything they do not understand.. they will say gravity does it.. not a single proof or evidence while you can clearly BUT CLEARLY see 100's of mile with the new advanced camera beyond any curve formula.. and no IT IS NOT MIRAGE
6. understand dark matter which DOES exist.. but even the ones who already understand you are not on a ball do not understand dark matter because they are very low level on the evolution scale of civilizatins.. you are yet to even get to 1.. and your deep state try to get you to 1 in the ABSOLUTE WORST POSSIBLE WAY THERE IS.. but dont worry they will make sure your tumtum is happy and your iphone is near at any given moment.. this they cant allowe you to lose or risk because then you WILL come for their necks.. and that THEY cant allow.


Senior Member
You do not need mass to time travel. It's in the credentials but you do not need any mass at all. That I can prove. Very simple that's why batteries were Invented.
