Does the positive side of tribalism/racism outshine the negative side?

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
Yes. We have better tools to help us make ourselves extinct.
Or we have the tools to make this world a paradise, free of care or want. If we destroy ourselves it won't be because of our advanced technology. It will be because of our not so advanced senses of morality...compassion and kindness.

Technology isn't bad or good, their use however is subject to every human emotion.

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
Or we have the tools to make this world a paradise, free of care or want.

Yuk. Sounds like hell.

We do not define paradise the same way.

We do not have the required tool to solve our main problems.

We do not have the political will to elect an environmental Czar, so to speak, as that type of power would have to be given him. Basically a world leader.



Senior Member
This is the thing, it shouldn't be controversial. Science isn't about controversy...Facts do not care about your feelings.

True science isn't about feelings. But a lot of times it's twisted for that exact purpose.
On BOTH sides of the aisle.
Anyway---I tend to think that as a whole different groups of people (with truckloads of exceptions)
tend to fit different categories of things. Every group has something to contribute, which is a nice thing not a bad thing.
This doesn't necessarily make one group better over another per se.
It could mean that these groups were originally not supposed to mix sure.
I'm open to that. The thing is you go around saying that and it does zero good at this point
because let's face it----we're all mixed now and the majority seem to like it that way.
But----the majority is quite often wrong about things. Look at the chaos that seems to be much higher
than at any point than before now that all the groups are mixed together.

Everyone is an individual regardless of race, color, creed.
Anyone can and should try to succeed at whatever they want to.
Now that we are all mixed together the end result seems to be endless fighting amongst the
groups. This could actually ironically be a form of tribalism in and of itself---ironically CAUSED by
the groups coming together. Multiculturalism (in an EXTREME form) might CREATE tribalism due to an innate racism
present in everyone----minorities included. When almost every commercial no longer features white people (I know plenty do, but many don't know, and we're talking quasi-hypothetically) whites start to feel left out. When whites attack blacks in one instance the media goes all in.
If a black attacks a white or another black it isn't focused on as much. When whites figure this
out the end result is that they end up not liking black people and vice versa.

It's complicated. Every time I've ever tried to get into this kind of discussion I am misunderstood by
damn near everyone. And it's a risky thing to do. You either get called a racist or a liberal snowflake.
I'm neither. I see things as they are. Things are screwed up.
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Senior Member
There may need to be a definitive wording for "bad racism" and "good racism"
but call it something different. And don't discriminate against people.
Just recognize difference without hurting each other.
The only way to respect a difference is to RECOGNIZE it
