E.T. contacts, part one, galactic light beings


Because of your interest on higher dimensions, i decided to share some experiences I have had with several kind of extraterrestrials in a multidimensional level. At first I want to share an experience where some very intelligent beings helped me to understand higher and lower vibrations.

In one large spacecraft, which contains species from many dimensions, I found ones who called themselves "Galactic light beings". Usually telepathic entities do not use names, but it was the closest description I can translate to english. They understood my interest on vibrations, so they created a dimensional experience, and via my allowance i shifted into some kind of spacetime vortex.

As I put my consciousness on this tube, tube sucked me down, and meanwhile I felt horrible emptiness and fear while going under. No matter how I tried to get out, the tunnel sucked more and more.

At this time light beings informed me just to let go of the tube. So I stopped to believe I am in a tube, I started to get my focus out of it and my consciousness shifted to the place where I started the experience. They told me that if sometimes I find myself on these negative situations, the best way to get out is to stop focusing on them and more like let go of that state rather than trying to get out of these vibrations.

I was asking about how to focus on a higher vibrational levels, and they represent the idea more like 'the more you let go, more you shift to higher levels' it is like an automatic process. This also happen when we die or fall a sleep, consciousness goes to higher vibes when we let this world go. And we can come back when we decide to focus again on this life.

This was my first story about my multidimensional interactions on higher beings, next time I can give descriptions about how their spacecraft, based on vibrational levels, works and how they attract consciousness into these ships. Of course, without our allowance it is very unlikely to match in a timeline where you shift there, but if one which to experience it, they are happy to share their teachings.

If you do not want to believe these are true contacts, it is ok to me and I respect your points of view as well. But if you enjoyed this story, I feel happy to answer questions about the galactic light beings :)

Snake Plissken

I believe..
Good Vibrations

I like your Posts Voyageur. They always have a good feel to them. I am interested in the Galactic Light beings.

How does an Earthling contact them?

Why aren't they helping us evolve?


Good Vibrations

I like your Posts Voyageur. They always have a good feel to them. I am interested in the Galactic Light beings.

How does an Earthling contact them?

Why aren't they helping us evolve?
Nice to hear you liked it. They are helping us in several ways. Usually humans need to believe that they do exists before they offer their help. Extraterrestrials do not want to force us to admit their existence.

I would suggest that you start to let go of the idea that your dreams are just your imagination. Ok, they are, but so is is life here too, it exists only when you look focus on it. So, learning things as astral projection combined with the idea, that what you create, is your consciousness shifting trough realities.

When you learn to spend time in multidimensional realities, you can justask them. Usually if you focus enough to some sort of extraterrestrials, you shift in to a timeline, in frequencional dimension which is so close to their frequency, and you actually meet them.

They already hear your thoughts, if you focus them enough. So even you can not do a statement that you have met them, you can communicate them unconsciously. I think you have communicated with several races at least in some way, because you are at this forum. Has everyone of us? Maybe :)


What is their real collective name?

Surely they don't refer to themselves as Galactic Light beings?

They do not have it. They are just collective beings, and maybe they have not been so much observing earth, that they would relalize our ways of speaking. When they comminicate non-verbally, they do not have a need to make a name.

Usually races do not have a names, humans mainly give them names, such as greys (I believe it is just made by humans). Of course there are races who has spent time in physical form and know how to speak, and have names but GLB's haven't been experiencing physical life and things as "speaking".

Many races are a little confused why names are so imporant for us. And I did not spent so much time with them, so I could tell more about their background. All I know is that they do not spend so much time on semi-physical realities, rather in higher dimensions but they come sometimes at these semi-physical vibrations.


Junior Member
Very interesting. How long have you been in contact? How did you first have contact and come to know about them and their existence. Did they reach out to you first?


Very interesting. How long have you been in contact? How did you first have contact and come to know about them and their existence. Did they reach out to you first?
I have been contacting different worlds before I came here in this life, but in here I made some sort of contacts in the end of the year 2012. At that time ETs liked to contact more to us. I just strongly got interested to them, and they communicated in a subconscious level with me, and I took a part of their implant programs. At first it was scary, but when I understood the implant's meaning, I am glad that I have met them :)

The GLB's was not the first ones, and they was not responsible for implants. I just met them in this large spacecraft.


What's your take on these things that hang around me all the time...

I do not know. What do you think?

Maybe you are crossconnecting some kind of consciousness level, where happens such kind of things. I am not saying you are making those up, but you simply shift an alternative timeline where those appear. Have you been connecting to something lately? Sometimes, when we cannot make a physical lifeform to our 3D life, we shift in somewhere between our and their worlds, where happen some sort of things like that. When I am on my physical body and I try to get in frequencies out of this level, I only see things in my eyes, for example dods around everything I am focused on. Maybe they are some sort of vortexes what you observe when you are on an alternative state of consciousness?


Of course they can be a representation of a lifeform that is wanting to communicate with you, some sort of collective consciousness of some race, but it cannot come true to your "matrix". Ask them who they are? :)
