Ever seen a ghost?

Have you ever seen a ghost?

  • I see dead people

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Nope

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Re: Ever seen a ghost?

kc wildman said:
but if she had told you all your life you were psycic:confused: would that make it so???? would your mind do it/ make it happen???? cause you think it should:eek:

Thats what I got from seeing the promos for the show. Even psychic abilities are campy now days.


Active Member
Re: Ever seen a ghost?

I've seen ghosts a lot of times.

To me they look like shadows. I could see them walking around at night, and they'd look into my room at me when I was a teenager. When I was 8 I was going through a UFO phase where I was obsessed with UFO's and Aliens, and I woke up one night to see a tall shadow person with a short shadow person and they were holding hands, they looked at me and turned to walk down the hallway. They turned towards the part where the hallway ended, it was my moms room and the bathroom. I got up and ran screaming into her room to warn her aliens were in there but I couldn't find the shadow people anywhere. Scared me out of seeing them for a few years.

I've been to a psychic, and she's told me that when I was younger something scared me away from seeing them, and that its okay. She says I have 'peripheral vision' which means I see them out of the corner of my eyes. And here I thought I was schizo :p Knowing whats going on helped me a lot.

You need to accept what you see for what it is.


Re: Ever seen a ghost?

I could see them walking around at night, and they'd look into my room at me when I was a teenager.
Wow, perhaps you're watching TV to much ?
Do you think they were watching you, what were they doing ?



Senior Member
Re: Ever seen a ghost?

I remember something similar to this happening to me when I was much younger... I can't recall any specifics though. I would continuously see someone out of the corner of my eye in my room.


Re: Ever seen a ghost?

Webnower said:
I remember something similar to this happening to me when I was much younger... I can't recall any specifics though. I would continuously see someone out of the corner of my eye in my room.
I did experience that a few times, long ago. I guess it happens to most people.
You see something, and when you turn around, it's gone.
I wonder if it's really something hiding from our sight, or just in our heads, like something that is seen by the eyes, but not properly processed by the brain.

Oh, my head hurts !

How did it stop happening ? Did you stop noticing about it ?



Senior Member
Re: Ever seen a ghost?

I don't really remember it stopping at any one point; it must have been something that happened gradually. Same thing with my deja vu dreams; I used to have them ALL THE TIME. I still have them but they happen further and further apart.


Active Member
Re: Ever seen a ghost?

Your more apt to see spirits at a younger age cus your own spirit has recently entered your body... If that makes sense.

Like you've just been born, you can see a lot more, but the older you get, the farther you get from that world, then when your closer to death you are able to see them better again.

Haha thats what I thought as a kid! I was like, oh no, I have to stop watching tv. But I knew I saw something and it was such a horrible feeling at the time. I talked to a psychic and she said if I wanted to I could do channeling in the future. Today I saw a shadow walking in my room. Which is funny cus my new place doesn't have very much spirit energy. And I haven't seen a shadow person in a long time. When I was a kid, our hallway was a circle, and it was six doors, the one to the living room, bathroom, kitchen, my room, moms room, and basement. I used to see them going from room to room, once in awhile they'd look in on me like they were curious.

I know it sounds crazy but I need to be honest with myself and what I saw.


Re: Ever seen a ghost?

I do not know what to believe. On three occasions I have seen something unexplainable and it most likely saved my life. I really do not like to talk about it. On another occasion I meet something which possible could have caused me great harm. Fortunately I did not get involved.


Re: Ever seen a ghost?

Ever seen This pic ?
We see the ghost pretty clearly, the pic's quality isn't that bad for an old one.


Please, don't call it a fake to early ! ;)



Active Member
Re: Ever seen a ghost?

It looks like the ones were they combine the pictures. I don't want to call it a fake, but I've seen fakes just like that before. I actually have a picture like that of my friend with his head to the side of his body.
