Evidence of Advanced Civilizations living on Earth more than 100,000 years ago?


Senior Member
The Earth wasn't solid at the time.
Glancing doesn't get us the extra iron core we have (and the Moon lacks.)

But you already told us the Moon was coalesced (forming into a mass from debris) therefore the Earth must have been solid at the moment of impact from another planet..You argued against yourself Hartey :ROFLMAO:

Sampling on the Moon has established that it came from Earth.
The Moon was never a planet on its own. It coalesced in Earth orbit from debris created by the impact of Earth with another planet very early on in the formation of the interior rocky planets.



@ Harte...

losing moon.JPG

This is but one example I could find and I assure you I was very lazy at my attempt to find it. This said, will the moon have some similarity in composition to the earth? Yes obviously. Why? Because all things are made from the same stuff. Every planet may have something others don't have but for the most part they will share more compositions then not. Why is this? Simple for the most part what we find in space we can find on earth thus we can hypothesize with great accuracy what might be present on other planets. It allows us to build robots to look for these things on other planets for a very very long time now.

Based on what we found "on the moon" and "Mars for the most part" is what we expected to find. Why? Because it is a planet in our solar system. This should be obvious for the most part. Will there be stuff that we can't find on earth. Yes... Why? Because gravity, radiation and composition will have different effects If exposed differently. Example expose rubber to ice or expose iron to salt things start to happen. These are simple facts.

There is no contradiction when it comes basic facts and known science. How we understand it might change as we get better at seeing the world with our instruments. Atomically we should be identical to almost everything else because "atoms". Carbon is carbon if found on other planets and space.

In short I can contradict every word you say to every breath you take. It is possible for me and millions of others to go on the net and find that one study that doesn't agree with you. Why is this? Because despite everything if a statement reaches and echo chamber no matter how false it is, people will accept it as fact. We see it in social media all the time.

So where are you at? Do you want to know the truth, then question everything. Want to know the answers "get smarter" Smart people listen and hardly ever contradict because they know anything is possible. If not here then somewhere where natural forces allow for it.

Can a tornado build a supper computer? The conditions has to be perfect for it to happen but as slim as the possibility is, it is possible. Earth is not that old despite what people believe I say this because ALL OF CREATION IS THE SAME AGE. It cannot be otherwise. If all things resulted from a single event then all things was birthed at the exact same time. They changed and got destroyed over time but fundamentally all things must be the same age. There is no new and old, there is only composition and situation. Once you realize this "everything" changes.

That is why I asked you repeatedly where does things come from. Simple truth is they can only exist because things before them existed that created the condition for it to exist. END. It is an absolute fact that cannot be debunked or denied. But it will take "them" a thousand years to realize they had the answers two thousand years ago. It will take them countless wasted hours and lives to realize that we have a fundamental truth, that truth is things exist because the conditions of existing things allowed for it.

So am I wrong? You know you can't answer me because all things comes back to a simple binary truth and nothing can rewrite it. Sure they can fight against it but every hundred years we go back to the basics because we where wrong about so many things.

So I say bring to the table anything that doesn't exist out of something that already existed and I will show you a lie. Why? Because even man made materials and things that you cannot find in nature was still made from the basic building blocks that all things are made from. I mean look what happens when we start to split atoms? We unleash a power that can destroy all things.

That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.

We have always known the truth but many had denied it. At this point I digress...

have a good day.


@Harte I am curious about your opinion of Mars. Do you believe there used to be an advanced civilization on Mars? Why or why not?

I think I read somewhere that Mars displays proof of a nuclear blast. Not everybody believes it, though.

"Dr. Lars Borg, a scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, called Brandenburg’s conclusions unsurprising -- and part of known geological processes, not a nuclear reaction."

So, with or without a nuclear explosion, do you think intelligent life every existed on Mars?


Senior Member
I've read that claim. I wasn't impressed.
It's not impossible that there was once life on Mars though.
Highly unlikely it ever developed into intelligent life, much less any advanced culture.
It would be cool to be wrong though.



Active Member
I've read multiple sides about a nuclear Mars incident.

Going over some of the article and tossing some ideas out...

Ever wonder why the red planet is red?
It's called iron oxide (rust).

About 180 million years ago, a planet-shattering yet naturally occurring nuclear reaction may have wiped out everything on Mars, sending a shockwave that turned the planet into dry sand.
A natural nuclear reaction blowing up Mars as claimed isn't possible. The uranium ore that would generate this massive event would have to be weapons grade and in a very high concentration. Even if it was, it would have fissioned itself out during planetary formation. At best this would have melted rocks and made a volcano like lava flow.

Mars going dry and airless is mostly due to a lack of a magnetic field and the atomsphere being blown off into space by solar winds. This includes all the older gases. 180million years is plenty of time for a recovery from a large impact or detonation. Scientists claim Mars has been dry and lifeless for a long time, but they only have a guess and no real hard proof.

“A nuclear explosion could have sent debris all around the planet," he said. "Maps of gamma rays on Mars show a big red spot that seems like a radiating debris pattern ... on the opposite side of the planet there is another red spot."
Single spots don't seem to indicate a natural process. A couple large detonations wouldn't be enough to strip the atmosphere and dry the planet.

According to Brandenburg, the natural explosion, the equivalent of 1 million one-megaton hydrogen bombs, occurred in the northern Mare Acidalium region of Mars where there is a heavy concentration of radioactivity.
We really don't want to meet the aliens who are capable of tera-ton level nuclear events.

This explosion filled the Martian atmosphere with radio-isotopes as well, which are seen in recent gamma ray spectrometry data taken by NASA, he said.
If these isotopes can still be easily read in the atmosphere and on the ground from orbiters, then they happened in "recent" geological history. "Recent" is probably defined as less than 50k years. These are probably mixed with other natural radioactive sources that could skew the numbers.

Brandenburg said gamma ray spectrometry taken over the past few years shows spiking radiation from Xenon 129 -- an increase also seen on Earth after a nuclear reaction or a nuclear meltdown, including the one at Chernobyl in 1986 and the disaster in Japan earlier this month.
Notable Xenon 129 concentrations only comes from reactors or nuclear detonations. Older Xenon 129 gasses would have been blown off into space by now by the solar winds.

If Xenon 129 really is increasing naturally, that would seem to indicate an extremely concentrated vein of uranium that is off gassing.

If Xenon 129 is increasing unnaturally, that would seem to indicate that aliens (or maybe idiot humans from the secret space force) had a meltdown in their underground reactor.

And there are more pressing issues, including missions to find extraterrestrial life. “You have to assess the importance of the question relative to the cost of answering the question,” he said.
As I said before, we really don't want to meet the aliens who are capable of tera-ton level nuclear events.

Still, Beaty expressed doubts, saying the geological conditions on this planet and Mars have existed for millennia -- what exists has existed for a long time, and there are few sudden changes. “Rocks are what they are. [A natural nuclear reaction] could happen in another billion years, but it is not something to make you want to go home to your family and move to the mountains right away,” he said.
"Millennia" is in the lower thousands, not millions. And he's right about the mountains. Any aliens capable of tera-ton level nuclear events would level mountains. There's no place to run or hide.

Brandenburg -- who once worked at Livermore himself -- defended his research, arguing that defense experts he talked to off the record said they agreed there are signs of a nuclear reaction.
Weapons specialists tend to agree on the Xenon 129 issue. The "scientists" who deny it are the same ones who call UFO sightings just a high speed weather balloon filled with swamp gas and piloted by crash test dummies. Those dummy bastards really seem to enjoy going on joy rides in the sky.

A massive nuclear explosion on Mars would have created huge craters on the surface, visible from orbiting telescopes like Hubble and from the Mars rovers. Brandenburg said such craters could have filled in with sand over the past 180 million years, leaving no visual cues to prove the theory.
This statement would seem to support constant bombardment by smaller nuclear devices instead of a few larger ones.

Another possibility is that the reaction occurred in mid-air and did not leave a crater -- which is exactly what happened at the Tunguska event in Russia in 1909, presumably by a large comet.
Excluding nuclear bunker busters, all the other nuclear weapons are supposed to be detonated some hundreds to thousands of feet in the air depending on the yield. Airbursts are meant to burn the ground as far as possible, not dig holes. Holes are dug by meteor impacts.

So I'm not convinced that these Xenon 129 concentrations are natural, and that's my $0.02.


I hate to pop a few bubbles here but CRT monitors is hard to find and doing stupid stuff with them is dangerous and it would be irresponsible to speak about it.

However here is the thing and disproving this going to be both easy and impossible at the same time. Like it or not everything exist and yet it doesn't exist. We spoke about simulation theory and hypothesis around it for a long time now. Why? Because it is the only thing that can justify time-travel because "laws" can be changed and they do change while we observe them at times. At this point I digress.

It is not speculation however... We are SIMs and our God is the code writer, the builder of this simulation. Like it or not a simulation cannot "just exist". Nope there is a lot that must happen for it to exist and because it exist and we can proof this easily actually... The reality is everything we base our knowledge on is best guess... Once we get close to the truth we may not find what we want but what we will find is yes... We are energy... Yes for the most part we are real... But define reality... It is at this point you will realize you can't
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@ Harte >>

More to the point there is this big laser that shoots at a reflector on the moon and it is showing a slow drift. This was documented and I saw it for the first time many many years ago on TV. I learned since then that many academics "not that you will have the willingness to accept or believe any of them" has pointed to this. But at this point it is a question of intent rather then information.

Some take the time to understand it and others will just dismiss everything because they can. They know this action creates anger and frustration. Thus their goal is to anger and frustrate. They don't care for the truth and the many conditions that exist to make a truth, a truth. They don't care about insight or understanding. Their goal is not to learn but to stop others from learning. Why? I don't know...

The truth is not always welcomed. I learned this the hard way.

Truth is things are happening, they will have an effect on all life and eventually these conditions, situations and physical constructs will create the "perfect storm". This event will not be recorded in time because nothing will be left to record it. There will be no remanence of it. Look at the stars we see their light but sadly all that is left is their light.

More to the point when we realize nothing is accidental this should be scary. Once we can mathematically rule out chance and work with a binary truth, only then we will realize how incredibly balanced everything has to be for anything to exist.

It is why things are dead and gone, it is why new things took it's place. Civilizations disappear all the time, even in modern times. Cultures absorbed each other to the point that no originality exist anymore. Languages die, building styles die and records gets rewritten and changed because no one can remember the originals anymore. Rediscovery will occur "and it does" and it will go away again... and this also happen. thePattern == true... it always does

If you for whatever reason believe otherwise, it is your free will to do so. But the numbers will always be 2 3 5 and 8... and time will always work back to 6. The one is nature the other is human? It is all around you it is with you and it is defining you. It will change you. There is no getting around it, there is no upside or downside... The truth is binary it always was. The one condition allows another and the other allows for nothing... Strange how it works so perfectly.


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