For how long have you been trying to travel back in time?


Senior Member
To be fair to the majority of people, using the word "Time" is the most convenient way to describe it, or would you prefer this..

Time is the indefinite progression of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through to the present to the future..Time is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience...

Iam sticking with the word..Time (y) :LOL:


Junior Member
No such thing as time is the most important statement in this post,to keep it brief after many years of 'searching' myself I do believe we live in some sort of matrix which can be accessed like a DVDs any point and that there are lots of these DVDs side by side and that it is possible to move to any point on them.How it's done I have plenty of ideas and thoughts but no solid proof,but I think it's all there to be accessed by devices like the chronovisor.I don't think we will ever understand how it all works until we understand the nature of reality itself,like Einstein said time is relative to the observer.

You are getting it..
