šŸ›”ļø Debate Hdr Debate

HDR is a device I like to use. It has help me to visualize future events as well as to prepare. People who make fun of the unit have no idea how hard astral travel is. I always had trouble with exteriorization before I got my unit. However, that is no longer the case. I have gone repeatedly to future time regions. Have most of the future map out, but there are still some area. Those I still need to make. Like what exactly causes food shortages to occur. I hope more remote viewers will jump in. Well, they can fill in the missing pieces.

HDR is a device I like to use. It has help me to visualize future events as well as to prepare. People who make fun of the unit have no idea how hard astral travel is. I always had trouble with exteriorization before I got my unit. However, that is no longer the case. I have gone repeatedly to future time regions. Have most of the future map out, but there are still some area. Those I still need to make. Like what exactly causes food shortages to occur. I hope more remote viewers will jump in. Well, they can fill in the missing pieces.


If you say that Astral Time Travel is traveling to the future and seeing the future using your own thoughts, then my definition varies greatly.

Astral time traveling, in my terms, is when you send memories to the past in order to change the past-future. I'd explain more in-depth, with a few charts detailing the frequencies and whatnot, but sadly, I'm uncapable of obtaining my work at the moment. For now, I'd like to say that astral time traveling is simply traveling to change the past for a 'better' future.

And by the way, this HDR device allows preparation for the future. However, survival books for your future "famine" and magazines would do the same, wouldn't they? And if it really shows multiple futures, then of course, it may differ from person to person, rendering the HDR device void in actually determining the future, does it not? And even if the image stays the same for multiple people, then does that mean that we have no control over fate? Is our life mapped out for us as we know it?

I still highly doubt the usage of such a device.
Hi TimeT:

There were people using RV in the 80's, but not many.
It was in the 90's that RV took off and became news.
Still, few investors use this technology now.

Those that use it are tip lipped about it for obvious reason. Like they are using it to make money. However, many saw a complete collapse of the american economy. According to them financial catastrophe is just around the corner.

TAKEN FROM http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Boehner-withdraws-from-debt-apf-3051861922.html?x=0
"President Barack Obama said Friday night that House Speaker John Boehner was "walking away" from negotiations to raise the nation's debt ceiling and avert financial catastrophe."
I'm a little curious. People who say HDR is pointless or does not work. Have you used it and gained enough empirical evidence to state what you're saying? I've not used it, so can't say either-way despite what science suggests or what Stephen Hawking suggests. They're all theories when it comes to it until proven and it does not matter whether its Stephen Hawking or Steven Gibbs. Hawking has great theories, but nothing proven and same goes for others :)

Anyways I like this site. and no offense to others
I'm a little curious. People who say HDR is pointless or does not work. Have you used it and gained enough empirical evidence to state what you're saying? I've not used it, so can't say either-way despite what science suggests or what Stephen Hawking suggests. They're all theories when it comes to it until proven and it does not matter whether its Stephen Hawking or Steven Gibbs. Hawking has great theories, but nothing proven and same goes for others :)

Anyways I like this site. and no offense to others

I think it's a matter of claims vs. evidence, not theories vs. evidence. I can have a theory that Jupiter is shrinking without real evidence to support it. If I claim Jupiter is shrinking, I need something to back it up with.

In the case of HDR, it's all claims and zero evidence.

My personal opinion is that it's junk. If I'm shown something unexplainable by conventional means, I'd be willing to admit I was wrong :)
Cosmo - you missed my point, or I did a poor job of stating it. But I agree what you mean.
I have read quite a few counts by many different people online about HDR and heard from callers on the Radio that their experiences have been unexplained. I think the jury is still out there.
The HDR is all about claims, but not much about evidence, sadly.

I never heard of any credible person try the HDR and then come here and explain the thing like it should have been for a decade. It doesn't matter if the HDR works or not. It's about backing up your claims when you say the HDR is fake, or real.

I'm still waiting for someone who's going to try the HDR, post his results here, explain the device and fully understand it. :)
Hold the phone there a moment Num, the whole crux of the matter pivots on the fact that that placebo either works or it does not.

Why is it that in, ALL these years, since the nonsense started, no one has been able to bring forward evidence that proves the gizmo works?

The smoking gun is glaringly obvious due to the absence of anything worth while. Who do you know that is foolish enough to waste any kind of money on a placebo in order to prove it does not work? All the claims from timenonsense central show there has always been a severe lack of veracity when it came to any claim.

What's the sense in turning the table into a strawman point of "Prove It Does Not Work"?
