🛡️ Debate Hdr Debate

The problem with the HDR, is that most people who say it works aren't credible enough to back their claims and make their points, or just don't care about doing so. HDRKID doesn't post much content directly related to the HDR. DrZ posted videos in which he looked way confused about using the device. I know some people are using the HDR out there, they just don't debate it on here.

Himalayan Hermit, can you post some of the stories you read online about the HDR?
The problem with the HDR, is that most people who say it works aren't credible enough to back their claims and make their points, or just don't care about doing so. HDRKID doesn't post much content directly related to the HDR. DrZ posted videos in which he looked way confused about using the device. I know some people are using the HDR out there, they just don't debate it on here.

Himalayan Hermit, can you post some of the stories you read online about the HDR?

I miss Dr. Z's time machine made of steel pipes and office chair wheels.
The problem with the HDR, is that most people who say it works aren't credible enough to back their claims and make their points, or just don't care about doing so. HDRKID doesn't post much content directly related to the HDR. DrZ posted videos in which he looked way confused about using the device. I know some people are using the HDR out there, they just don't debate it on here.

Himalayan Hermit, can you post some of the stories you read online about the HDR?
Dear Numenorean7,
I think whatever I've read online (even though I've spent almost everything there is to read about HDR) can easily be found online at your favourite search engine. It mostly included blogs and forums such as this where people shared their experiences with the HDR. May be there is something behind it, but as stated - an avg person won't believe it unless proven.
You can't prove a negative; the responsibility of proof rests with those who make the claims.

Exactly. Have you EVER seen anything remotely resembling evidence the placebo made by gibbs actually worked?
Come to think of it, that is proving a negative. the placebo does NOT (negative) Work....
Crikey Cosmo!!! You're a Genius!!
There are no evidence, but there are stories here and there of people who claim the HDR does something.Those

Here are a few blogs or pages:

I agree one can't consider such stories as actual proof, but what are they if not clues of what the HDR may do? A lot of people are interested in time travel / astral travel and such, some of them come to know about the HDR and look into it. A few of them will try it and post on such blogs.

Where there's smoke, there's fire?
People need to understand how things work.

The confederacy almost had airplanes approx 40 years before the Wright Brothers.




The south could have won. However, they lost the war. Well, that is what happens when you listen to dumber than dirt debunkers who scream HOAX! It would be 40 years later that the first airplane would be built by two bicycle repairmen.

Lofty men of science were too busy giggling and making fun of flying machines, as a consequence they did not build any. It requires hard work to create a new invention, but it is far easier to giggle like a moron.
I have seen absolutely nobody screaming hoax, only a handful of people saying "okay, show us". You can't or won't, thus we are unimpressed.
There are no evidence, but there are stories here and there of people who claim the HDR does something.Those

Here are a few blogs or pages:

I agree one can't consider such stories as actual proof, but what are they if not clues of what the HDR may do?

Where there's smoke, there's fire?

No, where, there's smoke there's obfuscation and prevarication like the world has seen on some of those blogs set up specifically to hype and hawk the placebo made by gibbs.

I work in an industry where "stories" are crafted by people to stir up interest. Create a Need & Fill IT is the motto.
Hype is Hype. Whats interesting is to read with the point in mind that how many people sound like familiar characters we already know. Sales pitches for placebos have been going on since the pyramids were being built. "My Beers better than your Beer"
You really have to bear and grin it when the umpaloompas say "I called steven gibbs" or "steven gibbs called me". Calls like that can make the stock market go up or go down. The stock market is like that. LOOK! See that??? The market just moved in either direction I choose. See?

You don't send the umpaloompas out to talk about McDonald Burgers if you want to get people to join the military. You push commercials about adventures in the military. But you already know this.
People need to understand how things work.

And What "people" would that be? People that are too lazy to do their own thinking for themselves? Most people do not understand how and why commercials work. Do you?

The confederacy almost had airplanes approx 40 years before the Wright Brothers.

And this would mean what exactly if "almost" was something that made sense? Og the magnificent almost had Nuclear Bombs but he was too busy being chased by T Rex. The fact remains that "almost" & airplanes & Civil War mean absolutely nothing in the way you just have tried to connect them. There were no airplanes in the Civil War. Baloons yes, planes NO. For that matter, had you really done your homework, you would have done more research and landed on Leonardo Da Vinci ~ exactly HOW many years before the American Civil War???. He had the first prototype drawings for the first Helicopter and designs for the first glider type plane, a "hang glider" for one person. The problem is, as usual, your "evidence" does not help the fact that it has nothig to do with your claim. Placebos and actual inventions that really work are two different things.




The south could have won. However, they lost the war. Well, that is what happens when you listen to dumber than dirt debunkers who scream HOAX! It would be 40 years later that the first airplane would be built by two bicycle repairmen.
Coulda woulda shoulda.

It's very interesting that you would use the term dumber than dirt with debunker. Is it not so that debunkers uncover lies and prevarications that others would not think to look into? people "dumber than dirt" would not have the intelligence to look into bogus claims in order to spot the lies. In your instance, it was ENGINEERS who happen to have had to have gone to college to become an Engineer that argued the guys power source, a steam engine, was woefully underpowered. The ONLY way to prove if it would have worked is to get the drawings and plans and build it exactly as it would have been built back then, not today.
HOWEVER, unfortunately, the real blame lies with the confederacy themselves due to : "In The End, The Confederates Decided Not To Spend The Money To Fund The Project".
That's two strikes against your foundation of debate, most importantly "dumber than dirt debunkers". They don't let dumber than dirt debunkers become Engineers. Supervisors and Bosses, yes, Engineers, No.

Lofty men of science were too busy giggling and making fun of flying machines, as a consequence they did not build any. It requires hard work to create a new invention, but it is far easier to giggle like a moron.

I'm sorry, did your "dumber than dirt debunkers" graduate suddenly and become "lofty Men" ??? Please provide links that show where the evil engineer debunkers giggled like morons.

As far as "hard work" Who are you trying to BS? Are you suffering from amnesia or did you bump your head? the placebo was supposedly given to gibbs by Aliens BWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Ahem. So, if the placebo was given to gibbs, where's the "hard work come in?" You are going to have to get up earlier if you want to make better sense.
Do you think it's possible to do astral time travel?

Absolutely! I have been using the HDR for a very long time and I too when I first purchased this device did not think anything that HDRkid or Gibbs experienced was real. I purchased the unit for a momento then twenty years from now it will be an antique "First Time Machine" ever marketed. My wife didn't have the same idea as I did to purchase something and let it sit in the closet. So she made me promise that I would use it for a few weeks then if I wanted I could just store it away with all my other junk. I used it the first night for about 20 minutes or so I also used the barrium oxide magnet that cost me extra, my wife got a chuckle out it at my expense when I had that ridiculous cord around my head and the magnet on my solar plexus.

After the first nights run I put things away did my usual thing before retiring that night, I lied down and fell asleep what seemed like only minutes passing by while I was expecting the usual onslought of sleep I was in another realm the most vivid realm I had to this date ever experienced! I noticed a gentleman standing by a bus bench at least that's what it looked like and he had curly hair but what I found interesting he was wearing a leisure suite and I said, "Buddy you better go change or something", he asked why! I told him I don't think the 70's clothing style is going to go with people all around you. He looked at me with a funny smile and said it is the 70's what planet are you from! I told him I am from 2004 and I must be dreaming right now. He told me no I don't think your dreaming you may have bumped your head or something but your still in 1970 along with me!

Well, I wasn't sure what to do next I know I was not where I should be that is in my bedroom sound asleep. I asked him what do you have there and he gingerly opened this medium size brief case and there was a HDR everything looked like the original I had at home except for there were 4 etched in quartz crystals side by side. I asked this gentleman how do you use this HDR and the guy told me this one is different you only have to tap each crystal for the correct harmonics and subharmonics to time travel. He began to tap each one and it made a very nice tone octaves high and low, he handed it over to me and I ran my finger over all the exposed crystals and it made a hell of a screaching sound and the guy yanked the device from hands and said your going to ruin this device!

That's all I remember the following morning I woke up I was still in awe what had happened to me! I have never in my entire life ever been to a place such as that or ever dreamed vividly my entire life, but that single night with the HDR our lives were changed forever! We had paranormal experiences you couldn't possibly imagine for a person to experience unless you had one of these devices. Well, weeks later I did some research online about the HDR and ran across some interesting information on this site there in color was a picture of the same guy I saw that evening same hair style same leisure suite I looked on the bottom for a name and wouldn't you know it was Steven Gibbs himself! This picture must have been take almost 35 years ago! I ran over to my wife and showed her and she said isn't that the guy you were describing to me about at breakfast? Yes it was!

Another event happened using the HDR I had a physical dimensional time trip in my car one evening but I warn anyone desiring such a thing you better make damn sure you are mentally prepared for an event like this, it can be traumatizing for that half hour or more to lose that illusion of self control and safety you had always relied on and now does you no good being in a place in nowhere but somewhere. I can't take credit for the trip on my own I used my device early that afternoon and it wasn't until around 9:30 pm when the phenomena happened while I was on the road to pick someone up from work. It was nothing I did afterward that caused it, but what Steve told me after the event when a person charges his energy bodies using the magnets he or she becomes a targeted resonator including the brain and attracts these open windows of opportunities called "Vortexs".

If he would of told me before this happened there was probably no way I could believe such a thing could happen. Years later I still have fun astral time traveling using the HDR and when I put down my unit for a few months everything that happened to us all ceased it took about one month off the device when we lost that ability and the phenomenas that were happening to us every week. This is just one of many experiences I have had and that was with the much older model, I will be ordering next week his newer device basically the only mechanical differences are he has 98 wraps around the specimen chamber and he is now using 100K pots instead of the usual 50k pots that are in the older model.

And as you can see an upgrade of certain cosmetic features, Steve and I talk for hours this week about better ways to use the device he keeps unctioning me to purposely try the time travel over a vortex. We have a Native American burial grave site in our town its fenced off of course and there is one spot around this site that is a phenomena and which is why people go there to visit to experience the "Cave" like sounds while you talk on that spot when you move from that spot its normal when you speak that is because there is some kind of vortex that was discovered by the Native Americans when they established the grave site. The American Natives always build on Key Ley Lines it's really not a mystery to anyone out there.

http://superhdr.blogspot.com/ this is my site its about 4 years standing but I talk about other marvels I came across but I want to re-establish my personal HDR usage right there! If it didn't work like HDRkid and Steve says it does I would be the first to tell you it was junk along with a few others here that would still agree with that fact. But I have to part waves with them because once you experience real dimensional traveling in the waking world it will change your beliefs forever! I wrote this for you because there are a few of us who have experienced the real deal, it's not my responsibility to prove any thing to anyone I am only responsible for myself and my lovely wife. If you don't believe this it's your right in this country to do so, but the same rights and privleges apply to us HDR users it's our right to express ourselve's about the truth that has happened to us without fear and ridicule.

On my blog you will not be made a joke you will be taken seriously if you are serious and your questions will be answered to the best of our abilities which is why I like this forum so much. I kept quiet long enough about the HDR time to let loose and make new discoveries.
