Debate Hdr Debate


Senior Member
Why (and this is a rhetorical question) should I go through the expense, humilation and wasted time of building one when all I've asked is for a link to your accurate prophecies? You know, the ones you made BEFORE they showed up on Google News. My time is far more valuable than that.

you will know for sure.


Senior Member
Reading through this thread, I see very little discussion of time travel and much discussion of psychic ability, astral projection and remote viewing. Moving to the appropriate forum.


Senior Member
Why (and this is a rhetorical question) should I go through the expense, humilation and wasted time of building one when all I've asked is for a link to your accurate prophecies? You know, the ones you made BEFORE they showed up on Google News. My time is far more valuable than that.

you will know for sure.
This is the typical modus operandi of Jennikid. Ignore EVERYTHING. It's very much like watching a child play Hide & Seek for the first time, they place their hands infront of their eyes, if they can't see you, then obviously you cant see them...

Jennykid can not possibly come up with anything to prove time travel because it's never been done, all of the claims are lies.
Each and every strong possibility was stolen from other Media outlets and made to look like her prediction. Every time, it came from something read elsewhere.

Lets take a very close look at something I doubt has been touched on very often and it's something that our resident liar would not want in the lime light. Things That Show the kid is a female.

First off, in all the meager years of this incarnation, I have hardly ever heard the term "potty mouth" come from a man. Most definately I have heard it come from women as it's a feminine Slam and typically used by mothers, not fathers.

Here's the other thing that sticks out like all of the lies told by Jennikid. The telephone. How many times have we seen "steven gibbs called me today and he said" or "I called steven gibbs and he said"???? Hmmm? Any Guesses? 100 Times? 500 Times? ..........

For all the Men out there, take some time and think back, who in your past relationships, family life growing up, College life, Work life, WHO do you know was hooked on the phone? Who was always on the phone talking to their friends, family, BFF, hairdresser, daughter, mother, sister, next door neighbor whom they actually hate but will spend an hour gabbing about absolutely nothing and will tell you how much that can't stand that person and reveal all of their gossip once off the phone? A Male or A Female?

You see, it's so ingrained in her daily motions, she would never think that it's one of the biggest Tells in this whole saga, Jennifer, AKA hdrkid is female.

Dudes, Guys, Males do not go around constantly telling people "I called so & so" "So & So Called ME" in order to help create evidence that something is real. We Are Not Wired To Do That. Our sisters, mothers and mates are, it's a woman thing to constantly stay in connection via the phone. This isn't a put down, just a fact.

Again, there will never be evidence or proof that gibbs placebo does what the lies say it does. Ever.

To Date, not one shred of real live, usable, clear-concise-logical evidence, has ever been offered.

Which brings us to the most obvious problem that gibbs' resident hdr shill is hamstrung with, a sad fact that has been demonstrated every time they posted, the totally unmistakable presence of suffering from: The Peter Principle.

Because every single prediction, stolen examples from the media and basic information has always been based on lies, for those that have peeped the show, it has been a major fail from the very first lie told and it will never get any better due to the foundation being as false and obvious as 200 year old toupee.


Senior Member
To cosmo:
I use astral to view events that will take place in future years. That knowledge is what is important to me. Basically, it is like seeing. For example, today Steven Gibbs called me up. He got a check from a trader in new york for $15,000. This guy wanted two HDR unit and Steven said no, send me only $720 and they guy said he was going to give to money to SLG so he could do research on time travel.

This guy got his first HDR back in the 90's and has made a lot of money. Needless to say, SLG is all excited and is going to be buying a lot of equipment. For a trader 15,000 is pocket change, but for the average debunker it all the money they make in a year. Most have jobs at wall mart making the minimum wage.

To Starlord:
Actually, you have spent hours of your life posting nasty comments and instead of getting ready for what is coming. Traders know why gold is going up. Intelligent people are aware of the destruction in value of paper currency. Time travel is one way to get information on what is coming.

Well, you claim I get all my predictions from cnn. I seriously doubt they are predicting that there is not going to be any power. That fuel shortages are coming. OR, that people need to stock pile food because there is not going to be any in the grocery.

In 2006 Peter Schiff told people to stock pile food. In 2008 Gerald Celente told people to have gold, guns, and a get away plan. He also sees a complete collapse in our economy.

The thing is that I saw it in 2005 and gave out the warning. Well, there is still plenty of food in the grocery. When the inevitable does occur. I will not feel sorry for you. Fact is, you had years to prepare.


Here is a discussion about the whole "25 cop cars" saga. Taken from TTI:

Some elements of HDRKID's story change from one post to another. In some posts he says he was at home when the police came. In other posts, he wasn't at home, but answering questions in the library, while his mom was home and told him later how many cars were there.

So, he was there at first, then he was at the library in the next post. I can't know for sure if it was a mistake from HDRKID, or just an detail he didn't care to mention at first. I also took a look Darby's idea of how/why this event took place. His Columbine theory is believable, but maybe a bit too far fetched.

I didn't read anything about HDRKID being a girl though.


Senior Member
To cosmo:
I use astral to view events that will take place in future years. That knowledge is what is important to me. Basically, it is like seeing. For example, today Steven Gibbs called me up. He got a check from a trader in new york for $15,000. This guy wanted two HDR unit and Steven said no, send me only $720 and they guy said he was going to give to money to SLG so he could do research on time travel.

This guy got his first HDR back in the 90's and has made a lot of money. Needless to say, SLG is all excited and is going to be buying a lot of equipment. For a trader 15,000 is pocket change, but for the average debunker it all the money they make in a year. Most have jobs at wall mart making the minimum wage.

I don't know why you're still including me in your nonsense, I'm no longer participating in your insanity except in the capacity of a moderator.

If whatever the hell I just quoted is in reference to moving this thread to a new category, this single sentence is why:
"I use astral to view events that will take place in future years."

You use psychic abilities (however handicapped with the HDR) to view future events. Hence Psychic Abilities and Powers of the Mind. Thus, not physical time travel. You aren't Marty McFly. You aren't Dr. Z. You're someone having mental adventures from the comfort of his or her dining room chair.



Senior Member
To num:
They came alright. I spent hours answering questions.

To cosmo:
I can bury 100 pennies in a national park and give you a metal detector. If you do not find all 100 in one year, I can then say that the metal detector is a hoax. Setting the bar real high is the classic response of a debunker.


Senior Member
To cosmo:
I can bury 100 pennies in a national park and give you a metal detector. If you do not find all 100 in one year, I can then say that the metal detector is a hoax. Setting the bar real high is the classic response of a debunker.

...To what post is this a response to? I'm out of the debate there, buddy. Zero interest.


Active Member
I could put 100 of your HDR Units in a room of 100 people..and 10 of them would say that it is a worthless piece of junk. The other 90 would just ask me if it is some kind of joke. Your responses are the same type of idiocy that we have all come to expect from you kid. I want you to post a video of you using the device. Plain and simple. I know you can at least use a video device such as a webcam, etc. Prove all the debunkers wrong kid...let folks SEE you using it. Or are you afraid that you might be seen for what you are...a hoax. That's not an outlandish request, in fact it's pretty darn simple. Your friend Dr. Z videoed himself building his why can't you video yourself rubbing the plate? No go ahead...give me some vague response as to why you can't. I'd expect nothing less. Best hurry too...the end is coming and before we all get in our bunkers full of food and Ensure and gold and Coke Blaq, I'd like to see you using the famed HDR. Just think of all the people who will jump on the bandwagon by seeing you use it. Man, Gibbs will get so much business...he'd never stop calling you.
