Confirmed Hoax Hello I'm from the year 2046

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Active Member
Hello Lussario F. I'm glad to meet you. I have one question for you. Could you please describe political and economical situation and development in Czech Republic (I come from this country and live here) in years 2020 - 2046?
don't talk to this guy. talk to maria


Do you realize that you are not unique and you are sounding like someone who is copying John Titor?

Lussorio F

Do you realize that you are not unique and you are sounding like someone who is copying John Titor?

I'm attempting to either help prevent or at least prepare people for the dreadful future that coming. Although events are unfolding in a different manner in this world-line from the one I've come from, its however heading in the exact same direction. Towards a catastrophic war and one that properly will be more devastating then the one that occurred in my world-line from which I came from.



New Member
Although events are unfolding in a different manner in this world-line from the one I've come from, its however heading in the exact same direction. Towards a catastrophic war and one that properly will be more devastating then the one that occurred in my world-line from which I came from.

What is the difference that would make this war worse than the one in your timeline?

Lussorio F

Hello Lussario F. I'm glad to meet you. I have one question for you. Could you please describe political and economical situation and development in Czech Republic (I come from this country and live here) in years 2020 - 2046?

The EU that broke up in to smaller regions after falling a part in the world-line that I came from and even though events are unfolding in a slightly different manner in this world-line. The future looks dire for it in this world-line too. The quantum supercomputer that I'm using to make sense of the divergence of this world-line predicts with a 85% accuracy, it will occur over the next 15 years. If what happen in my world-line is anything to go by. The Czech Republic like a number of the lest affluent members of the EU suffer economically as a result.


New Member
Hello Lussorio F! Thank you for all the information you share with us! I hope that everything you say is true!! I would like to ask you if there are any of your relatives now in 2016? Also, may i ask how old are you in 2046? if this is a very personal question i am very sorry for asking! feel free to give any answers you want!

Lussorio F

Hello Lussorio F! Thank you for all the information you share with us! I hope that everything you say is true!! I would like to ask you if there are any of your relatives now in 2016? Also, may i ask how old are you in 2046? if this is a very personal question i am very sorry for asking! feel free to give any answers you want!

I'm fine with that question, my chronological age is 89, I was born in 1956. Also I read your message and will furnish you with a reply shortly.


New Member
Thank you very much!! i am waiting your answer! So now in 2016 you can see your younger self? Is this possible?
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