How did you find Paranormalis ?

Greetings! I am here because of a Q drop. Post 3585 Project Looking Glass. This has lead me to this site and the Chronovisor. I will be doing a lot of reading! Can't help but noting, Chronovisor sounds an awful lot like Coronavirus.
I google paranormal forums and check out any that I haven't been to. this one seemed active so I thought that I would give it a try since I am staying home to avoid the COVID-19 virus.
I searched into bing search engine time travel fourms and this site poped up and i clicked on it and came here in august of last year.
I searched into bing search engine time travel fourms and this site poped up and i clicked on it and came here in august of last year.
And to i was going through a bad life threating situation with people from the future and past as will that i wanted to find a real time traveler that can help me change what i did so i would be out of that situation and that was in the month of early august of last year the situation went on and ended in December of chrismas time of last year with those people from the past and in the future. I am not sure if that is a good reason or not to come across this kind of site for that.
