Confirmed Hoax How my temporal displacement device (time machine) works!

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Lussorio F

Hello readers of mine,

How I was taught and understand the way my temporal displacement device works. Is due to a bizarre property of quantum mechanics, you can coexisted at two points in this universe or somewhere else in the muiltiverse and then use the device to chose which point to be at. I'm no scientist but the device is housed in a compact box, uses a stabilized micro- singularity and powerful rotating magnetic field and a Bristol Array to produce the phenomena. The device does cause changes in gravity up to 2 to 3 times that of the earths, but that is more a byproduct, similar to the way heat is a byproduct of the combustion engine.

Lussorio F

I think I may have posted this in the wrong section of the forum. @Num7 can you relocate this thread to Time Machines and Experiments section plz.

Lussorio F

So, we have no need for CERN's LHC, then?

I was being a tad facetious, as the technology that allows me to be here with you today. Was the result of research in to fusion by CERN in the early part of 2030, that lead to a stabilized micro-singularity. Tachyons particles was discover much earlier. The micro-singularity that’s at the heart of my temporal manipulator device was custom built at the home of a friend Dr L Alexander in his kitchen with the help of to engineers from CERN , believe it or not. Off course this all occurred in the world-line from which I came.
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Where do you get the micro-singularity?

I believe a rudimentary one can be made at home with simple everyday household objects if your the technicality minded type.
Can you tell us more about this? How can a micro-singularity can be made out of household items? Do you mean household items from the future? That seems a bit far-fetched, even for us, time travel enthusiasts.
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