If you believe, please pray


The ultra sound tech measured some things, but I won't know for about a week. I'm guessing there's a biopsy in my future. Still could be just a benign cyst. So, I gotta try to be positive and wait it out.


UGH.. never got results this fast before. I do need a biopsy. Will know more details next week. That's about all I know.

I already looked at my films and pretty much knew this was coming.

Yep, got the phone calls. I need a biopsy. Still hoping it is benign. SIGH.
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Ok, might as well spill the beans. I might have breast cancer. I have a biopsy scheduled for Friday morning and won't have results for a week. It's not a lump or a cyst, which makes it scarier, and the doctor said she is very concerned it is cancer. I worry about money, how to take care of the kids, etc. I am spending my savings on my son's minor surgery next week, so how I am going to pay for all the co-pays and deductibles, God only knows. And if I need chemo, how do I care for my kids over the summer? It made my father SO sick.


Temporal Engineer
Ok, might as well spill the beans. I might have breast cancer. I have a biopsy scheduled for Friday morning and won't have results for a week. It's not a lump or a cyst, which makes it scarier, and the doctor said she is very concerned it is cancer. I worry about money, how to take care of the kids, etc. I am spending my savings on my son's minor surgery next week, so how I am going to pay for all the co-pays and deductibles, God only knows. And if I need chemo, how do I care for my kids over the summer? It made my father SO sick.

I wont do business with those charlatans. They don't have a cure for cancer. Cures exist. They wont treat you using any of the existing cures known to work.. Take action and take control of your own destiny. But the choice is yours to make.


Senior Member
I wish I had a magic wand or words of wisdom regarding your situation...but I don't. That is why I rely on prayer as I just don't know what to do in various situations. I would talk to other people that have gone thru similar situations and get their input to help you in making choices. You said it...God only knows and God knows of your concern for your kids, finances, which supports your kids, and your well being, which also supports your kids. Things have a way of working out in the worse of times so we just have to keep moving forward. We all will keep you and your family in our prayers. Many a time I have had answers to my prayers so I know there is something to it.


I guess I'm a wimp. I don't even have an answer and I'm already depressed.

I know, that's not logical. I know men like boobs but good god these things cause us women nightmares, you know that?????

I don't have a best friend in real life. That's why I'm posting here, I suppose.

My aunt, back in the 80's, died of breast cancer. She went the faith/natural route for a while and it spread to her brain. Don't get me wrong, I believe in a God, but I believe we have to use our resources (science, knowledge, etc). I don't think that God intervenes very often. I do think group prayer can help, but sometimes the help comes in making the correct decision or through an opportunity rather than a direct healing. (There are documentations of healing, yes, but rare). Did I like that my father had Chemo when he didn't need it? NO, but he *IS* cancer free now and on a celebratory cruise as we speak. :) I can't gamble with alternative treatments because I have children. They need me. I'm going to live to 100 and be in their lives.

I did some reading. With breast cancer, after surgery, they prefer radiation, so we'll see. I just hope my insurance pays for it.

Seems that every time we do good with the business, someone comes along and takes our money (Obama, medical costs, etc.). That's how
the middle class is held back. Glass ceiling...or is it a cement ceiling...???

Sorry. Venting. Blabbing. I don't know. Just tell me to shut up. I gotta get back to cleaning...

but I gotta remember........ THERE IS STILL A CHANCE IT'S NOT CANCER......
