Is everyone psychic?


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
I definitely believe we're all psychic, it's an ability & sense we have like our other 5 senses. Some people are more in tune with their psychic abilities than others.

Unfortunately, we live in a society that is designed to take us away from our psychic abilities & separate us from our true selves, and is instead intent on distracting us with a world of materialism and consumerism. And therefore distracting us from the truth. It's no wonder the world is in the mess that it is.

Things are slowly changing though & people are starting to wake up.

I think the mental, spiritual, emotional & physical body are all interconnected. One can't survive without the other. And the healthier we are, the stronger we are mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. All of which feed into our psyche & our psychic abilities.

If the human race became less distracted with what's going on with the outside world ie all the materialism etc, we would become more connected on a spiritual & psychic level, and would live in a world of unity as oppose to it's current state of disunity.

Or at least, that's my opinion anyway. For what it's worth :)
*applauds* :D


I have expressed this opinion before and am sorry but will do so again. I think there is more to us "humanity" then meets the eye. Our energy or life source if for the most part still a mystery. Modern science will have you believe that you are just a sum of choices, information and random anomalies or better known as "thoughts"

Science claim that soon we will be able to download above mentioned information into a commuter along with brain wave patterns and anomalies. The scientist believe that all this information along with some supper computing and special software will be able to make a perfect copy and or even "replace us as us"

I personally believe they sell us this in hopes to get the approval to download minds and execute the body so that their best and brightest can be forever enslaved inside a computer forever working for a company at zero cost. It will be a new type of enslavement if not for you then your "copy"

Imagine living in your computer? The movie "the Matrix comes to mind" or even a few older titles but none the less it amounts to "us" becoming part with something that may or may not imprison the soul.

It is true that at a atomic level we are linked to everything "living none living" and even beyond our current scope of understanding. We share thoughts, feelings, DNA and interact both physically mentally and chemically with each other.

When you walk around the local street chances are you will inhale skin particles. saliva or even blood from another person. A simple look of dismay can cause someone to feel sorry for someone else.

So all this said are we psychic? Well consider rain, each and every raindrop have a predetermined bath way that can be mathematically plotted within "perfect accuracy" given that all the variables are a "known". Same goes for each of us, it doesn't matter what you do in the end of the day you will be exactly where your life plotted you will be. Now our minds are computing all the time so eventually it will get good at plotting events/happenings.

It has to get good at it because our survival depends on it. So how is this being psychic? A person apparently sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception? Well that is one definition but the key point is "sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception" and nearly all of us fit that description.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Label, what is your definition of "psychic"? :)
When I posted this thread, I didn't realize what a general term "psychic" was, but I did mean to ask the question in a general way; do we all have a certain something in us that can connect with others? An ability to communicate telepathically, or even sense future events before they happen, and there being more to it than our brains computing information and playing out the possible ways the scenario could go...I mean, who jasn't heard that ET's communicate telepathically? Could this be a possibility for humans as well, maybe we haven't developed the ability enough to use it?


Label, what is your definition of "psychic"? :)
When I posted this thread, I didn't realize what a general term "psychic" was, but I did mean to ask the question in a general way; do we all have a certain something in us that can connect with others? An ability to communicate telepathically, or even sense future events before they happen, and there being more to it than our brains computing information and playing out the possible ways the scenario could go...I mean, who jasn't heard that ET's communicate telepathically? Could this be a possibility for humans as well, maybe we haven't developed the ability enough to use it?

realistically we are devolving to a state of extinction. It is fact that our genetics are factually gong trough a state of degradation with each generation. We are losing more then what we are gaining and it will end us "humanity" eventually.

Why am I mentioning this? Well let's take a step back in history. It is documented that many humans lived for very long, was stronger healthier and could even communicate with the gods, see into the future and was able to do many more things.

So yes we had all of the above mentioned abilities some of us still do some more than others but tanks to our genetics weakening we are losing more and more of our abilities and losing our connection with our spiritual self.

So what remains is basic algorithms that can calculate a "what if" event get it right within a degree of accuracy. this is a remnant ability of what we had "as humans" a long time ago. I think a thousand years ago we might not have had tablet commuters but we were more psychic then what we are now.

So my definition is all that you have mentioned BUT we are losing it.


I've had a great deal of intuitive synchronicity in my life that I started noticing in 1970. It's a type of knowingness from my higher self. It's revealed to me my understanding of physics and metaphysics to a large extent. It's enabled me to understand complex subjects like time travel, parallel universes and reincarnational patterns. I've experience this synchronicity with American presidents, the American Civil War, the Trojan War, Biblical characters, science fiction writers, my understanding of physics, etc. For example, in 1973 I was headed back to Camp Lejeune, where I was stationed as a marine. A little old white haired lady sat next to me on the bus and told me all about her two sons, one of whom was in politics. Years later, when Carter was president, I finally realized that his mother Lillian had sat next to me on the bus. In the 1980s I had a friend who believed in reincarnation as I do. We compared notes and discovered that he believed he had lived as one of Charlamegne's knights, friend of the knight I thought I must have been. He also believed that he had lived as John Adams, 2nd president. Several years ago I went to the New Life Expo in New York to hear John Semkiw who also claimed to be a reincarnation of John Adams, 2nd president. He was kind enough to sell me his book, Return of the Revolutionaries and sign it for me. I had no problem with there being two John Adams reincarnated, since I understand about parallel universes and that souls can split and merge. But I kind of got off on the wrong foot with him when I mentioned time travel and parallel universes. Since then I found his Iisis site on the internet. But I won't send them any more messages because I don't believe that Walter takes me seriously, or ever did. In 1992 I heard a young lady speak at an event in Atlanta, of whom it had been said that she was a reincarnation of president Kennedy. I did feel that she looked like a female version of Kennedy. Several years ago at the Monroe Institute in Virginia, I met an older gentleman who worked for the U.N., with whom I had a couple of long conversations. I had the uncanny, intuitive knowingness that he must have lived as Woodrow Wilson in his previous lifetime. He had to leave early because the U.N. needed him. But at the end of the week I had a conversation with Lee Stone, one of the facilitators there, who also does past life regression work on people. I had the intuitive feeling that he had been a Confederate soldier with some authority. He confirmed for me that he had been a Confederate soldier from Tennessee, who spent 3 days on the battlefield dying. I knew he must be talking of the battle at Cold Harbor. Then I asked him about the gentleman that seemed like a reincarnation of Woodrow Wilson. He said that I was probably right. This synchronicity stuff never stops and this is just a small fraction of it.


If I am repeating myself, I am sorry but as to the topic, of course we do, to some degree, others are simply "gifted" I didn't ask for what I have but I darn sure have enjoyed it, once I got a "hang" of how to control all of them. I'm a slow leaner, still working at some at 67.


I believe our 'higher' selves can sometimes reveal things to us through synchronicity and intuition. It is different than direct knowing.

Carl Miller

Active Member
I believe that before taking on a new corporeal existence. I mean before incarnating whilst living in the spirit world, we not only choose our parents but also foresee the things that will happen to us in that new existence. I think we choose for ourselves the kind of trials which we will undergo-the trying times that mostly correspond to our weakest points. Lemme give you an example:
Someone 'chooses' to come to a new existence as a slum resident-say, in Rio de Janeiro City-Brazil. Apparently before incarnating upon that city he knew he would be exposing himself to the contact of terrible vices (you know, unfortunately it is measurable the increase of violence in miserable surroundings. It belongs to public knowledge). I am talking about living in the slums. This guy from this example would have been a violent vicious man in previous incarnations. And he 'chose' (perhaps he was driven to) to confront his mistakes from the past winning a victory over them by being a good slum resident. Being a community leader for instance contradicting his evil tendencies:understand?
My take is that as we grow more sensitive to the reality of what we really are: as we become aware we are spirits temporarily experiencing a corporeal life we will remember (having a intuitive knowledge) of our individual mission in life and the probable bad fate that would come about from wrong choices.
The current case the guy succumbing to temptation could end up murdered. Us as spirits, coaching us as human beings.
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