The only thing we can be sure of, concerning the soul, is whether or not we have one - and that knowledge is, in itself, purely subjective.

All the rest (what the soul is, whether or not it is the same as a spirit, whether or not it is eternal in nature, what it is made of, what its purpose is, and so on) is nothing more than conjecture. Nobody knows - although there are many who claim to.
You can take photographs of it. It's just the electrical energy in your body that gives you life.

The thing that bugs me is when new agers post this stuff as if they have some default position when it's literally just them who thinks that. I am just telling you what the word soul meant in our civilization for thousands of years.
Okay, then. That was a misunderstanding on my part. I thought you were saying that the ancients recognized the soul as bio-electric in nature, when they had no idea what electricity was (even though they saw it displayed, as lightning, often enough).

I agree about the "mystical" part, though. "Mysticism" should be defined as: Something that we haven't found a clearly defined, natural explanation for - as yet.
Your soul is just the bio-electrical part of your body, etc. It's part of your body.

Spirit is the spark from God, but theologians differ on what that really means. I think St. Thomas argued it was your capacity to reason. Not sure I agree with that, but he was quite a lot smarter than any of us.

Who are you trying to convince, me or Yourself? :D..
Who are you trying to convince, me or Yourself? :D..

I don't have to convince anybody. I am just telling you the obvious fact of what "soul" meant for aeons before flakes started buying Lewellan books at Barnes and Noble. When something dies, the lights go out inside. There is no animating factor. That is what soul meant. It was the animating force of a living creature.

Which.. is something we can quantify and measure. It's not some mystical concept. Spirit is mystical, and I have no idea how to define that, since theologians differ on what it really is.

Whether you believe in spirit or whatever else is irrelevant to my point. I don't really care what you believe. I made a statement about what the freaking word means and what it meant to people for all of human history until new age and spiritualist nutcases came along and started pretending like their truth is the obvious truth.
I don't have to convince anybody. I am just telling you the obvious fact of what "soul" meant for aeons before flakes started buying Lewellan books at Barnes and Noble. When something dies, the lights go out inside. There is no animating factor. That is what soul meant. It was the animating force of a living creature.

Which.. is something we can quantify and measure. It's not some mystical concept. Spirit is mystical, and I have no idea how to define that, since theologians differ on what it really is.

Whether you believe in spirit or whatever else is irrelevant to my point. I don't really care what you believe. I made a statement about what the freaking word means and what it meant to people for all of human history until new age and spiritualist nutcases came along and started pretending like their truth is the obvious truth.

Hmmm..It would be interesting to know where you got the information from for the, (obvious fact of what soul meant for aeons before flakes started buying Lewellan books at Barnes and Noble) :cool:...

You always appear to have a lot of "anger" in your postings...
However on Paranormalis, every member has the right to his or her own views (y)..
Sole Mates:
Two individuals missing opposing legs and they have the exact same shoe size. These sole mates are able to go to the shoe store together and only purchase one pair of shoes between the two of them.

I have both of my legs so I am my own sole mate.
