Is Timetraveler2063 a real time traveler?


Sorry if you thought I meant it was for me. Obviously, anything posted here is for everyone.
I don't think I have "ridiculed" anyone for believing that TT is possible. As I have stated several times, I have (in my opinion) valid reasons for why TT, into the past as it is contemplated by most believers in TT, is not possible, period. Anyone who comes here or anywhere else and claims to be a TT'er is IMHO misleading people. If I choose to challenge their claims, it is as much my prerogative as it is anyone else's to believe them. That you, or anyone else, wishes to research their validity is entirely your prerogative but, IMHO, it is a "fool's errand" ( That term is neither derogatory nor meant to ridicule, unless one "chooses" to take it that way. Look it up before I am chastised for it's use.)
You say;
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
If you do not take risks, you will never accomplish anything. Or, it is necessary to take risks in order to achieve something.
You might drop a small piece of potassium in a beaker of water to see what will happen.
I say; "Look before you leap."
I would do a stoiciometric equation to calculate the energy released from the equation 2K(s) + 2H2O(l) = 2KOH(aq) + H2(g) and find it to be 160kJ/m and say, Uh oh, that's enough heat to ignite the H2 gas and cause an explosion, avoiding "unnecessary" burns.
There is nothing wrong with avoiding or even eliminating "unnecessary risk". (or other unnecessary actions)
It is not only a valid method, it IS the preferred method in scientific experimentation.

We simply have a difference in methods as well as beliefs.
As I have stated, we disagree on TT. Perhaps we always will. I am not trying to change your mind. You will come to your own conclusions. I have already "done" my research.
I am not close-minded on this subject. As with all Laws of Physics, there are the accepted norms, based on all available evidence, until something comes along to make science reconsider it. That is true of my favorite Law, Entropy. It is of wide importance in both of my interests, Biology and Chemistry. It has undergone some revision as to "what it means" but the Law itself is still valid.
At this point someone says, "Then why are you even reading or reacting to these posts since you don't believe?"
The same reason the believers do... It's fun. It is interesting to see what some people come up with in their TT stories. I LOVE the fantasy of TT as much as anyone else. I just see the premise as science fiction... not science fact. I do try to not be "small-minded".


Junior Member
actually i have been talking to mr2063 privately and he's a pretty
funny guy, not a time traveler nor a pastor or anything, but a funny guy...


No, Believe is a Strong Word. So, NO!

And anyway they are looking for "Dark Matter" with the South Pole Telescope.

Might read his postings, but the decision is always be Alert anyway with what may/could happen.


How many more fails before we finally put this faux time traveler to rest?

While we are on the subject, How much longer must we wait before JT's story is finally relegated to the faux bin also? The end of 2012...2013 ?? It seems his followers will not give up with out a loooong fight even though none of his "predictions" came true either. I know someone will tell me, "Oh yes they have!" and in expectation of that response I will ask, "Please post which ones have come true. The prediction and the result with links to the proof". Replies can be posted in one of the JT forums if you prefer. Thank you in advance.


Temporal Engineer

I think some people can't tell the difference between a fact and a fiction. A black hole is just as fictitious as Donald duck. I hope I didn't spoil it for all you Donald duck believers.


Black holes don't exist? That is news to me.

Are you saying mini black holes don't exist or are you discrediting all black holes?


Temporal Engineer
All of them. They exist on paper only as a mathematcal prediction. It's make believe. The scientific community has been promulgating this for decades. Yet still no definitive proof that they exist. Most writers know this when they write articles about them. And if you read carefully, you will see that still none have been discovered yet. Imagine that. It's a great sci-fi theme though.
