John Titor 2013 : The Awakening


Senior Member
Try telling that to this guy. It's all OK until YOU become the next statistic. I have been there, I have done that.
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There were way to many private contractors at a foot race for this not to have black ops involvement. Look into U.S. Special Forces and get back to me when you can tell me what the 18x program is.

That is your opinion, which you are entitled to...but IMO you jump to way too many conclusions without the supporting evidence. You and I do not agree on this matter, but that's okay.


Active Member
Yeah I'm sure this is going to pay out just as well as the reward for everyone who assisted in the hunt for Christopher Dorner....... If they want to find the people who hate government then they only need look no further than those members of government using it for their own financial gain. If they want a pure government then they need a fair, equal, balanced, and just government, but socialism always deviates towards fascism or a dictatorship disguised as communism. I believe we are living in an era that will be recognized as a merger of state and corporate powers...... A few sons of liberty would do this nation some good. Perhaps my brethren descendants of the founding fathers will finally rise to the occasion to defend the constitution of this great nation, for the people, of the people, and by the people.

walt willis

Senior Member

If he really is on the level he truly believes every word for his pension and career is gone. not that it will matter in short time.

Yall ready right?

The underlying reason that ww3 is inevitable is the fact that we owe Russia and China a vast amount of money that we will never be able to repay.
History has shown us that economic conflicts have always led us into armed conflicts.
This post is a valuable lesson in the historical past that should wake folks up to get prepared for trouble.
