Law of attraction for time travel

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Into the Mystic

Junior Member
It's strange, I've used the LOA for all sorts of things and I know it works, but I've never really thought about it in the context of time travel.

Does anyone here think that time travel is possible using the LOA? Has anyone tried it?
yeap can be done so can teleportation but requires some serious energy. Brain has a built in teleporter-time machine just is low power. Belief is an energy source.

It's strange, I've used the LOA for all sorts of things and I know it works, but I've never really thought about it in the context of time travel.
At the risk of sounding simplistic, if time is really comparable to a river, the eddies and flows ought to tend to direct events in the same direction, even if an attempt is made to interfere with historical events.
It's strange, I've used the LOA for all sorts of things and I know it works, but I've never really thought about it in the context of time travel.
At the risk of sounding simplistic, if time is really comparable to a river, the eddies and flows ought to tend to direct events in the same direction, even if an attempt is made to interfere with historical events.
Then maybe time is not comparable to a river, because it is said that the timeline we are in, where Germany lost World War II, was due to a group of people changing history so that they did. In another timeline, in which Germany won World War II, we have entirely different results, and thus a different set of events.
It's strange, I've used the LOA for all sorts of things and I know it works, but I've never really thought about it in the context of time travel.
At the risk of sounding simplistic, if time is really comparable to a river, the eddies and flows ought to tend to direct events in the same direction, even if an attempt is made to interfere with historical events.

That only occurs with trying to change big events. What ya find in time travel tech research is the collective unconscious of humanity has a major influence upon events that include large numbers of people. When trying to change those events you can, but something much worse happens 6 months later. Only way to permanently change those events is to go back years before the event and run a public relations campaign to try to change the mindset of millions of people. Then it works without side effects.

Changing the lives of individuals that's easy. Changing the life of a single individual that has major impacts upon millions of others, hard. Can still do it but another event pops up that impacts even more people.

When aliens, the gov or other organizations try to change our past that's the roadblock they face. That's also why the montauk people weren't as successful in changing our past as people think. Time autocorrects cuz it's got a major link to the collective unconscious. Some say time is the collective unconscious.

Here's a nice quote that sums it up well:
"Perhaps with the free and open release of Tesla's secret, the scientific and governmental bureaucracies will be. shocked awake from their slumber, and we can develop defenses before Armageddon occurs. Perhaps there is hope after all -- for even Brezhnev, in his strange July, 1975 proposal to the SALT talks, seemed to reveal a perception that a turning point in war and weaponry may have been reached, and that human imagination is incapable of dealing with the ability to totally engineer reality itself. Having tested the weapons, the Soviets must be aware that the ill-provoked oscillation of timeflow affects the minds and thoughts -- and the very lifestreams and even the collective species unconsciousnesses -- of all lifeforms on earth. They must know that these weapons are two-edged swords, and that the backlash from their use can be far more terrible to the user than was the original effect to his victim."

Associated Papers Some Characteristics of the Phase Conjugate Wave
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Experiment where you put two scalar coils on each side of your head, with a power supply that feeds a certain frequency, and it temporarily magnetizes the cerebrospinal fluid in your brain. Simultaneously you become extremely psychic, can predict the short range future and can materialize objects for a short time.

The same energy the coils produce can be generated by the brain as well...but it has to slowly accumulate over a long duration like meditation.

You get the same effects operating the hdr on a vortex energy spot if you have prepared yourself properly. Also get the same effects when properly making ormus and consuming.

The big secret is the brain emits longitudinal waves which are the key to all time travel and teleportation. Time machines, certain materials or biological life generate them. Just so happens the brain emits the same waves at right angles to the current brainwaves we emanate. Our waves are just weak.

Any orgone charged substance can automatically amplify the ones we have. The amplifying effect is called pumped phase conjugation. Orgone is a standing low pressure longitudinal wave. It's witnessed as a new form of curved spacetime. People witness it a field of slowed time. A form of curvature that doesn't result in inertia or gravity. It's forcefree. Get that into your body and you can pretty much do anything. This new warped spacetime field amplifies longitudinal brainwaves.

What was found is you can somehow believe you can do it, you access an internal energy source of orgone that is rather mysterious. Don't need it from a device or substance but nobody tells ya how to totally believe to the point it works. Usually what happens is after you do this a few times with the assistance of technology it changes ya so you can do it without any technology. Acts like a catalyst. Changes your belief system permanently after you do it a few times.

This is what people call 'high vibe' energy, 4th dimension or a new density.

Here's another quote that sums this up nicely:
"The potential peaceful implications of Tesla waves are also enormous. By utilizing the "time squeeze" effect, one can get antigravity, materialization and dematerialization, transmutation, and mindboggling medical benefits. One can also get subluminal and superluminal communication, see through the earth and through the ocean, etc. The new view of phi-field also provides a unified field theory, higher orders of reality, and a new super-relativity, but detailing these possibilities must wait for another book.

With two cerebral brain halves, the human being also has a Tesla scalar interferometer between his ears. And since the brain and nervous system processes avalanche discharges, it can produce (and detect) scalar Tesla waves to at least a limited degree. Thus a human can sometimes produce anomalous spatiotemporal effects at a distance and through time. This provides an exact mechanism for psychokinesis, levitation, psychic healing, telepathy, precognition, postcognition, remote viewing, etc."

Associated Papers Some Characteristics of the Phase Conjugate Wave
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is that sufficient?

that's the explanation for superpowers but the 'law of attraction' thing is usually due to all humans being in subconscious contact with each other continually. The tesla longitudinal brainwaves that we emanate can converge upon other people at a distance. They will receive our waves as well as we receive theirs.

Point being it's like a person wifi network. You send out a ping to the network and people will be manipulated by their subconscious to give you what you want by 'coincidence'. Ya got 'pinged'.

Now the problem is there's several 'person wifi networks' each on their own channel. If you have a low frequency wavelength you will be on the bad person channel. So if you think negatively someone negative shows up to be negative. If you think positive nobody helps ya cuz the good person network cannot receive your transmission.

There's a bad person network, angelic type person network, apathetic person network, benevolent alien network, etc.

A good way to visualize this is to remember what Tesla wanted to do. He wanted to place a Tesla Wardenclyffe tower on natural vortex energy sites spaced out about 200miles apart. He said they would send and receive electrical energy and information from each other. People can do the same, that's why large groups of people meditate upon a vortex. Think of people as miniature Tesla towers. Vortexes amplify the waves you emanate so it's also a power source.

Remember our subconscious mind is 99% of your mind, conscious is only 1%. Subconscious regularly manipulates the conscious mind for different objectives. So if you suddenly get a craving for icecream and go to the store, meet a person who needs a job that you're hiring for, not a coincidence.

People assume all the thoughts they have are their own, some are transmissions from other people.

Now there's politics involved with this, you can be a very good ethical person but with a low vibration due to eating bad food, not getting exercise, detoxing your system from vibe lowering toxins, serious emotional-mental trauma, stress, etc. This is why bad things happen to good people.

The cabal knows this and purposefully has engineered society to have a low vibration through food, microwave radiation, stressful economics, jobs, poor health, social conditioning that leads to extreme stress, etc. It's why everything that's popular and in use widespread is so toxic and destructive. The cabal is on the bad person network and become under their person wifi network when we're low vibe. It's how they control us.

There's other factors in play as well, they have astral and causal plane technology that targets anyone with a higher vibe for attack. Those people get hit with seriously demoralizing random experiences to lower their gradually increasing vibration. Once it's a certain threshold you're untouchable but getting there is tricky. It's the matrix. It's why super high vibration aliens will not land, they instantly get attacked by it. It's formidable. Lots of benevolent aliens have been killed this way when forcing a landing. We're in a vibration-matrix prison and have been for a long long time.

Technology can raise your vibration. It's the basis behind ascension chambers and philosopher stone materials. There's complications where if you raise the vibration of someone still with emotional-mental issues they almost always go extremely evil once liberated from the bad person network, so it's also tricky. Must cure them of those disorders before raising their vibration which of course also raises their vibration even further. This is why good people hide this information as well as the cabal.

There are high vibe negative individuals, they can force it but their health suffers, their aging severely accelerates. These are the rumored high vibe negative service to self cabal and negative aliens. Their genetics are so damaged by it they don't last long. Orgone aka high vibe energy easily changes dna. Chaotic orgone energy highly degenerates tissue and dna. They become dependent upon technology to survive, procreate and even that won't last forever. Their genetics will kill them at some point. High vibe benevolent people are physically immortal.

Studies have shown that group meditation of a few thousand people can lower violence all over the world immediately during and somewhat after. Negative people if they meditate they can increase violence during and after. Both can do it. This is why the cabal has satanic rituals with thousands of people on a regular basis. The more they can convince humanity to have the same values and think like them, they win more power over us. More within their low vibe network. It's why all movies and media glorify being a vigilante, a thief, glamorizing drug usage, sociopathic traits are seen as natural and good. People think those actions are rebelling against the horrible setup of society and that's true but it's got a secret side effect as I have laid out. To escape you not only have to be irrationally ethical but also know the physical/science aspect of raising your vibration to fully protect yourself.

Most people think life on Earth is in an natural environment. We're not, completely artificial and thereby if you believe it's natural you're already going to succumb. Of course there are beings waiting in the wings to help us raise our vibe or just do it for us if we asked. That also works so we're not on our own.

There's some confusion as to whether the high vibe negatives are really high vibe at all or rather high amplitude. The commonly used terms aren't exactly consistent but there seems to be a way to do it. Morality and vibe aren't mutually exclusive unfortunately. Evil people are trying to constantly gain power by any means. Because of that danger, this is why everyone in the know keeps mum until Earth can be liberated of such intense evil. Evil people just need to be healed and they can be. Some will be forcefully healed against their will.

Anyways this is how the matrix works.
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yeap can be done so can teleportation but requires some serious energy. Brain has a built in teleporter-time machine just is low power. Belief is an energy source.

What proof do you have of this?
I Strongly suggest that you (or anybody else) NEVER place any coils at the side of your head that are fed with any "power supplies"!!...Do not be persuaded by what may seem to be, informed or "knowledgeable" information from people who can NEVER prove "ANY" of their wild claims and who try to incite people into doing dangerous and foolish experiments on themselves!! :cautious:
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