Lord Rama Empire

Actually I have real data when needed...do not have to check out ...Most high technology has been destroyed...Electronics do not last that long and crystal data can not be read without electronics...for example...if you find a video disc say 1200 Ad, how are you going to understand what it is...it is that kind of things...the planes use magnetic and carbon nano fiber types and some use high end vapor deposition and nano technology...so, we are not ready for it, but in about 300 years we will be....it is one of those issues...
I first encountered the idea of Lemuria from the writings of Tibetan Lama Lobsang Rampa, the writings of Rudolf Steiner and writings about the trance readings of Edgar Cayce, back in the 1960s. That 's probably all before your time. darwi
Hardly. I campaigned for Barry Goldwater.

And the Englishman plumber Lobsang Rampa was a Theosophist and got his "Lemuria" from the source I already gave you.

Steiner I've never heard of, though.

Now that Rama Empire are somewhere else...I have a better proposal...

for Every 100,000 years about 40,000 years has Sea Level below >50 meters...from present level...meaning Ice. So, in order to survive and that we know how to make our climate change work using fossil fuels...we can make it work for us. That is just before the sea level to rise, we can adjust our CO2 production but when Planet cools down, we can jack up the heat using CO2...

Just an idea...stuff here more: Climate Timeline Tool: Climate Science for 100,000 Years
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Now that Rama Empire are somewhere else...I have a better proposal...

for Every 100,000 years about 40,000 years has Sea Level below >50 meters...from present level...meaning Ice. So, in order to survive and that we know how to make our climate change work using fossil fuels...we can make it work for us. That is just before the sea level to rise, we can adjust our CO2 production but when Planet cools down, we can jack up the heat using CO2...

Just an idea...stuff here more: Climate Timeline Tool: Climate Science for 100,000 Years
Our impact on Earth's climate might be even more profound than we realise. Before we started pumping massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the planet was on the brink of entering a semi-permanent ice age, two researchers have proposed.
Had we not radically altered the atmosphere, say Thomas Crowley of the University of Edinburgh, UK, and William Hyde of the University of Toronto in Canada, the current cycle of ice ages and interglacials would have given way in the not-too-distant future to an ice age lasting millions of years.

Wait, what? Here’s the very radical John Holdren, Obama’s science adviser, suggesting that human greenhouse gas emissions are preventing a new ice age. So how then is anthropogenic global warming not a good thing? Here’s Holdren’s concluding bit:
While the climate of the earth has changed over the millennia as a result of natural factors – principally changes in the tilt and orientation of the earth’s axis and rotation, and in the shape of its orbit around the sun – those changes occur far too gradually to have noticeable effects over a period of mere decades. In their current phases, moreover, they would be gradually cooling the earth – taking us to another ice age – if they weren’t being more than offset by human-caused warming

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Very nice Harte....It is good and bad...

Super Ice Age has a lot of land but too much ice to live....while the other side has smaller land and gets hotter to survive too. So the management should be a 100 to 150 years of weather control for the planet....and balance it out....

May be I can work on that in about five years....
Very nice Harte....It is good and bad...

Super Ice Age has a lot of land but too much ice to live....while the other side has smaller land and gets hotter to survive too. So the management should be a 100 to 150 years of weather control for the planet....and balance it out....

May be I can work on that in about five years....

I accidentally quoted the same thing twice so I fixed it.

The second quote is the more recent.

I'll try to explain myself more clearly. This time-space reality has been evolving for several billion years or so. We, have higher selves(Christ Selves, higher selves, observers, guardian angels, etc.). And those selves have higher selves(I AM selves) and those selves have higher selves. Who knows how many levels of higher selves there are. But we know that ultimately all is one. The universal God spirit contains all. In this scenario, at some level of self or higher self we are eternal. That contains more than many trillions of years. At some point in the past, our higher selves were living lifetimes as we are now, before they graduated. But that wasn't enough and we were sent back as extensions of our higher selves..

Let us talk about this and others here so that we do not hijack the OP on the Dog issues...Thank you...

...and read up this and find out how fake or real or in-between it is...

Voice from the Desert - The New Message from God
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Trying to move away from Rama Civilization for a little bit... (they are 100,000 years ahead in technology, hard to catch up for us)....

What about type III civilization? Is there such an animal? Or they do not have physical bodies plane and simple like Vorlons? I know, Type Ii but not Type III (I may have just understood them)....any ideas? Thank you.

Kardashev scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Krish, I just don't care much for what physicists have to say. They're not enlightened and they give themselves too much credit. I know people who are enlightened. I'm more interested in their impressions. In this solar system, I view Venus as the more advanced culture. But you might feel I'm biased that way since I apparently came from there before I came to Earth. We were in etheric form, not physical form. I do believe that the present day Venusians in etheric form have the ability to transform their etheric forms into physical form and back to etheric form, if they choose to do so, and interact with us. Valiant Thor, a Venusian who interacted with the American government for three years in the 1960s is an example of this I believe.
Krish, to correct the Economics, power and control needs to be taken away from the Central Bankers and Illuminati. It may help us individually and as larger groups if we are more in gold, silver, metals and important commodities that we need and use. Credit cards and rich bankers are not the solution to anything. Perhaps the worst of the bankers and illuminati can be put and kept in jail. Perhaps its already beginning to happen. I imagine that if the Controllers are defanged, you'll have a better chance of implementing your idea of carbon emissions to regulate Global Weather Patterns.
