My 3 year old is seeing an alien!


Active Member
Oh I have an even freakier story than that. Let's just say an antique porcelain doll was given to my daughter when she was around 3. There was a bad entity attached to it that attacked her. We had our entire home cleansed and the doll too and removed from our home. She hates baby dolls still to this day and probably always will. That movie about the doll...Anabelle...yeah she freaked out when she saw the trailer to it.


Active Member
Why don't you make up a bottle of "Monster Spray"? A spray bottle filled with pine sol water. (It smells nice) Write "Monster Spray", in bold letters. Tell him that he has to believe it will work and spray it at any Bad Monster. You wondering how it will work on a real evil entity? Well, the power of the belief in a child can move mountains.


Active Member
Why don't you make up a bottle of "Monster Spray"? A spray bottle filled with pine sol water. (It smells nice) Write "Monster Spray", in bold letters. Tell him that he has to believe it will work and spray it at any Bad Monster. You wondering how it will work on a real evil entity? Well, the power of the belief in a child can move mountains.
Wonderful idea :) is this an essential oil?


Active Member
You find it in the grocery store, like for mopping floors. It might have a bit of pine oil in it. I luuuv the smell of it. And his closet will be disinfected.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
@bluejay_1919 Can you hurry with your "investigation"? Because I'm starting to doubt your case because (in my eyes) I find your lack of this matter is too low or too "lay back." I'm starting to wonder wether adults on these kinds of matter actually gives a care in the world or not, because I find that most parents in these kinds of situations do not help at all.
Well that was rude. Here it is 3am, and I'm listening to a bunch of white noise while my son is lying next to me scared and awake because our dvr box keeps turning on & off.

Doubt this case all you want. I don't need your opinions or acceptance or belief in what I post here. So because I'm not getting enough information back to you fast enough....this is a big inconvenience for you??? Well excuse me.

Pretty sure a reliable investigation would take time anyways. I'd be more suspicious if one was to come back a few days later and say "oh hey! I have their voices and a video of them!" Whatever- but obviously your an expert so you know everything in this field.

I may be crossing the line here and the moderator can tell me if I am....but don't you dare come to my thread with your hateful banter about "parents not doing enough"...I'm doing what I can with what I have.

I apologize if I'm being rude, I'm not usually that way, but I'm sleep deprived and I feel you are passing some fast judgment and your words are unkind.

Sorry to the moderator here, if I am being tacky. Just don't like being told I'm not doing enough for my kid by a complete stranger.
Sorry for sounding harsh on you. (For me) it just sounds like you are taking your time too much, not saying you're not trying or because you have other reasons for not bringing any evidences faster, it just sounds like you take your time like that part when you said you'll drink your coffee first before getting the app, or checking the recordings tomorrow. That's why I was beginning to doubt your story because you talk about looking in to it but haven't shared it (like the recordings). With all the "fakers" in this site (like the so-called "time travelers" in the "Time Traveler" section), I kinda started having doubts easily and fakers usually dodged questions and stuff, and to me, it was like you were dodging it by saying you'll check the recordings tomorrow or drink your coffee first. Not saying you're a liar but anyone can lie easily on the net despite the lack of evidences. Again, I'm sorry if I sounded rude. And I understand being sleep deprived and all, and it's not like you can share the recordings faster or whatever evidences you have because of your life outside the net or problems (like being sleep deprived). And yeah, I'll definitely leave the thread.
is this question for me im just reading up on your experience in this matter and its interesting to read im not investigating it im in Australia but I have an idea if these aliens are useing some grid or ley lines then the cubboard that they are appearing in may be on top of a ley line so try moving the cubboard if it don't work then there could be a multiple ley line around still


Oh I have an even freakier story than that. Let's just say an antique porcelain doll was given to my daughter when she was around 3. There was a bad entity attached to it that attacked her. We had our entire home cleansed and the doll too and removed from our home. She hates baby dolls still to this day and probably always will. That movie about the doll...Anabelle...yeah she freaked out when she saw the trailer to it.

Oh man, my office has several antique dolls in it. I haven't picked up any energy, though, but what if one day...... ???


Why don't you make up a bottle of "Monster Spray"? A spray bottle filled with pine sol water. (It smells nice) Write "Monster Spray", in bold letters. Tell him that he has to believe it will work and spray it at any Bad Monster. You wondering how it will work on a real evil entity? Well, the power of the belief in a child can move mountains.
Wonderful idea :) is this an essential oil?

It could be anything. Maybe even lavendar or something that smells nice. It's a very good idea. :)


Active Member
It didn't dawn on me what pine sol was,hahaha, so I feel a little silly. I do have several essential oils that I could blend up and let him spray away!


Active Member
is this question for me im just reading up on your experience in this matter and its interesting to read im not investigating it im in Australia but I have an idea if these aliens are useing some grid or ley lines then the cubboard that they are appearing in may be on top of a ley line so try moving the cubboard if it don't work then there could be a multiple ley line around still
I just now understand your what you're saying,sorry about that. He's seen them in his closet so I can't move anything around. That's an interesting theory though about the ley lines and whatnot. I'm not sure how I could ever find that out.
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