Official 2016 Predictions Thread


Senior Member
I haven't any predictions for the coming year. However, an experience yesterday leads me to believe something is coming. The angels were very active yesterday. First a blue angel like I have never seen. A literal outline of a personage. It wasn't as dramatic as when the blue showed up in 2012 right before hurricane Sandy. In 2012 there were two blue orbs both a foot wide who came to visit in my living room. I didn't understand until the worst storm I have ever been through happened two weeks later. Yesterday, it was one blue angel with literally an outline of a personage, as if this angel was trying to reveal himself to me. I've never received a personage from the blue until yesterday. So... To me it is an indication of something on it's way. Yesterday, after the blue, 4 more white light angels appeared. As normal, like bright flashes of light. Today, another.

The angels have been fairly quiet this year. Occasionally appearing to let me know they haven't left. The last very active time was at the beginning of the year when my mother passed. I informed her they were in her home. She informed me she finally saw one for the first time! :)

All of a sudden their active nature is a sign something is coming. I don't know if it is a personal revelation, or a revelation that will effect many such as the one in 2012. So, we shall see...

Can I send a private message to you on Angels? the inbox said I can not...Thank you...


I thought I posted this in here already, but can't find it. So, apologies if this is a repeat.

Donald Trump will win the 2016 election. Something major, possibly some type of murder, may occur 4/11 or 11/4 during his presidency as per the movie Back to the Future 2. I do not know the year, but if you come across one, please let me know.

Interesting -- the person who may die or be murdered may be named George.


Something major, possibly some type of murder, may occur 4/11 or 11/4 during his presidency as per the movie Back to the Future 2.

I plan on waiting a bit longer before I start killing people. Trump is not in my list because he doesn't stalk me or play sick games with my life.

Interesting -- the person who may die or be murdered may be named George.

'McFly' died in a car accident decades ago.

Look at his gravestone. I can't find it. It has a 411 on it somewhere. The McFly part is not significant.

download (5).jpg


Active Member
My post got edited again, supposedly for making threats.

I want to make something very clear; It wasn't a threat. It was a declaration of defense. I will not use physical force to harm people who are not a threat to myself, family or friends, and/or our rights. I will only use physical force when necessary, and after all other means are exhausted.

People have been stalking and harassing me (and my friends and family) for almost 30 years.

(They are using Paranormalis to do so.)

They will not stop. They will not take action toward a resolution. They ignore my pleas and inquiries. They refuse to cooperate in any way shape or form. So, they all get put onto a kill list. ...and only because that is the only effective means of making them go away so I can get on with my life. If they want off of the list, they will start by being honest, then find a way to compensate me for 30 years lost.

Is that better? Should I explain this every time I talk about killing in defense?

Because you all wanna talk about time travel, except when the ugly side of it is discussed. Sorry, but that's the way it goes. It is not all peace love and happiness, super heroes and Marty McFly. Everyone wants to know the truth. But the truth has a very ugly side to it that is included. You have to take the good with the bad. There is some seriously evil stuff in play. And I don't have the luxury of ignoring it.

Forgive me if I don't like being a victim.
