Debate One World Government


Active Member
So my preposterous mind was at work once again today. And I'm thinking...

What is really stopping the world from forming one solid government? As far as I can tell it's just that our politicians are trying to hold onto power.
Let's look at just one instance. Let's say border patrol, and America protecting it's borders. Well wouldn't it make more sense for all the countries in North and South America to just form into one government? Then there really wouldn't be illegal immigrants anymore.
I see the obvious down sides of some countries would need built up or just want built up to the levels of standards we keep in the US, and I'm sure some countries are probably claiming they are starving so we'd need to help them out.
But, if we did this, we could pretty much isolate ourselves in the Western Hemisphere. The only time we'd need to trade is just to sell our goods, but we wouldn't really need anything.

I marked this as DEBATE, so that everyone would pipe in.

AND YES.. this is looking past the fact that with one government comes all the corruption and everything that comes with creating a new government. So let's preface this debate with the stipulation that if this were to happen that we'd assassinate all the politicians in power today and start with fresh faces. Basically creating a fresh slate. So that we can eliminate all the if's and's or but's that can surface from political agendas and whatnots in forming a new country/government.


Senior Member
So my preposterous mind was at work once again today. And I'm thinking...
Are we suppose to debate this? just kidding off great minds at work here!

What is really stopping the world from forming one solid government? As far as I can tell it's just that our politicians are trying to hold onto power.
I think at this time the greedy politicians are holding on to their power until someone moves them out of the picture. Just like a movie where the bad guys all work togeather until one real bad-bad guy takes them out because he wants it all. From what you had written, a One World will make sense to the masses...or so they will make it look that way. We can save money for less border patrols, free trade. free mobility. There are so many advantages but just like your friends from South America, you will need our implanted chip to make this all that is another thread.


Active Member
I was reading the Vienna thing where all the great powers of Europe got together and it was basically just princes and whatnot that bargained with each other who was going to control what land. So if we just lined North and south america with mines around our shores.. we should be good. Not saying it would be cheaper.. Just saying it seems to make more sense to patrol a physical border you can see than some imaginary line that some politicians decided on.


Senior Member
I think the "one man in charge" needs to be eliminated all together, there should be roughly 5 in office so there is no Tie or no Debates and far less chance of corruption since it would have to be a group Vote. No Democrats No republicans no liberals just 5 people who have proven their worth to society.

We need to Eliminate the one's holding us back from advancing the Criminals the people who fear change and the ignorant, We need a society of people willing to help each other and not do things for their own Gain and always expect something in return. The jails need to be eradicated of the Murders and Rapists and all around crappy people, the gangs need to go as well.

I have always believed we need to focus our efforts on eradicating the major city's of gangs, that would drop violence drug and weapon crime so so so much, the youth would no longer see the Gang life style and admire it since there would be a bounty on the Gang members heads, Bring in even a small portion of the Military from over seas and just start to wipe them out "after a warning from the gov to disperse or face eradication"

Wars and disputes would be handled 1 on 1 Duel style instead of lawyers and police getting involved they would be saved for true problems not "well he called me a bad name so i called the police on him" If one country does not like the other Let them go at it till the other stands victorious. I remember as a Teen if you had beef with someone you met in the trails behind the school and fought the other person 1 on 1, you didn't call the cops over a dispute let alone SUE the other person. But there would be a system in place and a "Enforcer" kind of law enforcement for those who got out of hand. With this in place over time the evil would take care of it's self, you cant put 2 thief's in a store and expect them to not eventually try to steal from each other and eventually kill each other.

Their needs to be ZERO tolerance, if you kill a man in cold blood you will die for it, if you Rape, murder, abuse, and intentionally cause others harm you will face the death penalty no Life in prison with cable TV and Room and Board to live the rest of your life. Over time this will eliminate those people in our society, wouldn't it be nice to go for a jog at night without having to have pepper spray or a gun for fear of being raped or jumped, i know the girls in the and st.paul college would love it with the amount of rapes that go on their every year.

I believe Trade and bartering to be the best way to go, Money only causes problems cause it then turns into "i have more than you so i am better than you" If you want something you can barter for it or work for it, i have heard people talk about a society where it isn't impossible to get what you want, that people will help you so long as you show you are motivated and a help to society a "What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine" kind of thing, the good ol days of a neighbor coming over and borrowing your hammer and not expecting something in return but doing it cause you know he needs it. There will always be Greedy people but over time it wouldn't become as common since people would then avoid the one person who isn't helping and he would be on his own.

Faith is also a very very very big subject and i see nothing wrong with faith what i do see the problem to be is we have 100+ different religions worshiping the same God and each religion is willing to go to war and fight the other religions for the same belief's, their needs to be 1 religion, no discrimination no hate towards other religions for believing in the same god that they do but 1 common religion where people can express and worship how they want without fear of ridicule or being attacked.

The views are a bit radical for some i know but i believe this to be the best way to make this world a place everyone wants to be in.


Senior Member
I think the "one man in charge" needs to be eliminated all together, there should be roughly 5 in office
I did have to pause and get me another cup of coffee reading your, but I think you, yes you BlastTyrant should be the head of the NWO, as long as the antiChrist doesn't object. You as the leader of the NWO could have Num, Sam, JD,opmmur,and KC as your staff. Oh, I almost forgot...Do you have place for Loopi?


Senior Member
I think the "one man in charge" needs to be eliminated all together, there should be roughly 5 in office
I did have to pause and get me another cup of coffee reading your, but I think you, yes you BlastTyrant should be the head of the NWO, as long as the antiChrist doesn't object. You as the leader of the NWO could have Num, Sam, JD,opmmur,and KC as your staff. Oh, I almost forgot...Do you have place for Loopi?
LOl it was a fairly long rant, There is always a place for Loopi he is my doppleganger so he can take my spot when i need a break lol


Active Member
I'm with you on most of it. One thing I would add is that the 5 leaders need to be "educated"(whatever that may entail) and not have any business interests. meaning we'd have scholars and such in charge and not rich business leaders that would have secret backdoor deals with other people.

I have preached over and over to my friends that Communism IN THEORY, is the best form of government. I mean to have communities creating what resources they need for themselves and trading with other communities for the goods they can't make.

We would also eliminate a lot of fuel needs by making each community dependent on itself. I mean we have countries right now that trade oil with each other. Because certain oil is different, I get it, but it still seems useless. Refine it, get what you want. But they say the US provides like 60% of the world's grain. That's ridiculous. Move out of the damn desert and into a region that can provide for growing crops.

Eliminate warlords and gangs like you say. And yes.. start killing criminals and that will teach the rest of us not to do that. The problem with this is.. where do you stop? And who decides what crime is just? I started ranting on my facebook page about child abuse. By letter of our law that we wrote, God should be convicted of child abuse. Not to get into the whole religion/law debate here, but I just put that to make a point. The people that make the laws will have to be uncorruptable. I think this can be accomplished like in this cartoon I watched. Whereby the lawyers were held to the same punishment as those they represent.


Senior Member
Eliminate warlords and gangs like you say. And yes.. start killing criminals and that will teach the rest of us not to do that. The problem with this is.. where do you stop?

Good Point, we would assume that the punishment would suit the crime, you kill needlessly well then you are going to pay for that with your own life, in general the scum the bottom feeding people who hurt others for their own gain. The court system just needs some adjustment there is no Room for Bleeding Hearts when it comes to Punishment.

I see people serve 5 years for a bar room fight where he broke a guys arm, but a murderer got community service and a fine! It is so F'ed up it's not even funny, we need to adjust i see no problem with the basis over the Court system just needs some tweaking, and their should be a choice to represent your self and say your own peace on what happened.

But overall their needs to be Zero tolerance with Rape/Cold blooded murder"self defense is another story"/Child molestation/Extreme Child abuse"i'm not talking swatting your kid when he missbehaves, but bruises and marks"

It is Fundamental laws that Every person can adhere to, Live life good, make something of your self, and respect and love your fellow human beings and don't be a wart on society's ass!

i have another big problem with the people who live their life on welfare and don't bother to work cause they know uncle Sam will support them, that needs to stop as well, if you can't contribute to society then there is no need for you. But in theory the loss of Most of the Government and the slow elimination of corruption there would be no need for welfare and no reason to not work so those on it would get a very rude awakening.

One thing I would add is that the 5 leaders need to be "educated"(whatever that may entail) and not have any business interests. meaning we'd have scholars and such in charge and not rich business leaders that would have secret backdoor deals with other people.
Yes Good point, those who truly have nothing to gain but only want to help, those who think rationally and not with whats in it for them.


Active Member
Yes I agree with you on most(especially the welfare thing. BIG BIG pet peeve of mine. I want to pass a law to make them come wash my car and mow my grass for free).. but I still see the laws as being the biggest hold up.

Say you have 2 countries that are going to be part of this 1 gov't area. Country A has laws that say you need to be 13 yrs old to be married, but Country B says statutory rape is anyone over 18 having intercourse with anyone under 18. Where do you compromise. Cause what's generally agreed is not the same in both places.

The big ones, you will find easy to get agreement on with MOST but not all countries. There literally are countries where if you are convicted of crimes that you can have your wife do your time for you either in jail or in a whore house. Now to them.. why on earth would they agree to make new laws so that they'd now be killed?

Let's say there's only 1 holdout in this instance that doesnt want to form this new gov't because of these law changes. Do we go to war and force them? Or do we isolate them like we do NK and Iran? Or even better.. do we compromise and give them something in return?

The other possibility is that with the change of religion to only have one that everyone agrees on.. it might change views on morals.

We had this discussion at work as far as who decided originally what was morally right and wrong. Of course the religious people say it was God and he passed down to old dude on the stone tablets. BUT, historically outside of the bible, where did they come from? Cause the Aztecs and the Maya were killing the shit outta some people on this half of the world while Jesus and Buddha were in the other half of the world preaching not to kill. So when we came to the new world and conquered all the "primitives" WE (Europeans) decided what was morally right and wrong. So in forming a new government, and making the claim that religion causes too many problems and one consensus religion needs to be formed.. from what standpoint do we base our morals of this new government?

Do we tell all the Arabs that they can now only have 1 wife? Do we seperate them and give them special status to marry as much as they want while the rest of us are forbidden to marry more than 1 woman? Or the Nepalese tradition that allows the opposite. For one woman to marry multiple men.

I'm starting to wonder if these things aren't why people started dividing up land to begin with. Bargaining is too much of a headache so they just said screw it and divided up the land and let the crazies have their own way.


Active Member
And now after thinking it over more.. HOLY SHIT BATMAN!! Just think.. if things were a little different.. We were like only a few blowdarts away from still sacrificing to the Sun god all of our enemies blood.
