Opposing beliefs/religions/spirituality.


Junior Member
The thing about logic is that it is totally tied to the available knowledge. That, if you refuse to reasonably consider the illogical, is possibly even worse than being totally without logic. Let us just for a moment think of what the logical opinion was in the 12th and 13th century concerning the shape of the world was. Based on what was commonly known the idea that the world was a sphere and sometimes you were upside down compared to other times was rediculous. Yes, I know that there were people, even then, that were thinking this and some even were advanced enough to calculate fairly closely the size. They were often considered idiots, possessed or maybe Satinicly influenced by the very logical majority.

Nearly all major world-changing discoveries and inventions started with someone that went against conventional logic. Where was the logic with the knowledge of the time that running a long copper wire back and forth through a magnet could have such power? All too often people get stuck mentally on logic and their logic is like a blindfold or blinkers that only allow them to see, think or imagine a very limited spectrum of ideas and possibilities.

Logic and illogic work together to bring forth new ideas. Some times there is just no logical way to get from point A to point B. So you try it anyway despite the illogic and usually in spite of jears and criticisms of the majority of your peers. Then when it works you take that new information and progress logically until you hit the next block. It is amazing how many of our most respected inventors and scientists were at one point in their life generally considered crazy at best.

Logic without illogic is just as limiting as illogic without logic. Religion, Spirituality, and "Science" all are heavily based on opinions that are based on guesses about things that they are not actually well understood at all...and yet all three claim to have the only true facts and knowledge...and all three consider an open mind to be a threat to their beliefs...


Senior Member
Carroll put a whole bunch of work into his writings. In that book and in "Through the Looking Glass," anyway. Haven't read much else from him.
It reads like he just made it up as he went along, but that is in no way the case.

The point being that logic is not a prerequisite for existence, since logic can be applied in many different ways.

The idea that the Universe MUST be explainable is just a matter of opinion.


But Hartey, in a previous recent posting that iam certain you can read on this page, "I put aside logic and illogic", therefore your comments in this posting of yours to me is irrelevant....I was simply saying that the links you gave us was in my opinion, sophisticated forms of advertising (y)


Junior Member
Probably. But even the Christian bible says Cain killed Abel trying to please God. So the first death may have been due to religion. Even before it was formally created.
More likey, if that story were true it was insanity, which is what I think "trying to please god" is. I know, part of the story was that the deity actaully spoke to Cain. Where is that deity now? All the "rules" are made by men, if there were a god it would probably be something like the Gould in the StarGate show, just some entity pretending to be a god.


Active Member
What are other aspects of religion besides love and hate? Life and death perhaps? Science and religion agree on that, that they both exist. But does death have to exist? If you wish to pass away then fine, do so at your appointed time. Regenerative Research in hospitals are trying to find the death gene. They are getting closer. But from religions history if true, are there secrets to prolonged lives outside of scientific advancements? Can speaking manifest things like Hebrew/Aleph Bet and law of attraction leads to? Christian friends speak of a 1000 year reign. Cathars Christians who were executed by the church believed in reincarnation. Joan of Arc was one. Who wants to live 1000 coexisting with love and hate?


Junior Member
What are other aspects of religion besides love and hate? Life and death perhaps? Science and religion agree on that, that they both exist. But does death have to exist? If you wish to pass away then fine, do so at your appointed time. Regenerative Research in hospitals are trying to find the death gene. They are getting closer. But from religions history if true, are there secrets to prolonged lives outside of scientific advancements? Can speaking manifest things like Hebrew/Aleph Bet and law of attraction leads to? Christian friends speak of a 1000 year reign. Cathars Christians who were executed by the church believed in reincarnation. Joan of Arc was one. Who wants to live 1000 coexisting with love and hate?
There is no death gene. The human body was designed to survive in an ideal situation for 120 years, and who would want to live longer than that? What is the obsession with avoiding death? It is crazy, think about how bored you would get after a 100 years, what are you going to accomplish at the age of 200 that you can't accomplish now?

I do not believe in any religion or any deity but I do know that we are more than the sum of our physical parts. I have proof for myself that is only anecdotal for any one else. We all have to reconcile this human life on planet earth how ever we can, it is a mind game, if you don't mind, it don't matter, and you can get glad in the same body you got mad in, etc.

Fear of death is the hook that keeps people doing stupid things in the name of religion. No matter what the leader of your religious sect says, you still have your bias and your opinions and will ignore anything that doesn't make sense to you and you will grab on to anything that helps you feel better about yourself, including the idea that anyone who disagrees with your beliefs will suffer eternally because your god only loves you and those in your sect. That is a perfect description of insanity, a weak, malleable, fearful mind at work. Religious leaders take advantage of that and foster it for their own gain.

I am acquainted with people who do not choose to participate in a religion and have built their own religion, pulling what they like from texts and ignoring what they don't like. They still use someone else's ideas and then just cherry pick what they will believe and then they go out in to the world proclaiming that they know things they don't know and that their version of god is better so they want to be a leader and usually end up being a leader of one, themselves. They use their beliefs to justify their bad bahaviour the same way as people who follow someone else's group religion.

I also know some people who are good people, with high morals and they belong to a religion, but they never proclaim it, nor do they judge anyone who does not follow their religion. My opinion is that they are good people with a lot of love and they were raised in a religion that gave them the framework in which to express themselves in the world. They can let others express their opinions and beliefs and be fine because their faith is not based on someone else's ideas.

So there is my morning diatribe. I hope everyone is having a good day.


Active Member
Very well spoken. I’m a combat veteran with a pride of life. Unfortunately due to my combat experience I spend a considerable time being taken to hospital. In 1994 I didn’t make it. So whatever exists on the other side it is indeed peaceful. The BOL wouldn’t let me stay. It only showed me its eyes and I came back like everyone else with NDEs.


Junior Member
Very well spoken. I’m a combat veteran with a pride of life. Unfortunately due to my combat experience I spend a considerable time being taken to hospital. In 1994 I didn’t make it. So whatever exists on the other side it is indeed peaceful. The BOL wouldn’t let me stay. It only showed me its eyes and I came back like everyone else with NDEs.
Thank you for your service. Can you tell me what BOL stands for, I am acronym disabled. (I know too many phrases and words to be able to decipher them, even in context)
