Please help me! I have to go to the past.


If you can change history and go back in time, you can resurrect some great and famous scientists, and a little girl. Her name is Joan of Arc. A magical girl who saves France.


Do you know someone who can help me to travel back in time 10-12 months? I must save my teenage son from death. He died in an accident in June last year. Can anyone help me? I would be willing to pay a lot of money for it. Unfortunately, I personally can't concentrate on HDR, I don't have the strength for that. Thank you very much for the answers.
Everyone here would like to save someone from a dire situation. Each of us are here for different reasons. Here is the truth. Time travel is impossible. I for one was utterly dismayed when I realize this. Fiction, math and science cannot put their claims into real action. Why? Because it simply is impossible. See people will have you believe that your yesterday lives in a perpetual time frame. It doesn't. Time simply put is a measurement that is all it ever was and all it will ever be. There is nothing to go back to because only our consciousness can observe the passing of time. For a rock or a stone or a sun or a star time is meaningless. Thus time is a cognitive construct thus our past is exactly that.

Please understand I am not saying this to be cold. I say this because I have search for "time travel" for nearly my entire life. I know factually now it is impossible. So save your money, make your peace and live your life. Grief like anything will pass. And before you say "i don't know" I will correct you in saying I do know. So please seek help get support and be brave. Everyone that we ever lost would only want the best for us so live for them. Love them as they would love you.

take care and be strong.


If there is a time travel it happens through a pure consciousness after death so one cannot verify it.
The soul have a different set of rules that govern it. I already considered this. IF the soul exist in the future and its destination is any point in the past then it would have already traveled back to those points. The second observation is IF the soul could travel back what effect will it have? Will it just relive the event? Does the event only exist in memory or on the physical field.

Lets verify the following: There is no physical point to to travel back to because our "yesterday" cannot be perpetual or forever. To reset time to that point means every atom that existed at that point in time must now be reconstructed for that point in time. That means all existence in every form must be "rebuild" for that moment to exist. Otherwise it is not "the past" but rather a construct.

Now the soul is bound to the body. Once the body dies the soul is free to move on to the spiritual world. This means it cannot go back where it was once bound to the body. In short your future soul cannot haunt you. If that was possible we would have seen the effects by now. So the evidence is literally in what we don't observe.

The soul will probibly have perfect memory and thus will be able to relive situations but will not be able to change them otherwise it will no longer be a perfect memory it would be a modified record. Again things like this gets overlooked easily but sadly it is as it stands.

Just remember "in short" for time travel to exist, you need to rebuild the sun and every planet, and every other star and planet. You need to reset every single atom and living cell, you need to recreate every single condition as it was and you need to wipe out every situation thereafter. Why because a single change means everything in existence will change to accommodate the modification thus any future that "was" will no longer "be" because it was fundamentally modified.

We do not exist in a loop, we do not exist in a time line. Time is a mental construct for measurement. It does not exist in nature. Time is only relevant to the beholder.

I am sorry but it is true.

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No one wanted time travel to be true more then what I wanted it to be true. I am not saying this to hurt anyone I am stating a fact that took me a lifetime to realize. Please understand this does not come from a place of harshness. this comes from years and years of research to find the truth.

Now I know what you are thinking: "just because I failed doesn't mean you will" This is true BUT even that is situational. You cannot succeed at something if it literally doesn't exist to begin with. Time is how the mind observes the passing of events and happenings from one happening to the next. It is only an observation that only exist in us as observers. It does not exist outside as a natural or even supernatural medium. It only exist as an observation.
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you need to look into St Augustin view of time, he was what inspired the templar knights who had tiime travel secrets that are related to eros, the wedding of ancient pagan christianity. Basically the male needs to become the bride, the feminine primordial energy. One cannot overlook the fact that it is blood related, only someone of descendence could rewind time back to his ancestral waves or ancestors not anyone.


You are right, planning to physically travel through time and space, going back to the past 99.9% is intended to change history. So it's hard to do at present, but we don't know in the future. Maybe someone can do it, but God has to provide inspiration.I'm telling you, Joan of Arc. Her true face has been destroyed, and now opinions vary.
So archaeologists are concerned about the development of time machines. They want to know history, a complete history. Know the past and future of mankind, the past and future of the earth. Now archaeologists don't fully know.


There is no way to know it with science because nazis already tried they just ended up undead (eternal damnation that is antichristian action) shut up by the radiation. The technology to travel through time was already developed by gods of death. It is a wave length based on transcendental sounds, the fifth note and green color wave. The program that resulted from the destructive use of those gnostic machines was nazis mind control and nasa programs to hide the fact that the green God owns them for eternal damnation. The machines were all together in Egypt then got separated. They are operated by 2 demonic beings they used to be the Carolingis.
These machines shoot a mind control sound wave at specific individuals that have the same alien origin as the gods. The gods murdered the people att Dyatlov pass, they did it always if they see humans interested in their secrets.
It is a perfect system so only few awakened will protect the treasures and machines and the rest undead will be hunted.
To travel through time the nazis used to go through hell gates that appeared out of nowhere in the fog of the time God.

Nazis are shadows with no light body of glory.


Blood descendent who got involved with those rays of death ended up belonging to the dragon of death. Their initiation is their death. It is the art of murder not like the michelangelo painting, Gods hate life and love after death.


if you want to see how one time traveler becomes watch twin peaks return and see how in the black lodge they talk, like robots because that is what they are. The voice is going backwards like the time of god and their step too produce voice.
