Please help me! I have to go to the past.


There is no specific way to control primordial chaos. You might be lucky to enter a black hole at bermuda triangle but not know where you end up on other side.


Sorry, but why are you telling me fairy tales? I want specific help or ideas on how to travel.
In the end every person has their own view. First step of thinking outside the box is to open your mind. Second step is to understand how things function thirdly is to understand each function's limitation and within those boundaries work towards a solution. But what I am telling you now is as someone that has lost as well, someone that is hurting each and every day for many many years now. It is not possible.


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A. Frolov says: Some technologies for time rate control were proposed those are based on controlled changes of this density. There are no needs in relativistic velocities of motion to get the time-travel in this conception. The Time is property of reality and it can be controlled by space-time engineering technologies.
Ok have you try using your mind for like astral projection..let me tell you something I one time went back to the past by using the soul exchange like myself to the past and was there but past it was real but in my mind I have this feeling of being pull back to my future body so I think it all mind jump thing so write back anybody


Junior Member
I am not in a position to say that timetravel is impossible. Time is interdependent upon gravity. Time and gravity have a relationship like electricity and magnetism have a relationship. Earth's gravity has existed since its creation. Therefore, Earth time (created by Earth's gravity) has likewise existed since its creation. Some have the illusion that time is linear but it only appears so. Earth time has three dimensions because Earth gravity has three dimensions. Rest assured that if one travels to the past they would be locked to Earth gravity of the past and not find themselves in outer space somewhere along Earth's past orbit as many would have you believe. Having said that you could travel anywhere at any time if you had a vehicle generating it's own artificial gravity field (that would also provide its own time rate field).
There are many natural time densities (or dimensions) that your consciousness can travel to. These time dimensions are also known as the astral planes and I believe that they are real as well, not because I have been there because I haven't, but because there are so many sources of information (from gifted people who have) that report the same general facts when they return. Edgar Cayce accessed the Akashic records in trance. I believe that UFO's exist for the same logical reasons. The UFO's obviously have time travel. How else would they disappear while looking at them? My own personal experience of a time anomaly is when, after performing an aether experiment and i happened to rock an aether container back and forth, my watch jumped ahead significantly and I had a strange burn complete with red rope-burn-like mark on my arm (the one that controlled the aether container). I laughed it off at the time but now, after researching the science for many years, I am not so sure it wasn't exactly as it appeared. I now believe that my rocking or spinning the aether container back and forth caused it to create an independent time field by the torsion field that spinning aether/gravity creates.
Having stood up for the science, my heart aches, too, for the people I have lost. You have to go on, like we all have to go on with our lives, but its ok to hold onto hope while you do. Please know that we all share your pain. I am sure if any one of us gets there, we will let you know, I know I will. James


Time is not e medium at best it can be a recorded memory and at worse it can be misunderstood. Fiction has given us the idea that time travel exist. Time is not bound to any natural law. Considering we actually do have a space station we can observe the measurement of time even in the space station. Why? Because time is at its core a measurement. See people want to tell you the multiverse is real and this that and the other thing. No... Think about it logically. Every every multiverse had a sun, at this point there would be billions and billions of suns occupying different dimensions. That means at some point we would have been able to see some form of gravitational anomaly. The second thing to remember is each day does not exist in a infinite loop. If that was true then it would be a horrible thing and I will digress from saying why that is here.

The soul cannot travel outside the body, I have done the meditation myself. Astral projection is exactly that "a projection" your mind is till very much filling in the blanks during that state. Meaning a lot of what you see is constructed by the mind and not reality. Remember the brain is dependent on feed back and chemicals. The brain to date IS factually still a mystery. The fact that we can process information and cognitively react to it is a mystery that still needs many years of investigation and research. We do not know what rules govern the soul but we do know due to active observation that the soul has very limited ability "if any" on the physical world "without a human body" Switching souls out is a cool idea BUT you cannot swap life energy. If this was possible how many wealthy people will just "switch out "their old bodies for a new one" so thankfully it is not possible because it is just scary how bad that can go.

The biggest "clue" however many doesn't wants to recognize and it is pointless to bring it up. As for gravity experiments. Well yea...

The earth moves at "depending on source" 1,000 miles per hour. So if you break free from gravity you will find yourself 1,000miles away from where you started. why because if gravity has no effect on you, you don't move with it. That means your body will be exposed to stuff coming at you at a speed 460 meters per second! Again scary stuff and remember you may find yourself in mid air and or in space depending what forces will have an effect on you. So anti gravity sounds cool BUT it comes with its own bag of problems. Just saying... Isaac Newton was a cool dude and did a lot of cool stuff. Maybe look at his work there is a LOT there actually

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