Project Looking Glass

For example, i bought a special "insurance" (warranty) for my car that covers me for parts and labour, should anything go wrong with it ;):D.
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If you were reading and saw e.g. you would say for example? And what is another word for warranty besides insurance?

You asked two questions, i included both of them in one sentence..Its upto our other members now to answer you, if they want to :)..
If you were reading and saw e.g. you would say for example? And what is another word for warranty besides insurance?

e.g literally translates to "for example", but people still pronounce it e.g and it's recognised either way as the same meaning. If I were reading and saw e.g I'd say e.g. Pronounced ee (rhymes with bee) gee (the first syllable of Jesus in UK/US English)

Another word for warranty is a contract or agreement. But warranty has a more specific meaning focussed on repairing an item you bought, if it breaks before it should be expected to, for a reason that isn't your fault. Many electrical items come with a warranty that lasts for a year or two that states, as long as you don't do anything silly with the appliance, if it breaks you can return it and get another for free or at a discount.
e.g literally translates to "for example", but people still pronounce it e.g and it's recognised either way as the same meaning. If I were reading and saw e.g I'd say e.g. Pronounced ee (rhymes with bee) gee (the first syllable of Jesus in UK/US English)

Another word for warranty is a contract or agreement. But warranty has a more specific meaning focussed on repairing an item you bought, if it breaks before it should be expected to, for a reason that isn't your fault. Many electrical items come with a warranty that lasts for a year or two that states, as long as you don't do anything silly with the appliance, if it breaks you can return it and get another for free or at a discount.
tHX. Now if ppl will look at this map and tell me if that extra piece on the north east corner of Egypt has always been there.

I have always thought of e.g. as ergo and I could have sworn that is what I was taught in school. As for the extra north east corner of Egypt, that is new to me. And I saw the word guarantee and swore it was spelled guarante.

After a Google search, I am not the only one:

Mar 10, 2017 - Everybody in this world want to be a successful person but there are few who taste it. ... Here I would like to quote that 90% is says more about IQ (Intelligent ... There is guarante that you will be able to handle this if you are ...

Feb 26, 2005 - 50 posts - ‎34 authorsWhats their record vs each other in the past few year, I guarante that Federer will own the advantage. ... the thing here is that if Fed will play his best tennis than won't be able to .... Mammadov, I think you're shortchanging Safin as an athlete. .... Safin was successful on 74%
What will you as well as can't accomplish if enjoying with a web-based casino. ... These are an array of thriving information, techniques I have seen to be the most valuable .... Most Noticeable Win Money Playing Seeing that a successful gambler ..... of different size and shapes at amazing rates, this means you're guarante.

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs - 1967 - ‎Legislative hearings
Mr. Chairman, I think the principal advantage of the legislation the committee is ... why is there any greater possibility that you will be more successful in the future? ... asking for more authority and also another bill which provided for guarante ...

In contrast to that experience—and I agree with you it has b and one of the reasons for it is to try ... Bank and the International Bank both have beer tremely successful. ... Nobody says, “I don't know whether Export-Import will be next year or not. ... no guarante this will be a better system, except that the experience proves t the ...

* Maybe it`s just MCI.
Jump a "time line", there.
I've jumped a few in the past month; it always "feels" different at first.
It's those little details that you notice; like watching a movie you've seen a hundred times and the actors change.
I'll notice triple number sequences catch my eye; as far as I can tell I'm on timeline #111.
But this is just a "wild-ass-theory" (WAT) ;)
Jump a "time line", there.
I've jumped a few in the past month; it always "feels" different at first.
It's those little details that you notice; like watching a movie you've seen a hundred times and the actors change.
I'll notice triple number sequences catch my eye; as far as I can tell I'm on timeline #111.
But this is just a "wild-ass-theory" (WAT) ;)
I noticed all three just this week. Either it`s MCI - mild cognitive impairment - or I dunno.... I have spent the last decade discussing every topic possible from every source knowable all day every day with people all over the globe. So it is strange that I should notice all of these in a few days. I just spent 90 minutes discussing Israel, Egypt, Gaza, Hamas, the Palestinians, iran and Iraq with an Israeli. And I do not know what Egypt looks like? I have written several books about the Bible - not that anyone reads them - ,too. Old age in middle age? I will have to remain ever vigilant from now on.
Jump a "time line", there.
I've jumped a few in the past month; it always "feels" different at first.
It's those little details that you notice; like watching a movie you've seen a hundred times and the actors change.
I'll notice triple number sequences catch my eye; as far as I can tell I'm on timeline #111.
But this is just a "wild-ass-theory" (WAT) ;)
Thats interesting, about the number. Mine is 22. I came here to this country from the USA sitting in seat #22. I met my future wife on the 22nd. We got married - date set by the state - on the 22nd with 21 other couples (22). A year later on the 22nd we went to a restaurant and walked around for several minutes until she chose a table. Number 22. Its always there. And just late last night I was helping someone practice for a job interview that she has today and and before she hung up she said she really liked the question for the interviewer, What do you expect from me in the first nine months? - Question #22.
