Debate Russia/John Titor - coming true?


USA is a bloody tyrant.
It feeds off of its own people, and the people of the word. It is a warmonger.

Not many here disagree with that statement. Here's my question: Can or would another country save us U.S. citizens from this evil government? Russia, perhaps? Maybe THEY should be doing something about OUR leaders for a change.....
USA is a bloody tyrant.
It feeds off of its own people, and the people of the word. It is a warmonger.

Not many here disagree with that statement. Here's my question: Can or would another country save us U.S. citizens from this evil government? Russia, perhaps? Maybe THEY should be doing something about OUR leaders for a change.....
Yes. There is more at work than "countries", it's more of a "family" thing at this point.
2001/09/11: 1000180800.0
Revelation 9:11 They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).
11They have as king over them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek he has the name Apollyon.12The first woe is past; behold, two woes are still coming after these things.

Psalm 88:11
Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?
Job 26:6
The realm of the dead is naked before God; Destruction lies uncovered.

Apollyon? Apollo 11?
Apollo 11 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


walt willis

Senior Member
Russia is in support of the nation where the ISIS forces came from and if we attack that nation Russia is duty bound to come to their aid.

Just as John Titor has said the next world war will begin in the Middle East.

Now the problem is what he said it would look like when the nukes start flying.

I hope the years are off some so I can have time to dig in better.

In general John Titor has most of the events on order, but his time is off some.

I have never seen so much anger in this country and around the world.

Wal-Mart and Costco stock survivalist goods for the first time that I can remember, and the ammo shelves are not being stocked as they are selling out faster then the public demand grows stronger.

There is something strange going on here...


Junior Member

What I like about modern mass media (virtually any TV channel, publishers), is the fact that the strong statements, is proving to, turn out to be unconfirmed, without any facts. The main thing to say that Russia sent 5,000 troops in Ukraine, but then must show photos of their passports, military documents, military insignia - so there is no answer.

"The main proof of the fact that Russia is not involved in the war with Ukraine, is the very existence of Ukraine."

Again, it does not matter, or any other major channel feeds material: everywhere visible common methods, a feeling that they are working on a training manual. Remembered Malaysian plane crashed? When all Western TV channels broadcast on, spoke that aircraft shot down by Russian military. Then they, too, did not produce any evidence, and now silent as if on cue. There is no proof, but the flow of information created, specified the role of "aggressive" Russia, packages sanctions go.

Partially the legend of the Russian troops was created by the oligarchs, who ruling by Ukraine: it is so easy to write off punitive military failures against the militias. So they supposedly "fighting" with a huge Russian, and actually lose army in battles against militias Donbass and Lugansk, which protect their homes from the bastards from the western Ukraine.



What I like about modern mass media (virtually any TV channel, publishers), is the fact that the strong statements, is proving to, turn out to be unconfirmed, without any facts. The main thing to say that Russia sent 5,000 troops in Ukraine, but then must show photos of their passports, military documents, military insignia - so there is no answer.

Right. Media does not list its source most of the time, yet everyone believes them.

Remembered Malaysian plane crashed? When all Western TV channels broadcast on, spoke that aircraft shot down by Russian military.

Yes, I witnessed that on TV. It was immediately said to be a Russian job.

walt willis

Senior Member
Epiphany moment...or just another brain fart?
For the folks that had listened to the interview on VERITAS radio that may remember the report about what my science teacher told me in
private back in the mid 1960's concerning the information of the anti-gravity device and how it could also affect time as well as inertia,
I just remembered the connection between the story of the pin drop noise.
I believe he was trying to tell us that time is relative to us be not necessarily to everything else in the cosmos.
He said that even though we could no longer hear the sound of a simple pin hitting the table, The sound it made was still there.
Give that some more thought and try to understand what point he was making.
We as humans are moving away from the sound and the sound is still there somewhere in time.
Now think about the fact that if the sound is still there somewhere then so may be the event?
We need to think way outside the box to get the point he was trying to make.
Now try to couple that idea with the idea that time may be more like a giant donut and we occupy a very small slice of that delicious treat...
Also, think about other intelligent being that may occupy a much more advanced area of time/space and that they may have the ability to
travel around to other parts of the donut.
The so called "Timeline" may just be the future people are causing some changes in other places of the donut?
I know it sounds rather strange for the average person to believe of even understand, but after putting all of what I know together it adds up.
The other problem is that there may be many other people from other parts of the donut making changes in opposition to the time traveling
It is just a wild ass guess, but it may be able to explain why John Titor cannot be 100% accurate in his view of what is to become of our future.
