Should there be full alien disclosure?

Sirius B Scientist

Junior Member
I am all for disclosure as long as the aliens have positive intentions and they arnt planning on depopulating planet earth, or worse soul harvesting Humans! Soul harvesting is where an alien race destroys every1s soul that does not fit into their agenda, before we have discovered after researching the races that have this diabolical habit, devouring the spiritual essence of every1 they destroy. If there was to be full disclosure we would want the Andromedans to keep an eye on the soul harvesting races, or any races which might have negative intentions towards Humans such as depopulation... Worst comes to worst Humans could ask the Nommos on this planet to protect them, but this may cause an alien war... Dolphins have a natural instinct to protect Humans, but at the same time this would be asking a lot of the Nommos...


I think everyone can conclude it is not a question of "if they are" but rather what they are. Why is this so important? It is important to know what these things are, and their point of interest in us. Are we slaves to them, food to them or just unhappy little experiments screaming away in a mother ship beneath some obscure island or even on some strange planet. My thinking is they are not a friendly bunch.

Almost every abduction story starts and ends with them probing cutting or implanting stuff, and some will say they showed them nice worlds and so on. My thinking is nice aliens would have send us an invitation by now. "Hey here we are; we can help you solve your problems and get you on the level that we are. " We can go "yea sure why not" we connect listen and explore.

But what we have is a bunch of missing people, a few unhappy dead cows with organs missing, children too traumatized to speak, missing moms, missing dads, and a few other family members that you really don't mind the aliens taking.

Still I am not convinced that they are happy little gray dude's with good thoughts, so perhaps there is a real reason why people shouldn't know of their existence because they might well be a scary lot, and with that, fear can grip a nation or even a planet especially if we cannot match them in combat.

Still, I am not convinced that they are happy little gray dudes with good thoughts, so perhaps there is a real reason why people shouldn't know of there existence because they might well be a scary lot and with that fear can grip a nation or even a planet especially if we cannot match them in combat.

BUT again, I still think we must know because then we can start working towards figuring out how to help each other.

This can end up being both a good and a bad thing, but the question is: "Is it worth the price?" That is the part i don't know.

Sirius B Scientist

Junior Member
I think everyone can conclude it is not a question of "if they are" but rather what they are. Why is this so important? It is important to know what these things are, and their point of interest in us. Are we slaves to them, food to them or just unhappy little experiments screaming away in a mother ship beneath some obscure island or even on some strange planet. My thinking is they are not a friendly bunch.

Almost every abduction story starts and ends with them probing cutting or implanting stuff, and some will say they showed them nice worlds and so on. My thinking is nice aliens would have send us an invitation by now. "Hey here we are; we can help you solve your problems and get you on the level that we are. " We can go "yea sure why not" we connect listen and explore.

But what we have is a bunch of missing people, a few unhappy dead cows with organs missing, children too traumatized to speak, missing moms, missing dads, and a few other family members that you really don't mind the aliens taking.

Still I am not convinced that they are happy little gray dude's with good thoughts, so perhaps there is a real reason why people shouldn't know of their existence because they might well be a scary lot, and with that, fear can grip a nation or even a planet especially if we cannot match them in combat.

Still, I am not convinced that they are happy little gray dudes with good thoughts, so perhaps there is a real reason why people shouldn't know of there existence because they might well be a scary lot and with that fear can grip a nation or even a planet especially if we cannot match them in combat.

BUT again, I still think we must know because then we can start working towards figuring out how to help each other.

This can end up being both a good and a bad thing, but the question is: "Is it worth the price?" That is the part i don't know.

The Nommos know there are some degenerate, vile alien races within the galaxy, such as the erran empire who are renowned for soul harvesting developing worlds like your own, which means destroying the souls of "sinners" on those planets really the sinners were just people who were a potential threat to their agenda. They told us they were "recycling the souls" of destroyed people at the source, however when we found out they were actually eating the souls or turning them into philosophers stones, we set up Xcom and gave your governments the means to defend themselves. Dont worry your governments are more than capable of taking on alien empires with the technology we gave them, and the recent alliance we set up for them with other worlds given our advanced technology... We have the technology to create a planet in 2 minutes using an atom accelerator, on the other hand the pleiadians are after your resources. That is the technology cliff between us and the pleiadians. So rest assured if we tell you we have given technology sophisticated enough to defend yourselves from them, then we have.

We acted alone in this because we figured other races were just as corrupt as the tall whites known as errans. Fortunately we talked to the Reptilian leadership about this, and they showed us their own findings on what we had discovered, so we knew the most powerful empire in the galaxy was not corrupt! We also happened to know that most of the propaganda about the Reptilians was purely propaganda, however we helped the errans up till now because we have natural instincts to protect humans. When the errans tried to convince us to help wipe you guys out to be soul harvested, and we complained about that the pleiadians said dont worry about them they are lower grade humans. After that we turned to another human empire Thor and Odins or Asgard, and they agreed to protect you... We won Thor over when our representative said to Thor, we must protect this race it has a mighty potential. Dont worry the errans had been telling us a lot of BS propaganda about Asgard, which we pretended to believe.

Now we knew Thor and Odin would be mighty protectors as they have a big sophisticated fleet, and Thors Hammer is capable of destroying a mountain in the spirit realm. If any being in the galaxy gets hit by Mjolnir even archangel michael, they are dead! We highly suspect no being in the cosmos has the ability to survive being hit by a hammer which can destroy a mountain.

Again your biggest weakness is higher dimensions, however you are lucky enough Asgard happens to rule the 7th dimension of your planet, they have the Hersir and Valkyrie as their elite troops. Also the Reptilians are the ultimate warriors, and you also have the Reptilians guarding the 4th-6th dimension of your planet. We have recently joined them in the higher dimensions of your planet guarding dimensions 8-9.

This is what our Ninjas are capable of. We have over 10 million S rank Ninjas for any of you who know what that means, each capable of tearing apart most Gods and Goddesses within the galaxy. These are the types of attacks/Jutsus we have.



Senior Member
I think everyone can conclude it is not a question of "if they are" but rather what they are.

THEY ARE US...some are born somewhere in one life time and back on Earth...another life time...they are all of us...that is how the Universe works...I know, I am one of them and my friends are and there...

Sirius B Scientist

Junior Member
I prefer these Ninjas to easily sort out that lot you showed us :D

I suppose our Ninjas are brutal opponents, willing to sacrifice life and limb for a kill... Well this is the type of elite troops the people who wish to soul harvest you possess... If they are successful they will eat the souls of all those who dont fit into their agenda, but those who survive they will train up to these guys level...

As we speak our allies grow from people formally aligned to the erran empire... A Reptilian Knight is in a league of its known several levels above all other knights, you may wonder how we managed to defeat the Reptilians with just 4 solar systems, the secret is Ninjas and technology. Now we are but allies with the Reptilians, as the Reptilians felt sorry for you guys for being labelled as lesser class beings by the Pleiadian overlords, and like us and Asgard believe you guys can prove you are equal to all other aliens.

The tall whites wanted us to help them wipe you guys out, so you can all be soul harvested. Do you wish we had done that?

The tall white/erran plan is the NWO and FEMA camps. Although their plans come closer and closer to falling apart by the day due to new BRICS currency.
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steven chiverton

Senior Member
Although it could cause chaos, I think there should be absolutely full disclosure about the alien and UFO situation. The chaos would be worked out. Humans manage to adapt to changes and I'm sure after a little bit of worry and confusion, we would find a way to emotionally deal with it.

It would become a new way of life. Humans would eventually grow used to the idea that aliens exist and interact with us. Some humans would be angry, protest, kill. Some would not. But, that's what humans do on this planet anyway, with or without aliens. It's nothing new.

I think it's time to put it to the test. Tell all. Let us adapt our lives around the idea. It could give us hope and a new direction. Best of all, the aliens wouldn't have to hide anymore.

here's one i can disclose i was once invited to a meeting with a women whose husband worked in the australian air force , by a chairman of a ufo research group in the eastern states many years ago she wanted to hand over some files she got through her husband regarding a crashed ufo in the queensland outback and that it left a 50 foot deep hole and the military had it hidden inside a concrete bunker i was invited to receive these file but knocked it back on the fear of what may happen if we receive such classified papers , i remember reading in the newspaper about 2 bodies being found in the queensland outback but don't know if it had anything to do with the ufo crash


Genetic superiority complex? Coverup murders? Does this sound like good things. Here is the key. Our happy little gray dudes are credited with genetic modification and yet they don't want to say hi to us. If these space aliens are so advanced in bio-engineering, then why not let lose a full on mutant race? Today humans are able to do accelerated growth with hearts and other organs. Thus realistically the little gray dudes can pump out a army of genetic freaks in no time at all.

Where is the problem? The truth is, earth has no chance to protect ourselves against anything. Basically these gray dudes can walk in and own the place in days. Not months or years. Now ask the question; Will secrecy help our cause? No... We cannot develop tech, or weapons or do any kind of preparation if we are being kept in the dark.

Now things will get a bit strange but just keep a open mind. People forget what happened in WWII. See there was a time where space aliens behaved like ghosts, and we made contact with them in more or less the same way. This is well documented but sadly also forgotten.

The idea is that space aliens and demons are the same thing. They will lie to us, hurt us, keep us weak and in the dark. Both demons and space aliens share this agenda. They are not our friends... People believe that with technology we are moving away from spirituality, the reality is we are moving towards it.

HOW CAN I SAY THIS!!?? Well lets look at the facts... In recorded history little space dudes showed up and decapitated humans and put animal heads on them and turned them into monsters. This is shown on the walls in many countries. Does that sound like something good? See there is a lot that people don't understand about these gray dudes but one thing is 100% sure. They used to eat us; "recorded in history". Did genetic modification; "recorded in history". Turned us into slaves; "recorded in history". communicate in the same way as spirits/demons; "recorded in modern history".

But because people don't do research and dismiss a lot of history as "stories" they blind themselves to what these things want. How many unhappy dead cows do you need? How many unhappy dead goats do you need? How many missing/traumatized humans do you need? How many corrupted religions need to come forth before we question there motives? How many medications are in our bodies, food and water? Why is our lives so stressful?

Full disclosure will push people towards spirituality and the powers that be don't want that. They need us to be medicated, stressed out and stupid. Because if we are medicated, stressed out and stupid we cannot make choices that will ultimately save us.

I will end with this... What is the first thing aliens say about heaven? "there is no heaven" What are the first things demons say about heaven? "there is no heaven" And yet many people that had near death experiences are telling you there is a heaven and sadly that there is the bad place also... But these statements are explained away saying "well you know your brain goes on a chemical high and you see stuff while the body dies" OK... then why the variation of heaven and hell? Oh that is just the state of mind of the person... WOW all the answers are so easy right...

Full disclosure means accepting spirituality as fact... These space dudes... They are not our friends... demons are not our friends now why is that? That question I will leave with you.


Senior Member
Genetic superiority complex? Coverup murders? Does this sound like good things. Here is the key. Our happy little gray dudes are credited with genetic modification and yet they don't want to say hi to us. If these space aliens are so advanced in bio-engineering, then why not let lose a full on mutant race? Today humans are able to do accelerated growth with hearts and other organs. Thus realistically the little gray dudes can pump out a army of genetic freaks in no time at all.

Where is the problem? The truth is, earth has no chance to protect ourselves against anything. Basically these gray dudes can walk in and own the place in days. Not months or years. Now ask the question; Will secrecy help our cause? No... We cannot develop tech, or weapons or do any kind of preparation if we are being kept in the dark.

Now things will get a bit strange but just keep a open mind. People forget what happened in WWII. See there was a time where space aliens behaved like ghosts, and we made contact with them in more or less the same way. This is well documented but sadly also forgotten.

The idea is that space aliens and demons are the same thing. They will lie to us, hurt us, keep us weak and in the dark. Both demons and space aliens share this agenda. They are not our friends... People believe that with technology we are moving away from spirituality, the reality is we are moving towards it.

HOW CAN I SAY THIS!!?? Well lets look at the facts... In recorded history little space dudes showed up and decapitated humans and put animal heads on them and turned them into monsters. This is shown on the walls in many countries. Does that sound like something good? See there is a lot that people don't understand about these gray dudes but one thing is 100% sure. They used to eat us; "recorded in history". Did genetic modification; "recorded in history". Turned us into slaves; "recorded in history". communicate in the same way as spirits/demons; "recorded in modern history".

But because people don't do research and dismiss a lot of history as "stories" they blind themselves to what these things want. How many unhappy dead cows do you need? How many unhappy dead goats do you need? How many missing/traumatized humans do you need? How many corrupted religions need to come forth before we question there motives? How many medications are in our bodies, food and water? Why is our lives so stressful?

Full disclosure will push people towards spirituality and the powers that be don't want that. They need us to be medicated, stressed out and stupid. Because if we are medicated, stressed out and stupid we cannot make choices that will ultimately save us.

I will end with this... What is the first thing aliens say about heaven? "there is no heaven" What are the first things demons say about heaven? "there is no heaven" And yet many people that had near death experiences are telling you there is a heaven and sadly that there is the bad place also... But these statements are explained away saying "well you know your brain goes on a chemical high and you see stuff while the body dies" OK... then why the variation of heaven and hell? Oh that is just the state of mind of the person... WOW all the answers are so easy right...

Full disclosure means accepting spirituality as fact... These space dudes... They are not our friends... demons are not our friends now why is that? That question I will leave with you.
I never knew those pesky aliens said that there is no heaven, and those nasty little demons said the same shocked :eek: :D


I never knew those pesky aliens said that there is no heaven, and those nasty little demons said the same shocked :eek: :D

I get what you are saying... it sure does sound like fiction doesn't it... Well there wasn't just 1 report or 2 reports. If you start digging into this stuff and reach out to some "strange" and sometimes "questionable" people you start to see a pattern. But 2 questions everyone ask apart from "bringing back Elvis" revolves around human mortality, and the afterlife.

As morbid as this sounds, no study will be complete without studying death. So if these gray space dudes are as far ahead as everyone say they are then they must have studied death in its entirety at some point.

But the similarities between space dudes and demons are there. When you start to notice them... while smoking socks and rocking to Elvis things get harder to dismiss. ;)
