sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis is probably one of the few terms i actually hate lol Since it has come out it has been used to instantly debunk and throw away any claim on Ghost/ET activity at night and it is aggravating to me as a believer that people are willing to just "O ya no these marks on my body and the fact i woke up with something standing next to me and i was unable to move is simply sleep paralysis no problems!"

I do acknowledge sleep paralysis as a thing i just hate the fact it is used to explain away absolutely everything.
Yes. It sure is misused by alleged 'debunkers' that are generally nothing more than 'lousy losers' lol! so to say.
Anyway the existence of ghosts (spirits) is a fact. It is proven 'scientifically' without an ounce of uncertainty by EVP extremely sensitive devices. By the way it's about time i purchase one of these to me. My take on the subject is clearly a spiritual one, i mean i give my left ear we are nothing more than spirits temporarily taking on an animal body. (I hope some ear eating boxer will not read this). Lately i ve been exchanging comprehensive dialogues with my late deceased wife. For the first time in 5 years she responded to me in a rational way. Well i had to resort to sleeo paralysis provoking it by the Timer technique. But i confess that at times i prefer to avoid the bloody state.
I ended up seeking for truth, it became personal. It is real, no one can tell me/witnesses otherwise
Interesting... I suffered this for a time when I was 7-8yrs old. Though I have a (usually) photographic memory, much of this time eludes me. Sleeping with the light on, trying to scream with no sound. All following my first early experience with spiritual warfare. Long story, but I had inadvertently ended up at a satanic ritual where I was forced to denounce God at that young age. My life has never been the same since. All gift of innocence disappeared that night & the world has looked strange.

Considering our subconscious never sleeps, it's fascinating how such paralysis can dictate our voluntary functions.
RHYS. I cannot dismiss the fact that sleep paralysis can be directly related to 'demonic possessions' and alien abductions. For the simple fact that either earth bound bad malevolent spirits and some down to earth alien reptilian gray types may induce sleep paralysis into their victims. I have some experiences but i am running out of time at the moment as i m busy doing some assignments. Later on if necessary i may contribute with more consistent data.
The creeps. An experience in 2011.

At exactly 3, 40 pm this Sunday, a nap after lunch i woke up from an amazing experience. I might as well name it 'agonizing' experience as i got trapped and paralysed in a subservient condition-that is how i felt myself-intimidated by the authoritative manner of 'Our Mother' from the spiritual craft. She was not that authoritative herself, i mean, I found myself getting irritated for feeling unable to react to anything that should come from an unwanted stranger in my bedroom, at least unsolicited. guest. Feelings of vulnerability with which sleep paralysis imposed over me at that moment. I felt intimidated by 'Our Mother' (the wife of the Medicine man of the spiritual center) but i could not help feeling myself completely submitted to her in a way i did not feel myself able to react to her presence-i mean- it crossed my mind the instinctual idea to defend my lower abdomen and the face. How would i react should a sudden outer attack happened? Even taking into consideration the fact 'Our Mother' would not do me any harm-of course-since it is most improbable to expect any hostile attitudes from the wife of a dignified 'Chief' (how we, mediums, used to call the Babalorixa). Imagine how you would feel having to face an intrusion a disturbance like this. Once again i think psychics should stick to some basic rules- what about ethics in paranormal issues? Anyway the sensation of impotence before an outer force can be imagined. We can even tolerate the imposing presence of an acquaintance, someone we relate to (a mother, a father, brother or sister) but how could we handle the hostile malevolent presence of an evil spirit or an reptile alien? The impact can be devastating!! Cause the feeling is 'complete impotence', vulnerability, subservience. And the adjective subservient conveys what i wish to express
very willing or too willing to obey someone else and feeling ourselves less important than something or someone else.
I do not blame any of you not to like the sleep paralysis state.
If you still did not understand the plot of this experience: laying on my back i took a nap after lunch and found myself in sleep paralysis. During this state i felt the intimidating presence of the wife of the chief from the spiritual craft. And the adhective 'subservient' conveys all i have in mind: very willing or too willing to obey someone else. : less important than something or someone else. She was sitting next to me and her presence was more real and as well as valid as if she was actually there in physical reality. And she was giving me advices typical to the role she played in the spiritual center.
Then i wondered how it would be like being completely paralysed before a malevolent entity. The impact would be tremendous!!!
Somehow i knew i could not escape from the uncomfortable presence of that 'witch' (in the good sense of the word): her imposing way could only be a product of witchery. GEE i could not move while she remained there. If i could only speak i would beg her: please do not get too close. Within the reach of her energy field my skin started to itch, a tingling sensation creeping all the way up my spine. Terrible!
Note: 'Our Mother was alive when she decided to drop by. She still is' Someone endowed with psychic abilities: a witch- if you prefer.
I heard of obers chanting mantras seeking protection-everything. When sleep paralysis come across me or the other way around i never know for sure where i will get stuck into. Once i unwillingly got trapped inside a great confusion. An angry she entity g.ot hold of another woman's neck and i tried to interfere. Suddenly i had messed up in the pandemonium. I could not release the strong hands that squeezed the victim's throat apparently suffocating her. I could not figure out the motive of such furious attack. I ve already read books telling about the infamous spiritual fightings in the lower level realms. The yesterday's perpetrators are today's victims? Perhaps: how to judge such weird things?
Many questions have arisen afterwards. Do spirits have necks? How could be possible inflicting pain in a spiritual entity? I do not know. All i know is that the most horrendous things are open for the most courageous ones to watch. Some times i get afraid.
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This is an interesting thread. I used to get sleep paralysis many years ago and it coincided with a time in my life when I was doing a lot of deep meditation to aid OBE. I remember reading a book back then called 'how to protect yourself from Alien abduction' (not a parody). That introduced me to a technique which worked every time and almost instantaneously. Concentrate on one body part (for me it was my little finger) and concentrate on wiggling it, within moments the finger would wiggle and then my entire body freed itself. That was the best method that worked for me of breaking sleep paralysis.

I always used to think that the sleep paralysis and the OBE happening at roughly the same time were just coincidences but having read this thread I've learned (20 years later) that they are connected. Everyday's a school day!
Well, I cant speak for anyone else, but I suffer from sleep paralysis very often. And while it is sometimes terrifying and the hallucinations seem very, very real, I do think it is all in my head. That is not to say that whatever is happening isnt important or "real" but I do not think that the experiences have anything to do with some outside force. The one upside is that if I am able to push the fear away and slip back to sleep I am able to lucid dream immediately which is always an amazing experience.
I recall having sleep paralysis for a few minutes during one of our chat events..
I nodded off under my Delta T Antenna, and i was only brought out of it by Num7 sending me a psychic "Alert" message :D
