Surveillance Drone in the US!


Yes, I totally agree! God also helps those who help themselves. That's not Scripture, but it's a true saying.

I'm definitely with you on that just because God forgives you doesn't mean you shouldn't make amends for something you did. Especially those nuts who think it's okay to sin or break the law simply because it isn't in the bible or God forgives them. Those are the ones that piss me off the most lol


Time Travel Professor
UFO Nearly Causes Mid-Air Collision Over Denver (Video)

May 16, 2012 11:50 AM EDT

Here is the Link: UFO Nearly Causes Mid-Air Collision Over Denver... | Gather

A UFO, which did not show up on radar, nearly caused a mid-air collision over the skies of Denver with a corporate jet on Monday evening and officials have no idea what it was.

Because the private pilot was the only witness, and due to the lack of any radar signature, the incident falls into the category of an encounter with an unidentified flying object.

But, listening to the frightened pilot's radio transmission at the time of the event, which is included in the video news report below, makes it clear that something was in the air which should not have been there.


FAA officials, of course, are falling short of the UFO classification, instead speculating that the object was either a surveillance drone, a remote-controlled aircraft or a very large bird.

Pointing out that the pilot saw the object for only a moment, which was enough to cause alarm, and citing the lack of any radar information, the incident is being investigated further.

Recently, debate has begun as to whether or not the same kind of drones which are being used for surveillance and air attacks in war zones should be employed over the American homeland has many people worried.

But if those drones do not show up on radar, the controversy enters an entirely different phase, pinning air safety as a major concern.

Here's the video:

What do you think?


Time Travel Professor
List of unmanned aerial vehicles by counties

The following is a list of Unmanned aerial vehicles developed and operated in various countries around the world. Listed with primary mission(s) and year of first flight.

Link to this List: List of unmanned aerial vehicles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia










China (PRC)

A PLAAF Guizhou Soar Eagle HALE UAV undergoing tests

Bojnik - unmanned areial vehicle
Czech Republic






  • HAI Pegasus, reconnaissance (1982)
  • HAI Pegasus II, reconnaissance (2005)
  • EADS 3 Sigma Nearchos, reconnaissance (1996)
  • EADS 3 Sigma Iris
  • EADS 3 Sigma Alkyon
  • EADS 3 Sigma Perseas
  • BSK Defense Erevos, MALE reconnaissance UAV (under development)
  • BSK Defense Phaethon J, tactical reconnaissance UAV
  • BSK Defense Phaethon G, tactical reconnaissance UAV (under development)
  • BSK Defense Kyon, mini reconnaissance UAV
  • BSK Defense Ideon, mini reconnaissance UAV


  • PUNA (Pesawat Udara Nir-Awak, Made by BPP Teknologi)
  • STD (Small Target Drone, Made by PT Mandiri Mitra Muhibbah)
  • LTD (Large Target Drone, Made by PT Mandiri Mitra Muhibbah)



IAI Pioneer UAV flying over Iraq




  • UAVFACTORY Penguin B, dual purprose (civil/military), fixed wing UAV system (2010)
  • UAVFACTORY Varna UAV, reconnaissance electric flying wing unmanned system (under development)



New Zealand


A SATUMA Jasoos in camouflage scheme.

A Falco UAV on display.




  • PITVANT [79]
  • PERSEUS [80]
  • QuadCopter UX-4001 Mini [81]
  • QuadCopter UX-401 [82]
  • OctoCopter UX-801 [83]




  • C-Astral Bramor[90]
South Africa

Denel Dynamics Bateleur UAV
South Korea

  • Korea Aerospace (KAI) Night Intruder NI-100N or DUV-4, medium-range tactical reconnaissance[91]
  • Korea Aerospace RQ-101, short-range tactical reconnaissance
  • Korean Air Aerospace KUS-9, medium-range tactical reconnaissance
  • KARI Remo Eye 006
Soviet Union/Russia

UAV ZALA 421-08, a man-portable Russian UAV capable of 90min flight time with video/photo/IR camera

The SCRAB II ready to launch





Malazgirt VTOL Mini Unmanned System operated by Turkish Armed Forces

United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom

RAF MQ-9 Reaper

BAE Taranis

InView UAV for use in scientific, commercial and state applications.
United States




Senior Member
They have drones as small as hummingbirds! Please check your bird feeders and make sure there are real birds out may be surprised. Just like anything else if they have it they will use it...then abuse it. I remember an old TV show, "The Prisoner" Whenever he tried to escape a large balloon or bubble went after him. This has now been replaced by drone technology. Drones, chips, and GPS...Oh my!


Senior Member
The ability to track people is as easy as looking up a phone number, there is actual software people can get that lets track others on there call phones, i suppose i don't know why they would need to send drones out to spy when they have the technology to look up anything and everything about people as they wish. Really makes you think exactly who or what is even reading what we type on these forums.


Senior Member
Talk of drones patrolling US skies spawns anxiety

WASHINGTON (AP) June 19, 2012 — The prospect that thousands of drones could be patrolling U.S. skies by the end of this decade is raising the specter of a Big Brother government that peers into backyards and bedrooms.

The worries began mostly on the political margins, but there are signs that ordinary people are starting to fret that unmanned aircraft could soon be circling overhead.

Jeff Landry, a freshman Republican congressman from Louisiana's coastal bayou country, said constituents have stopped him while shopping at Walmart to talk about it.

"There is a distrust amongst the people who have come and discussed this issue with me about our government," Landry said. "It's raising an alarm with the American public."

Another GOP freshman, Rep. Austin Scott, said he first learned of the issue when someone shouted out a question about drones at a Republican Party meeting in his Georgia congressional district two months ago.

An American Civil Liberties Union lobbyist, Chris Calabrese, said that when he speaks to audiences about privacy issues generally, drones are what "everybody just perks up over."

"People are interested in the technology, they are interested in the implications and they worry about being under surveillance from the skies," he said.

The level of apprehension is especially high in the conservative blogosphere, where headlines blare "30,000 Armed Drones to be Used Against Americans" and "Government Drones Set to Spy on Farms in the United States."

When Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican, suggested during an interview on Washington radio station WTOP last month that drones be used by police domestically since they've done such a good job on foreign battlefields, the political backlash was swift. NetRightDaily complained: "This seems like something a fascist would do. ... McDonnell isn't pro-Big Government, he is pro-HUGE Government."

John Whitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute of Charlottesville, Va., which provides legal assistance in support of civil liberties and conservative causes, warned the governor, "America is not a battlefield, and the citizens of this nation are not insurgents in need of vanquishing."

There's concern as well among liberal civil liberties advocates that government and private-sector drones will be used to gather information on Americans without their knowledge. A lawsuit by the Electronic Frontier Foundation of San Francisco, whose motto is "defending your rights in the digital world," forced the Federal Aviation Administration earlier this year to disclose the names of dozens of public universities, police departments and other government agencies that have been awarded permission to fly drones in civilian airspace on an experimental basis.

Giving drones greater access to U.S. skies moves the nation closer to "a surveillance society in which our every move is monitored, tracked, recorded and scrutinized by the authorities," the ACLU warned last December in a report.

The anxiety has spilled over into Congress, where a bipartisan group of lawmakers have been meeting to discuss legislation that would broadly address the civil-liberty issues raised by drones. A Landry provision in a defense spending bill would prohibit information gathered by military drones without a warrant from being used as evidence in court. A provision that Rep. Rush Holt, D-N.J., added to another bill would prohibit the Homeland Security Department from arming its drones, including ones used to patrol the border.

Scott and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., have introduced identical bills to prohibit any government agency from using a drone to "gather evidence or other information pertaining to criminal conduct or conduct in violation of a regulation" without a warrant.

"I just don't like the concept of drones flying over barbecues in New York to see whether you have a Big Gulp in your backyard or whether you are separating out your recyclables according to the city mandates," Paul said in an interview, referring to a New York City ban on supersized soft drinks.

He acknowledged that is an "extreme example," but added: "They might just say we'd be safer from muggings if we had constant surveillance crisscrossing the street all the time. But then the question becomes, what about jaywalking? What about eating too many donuts? What about putting mayonnaise on your hamburger? Where does it stop?"

Calabrese, the ACLU lobbyist, called Paul's office as soon as he heard about the bill.

"I told them we think they are starting from the right place," Calabrese said. "You should need some kind of basis before you use a drone to spy on someone."

In a Congress noted for its political polarization, legislation to check drone use has the potential to forge "a left-right consensus," he said. "It bothers us for a lot of the same reasons it bothers conservatives."

The backlash has drone makers concerned. The drone market is expected to nearly double over the next 10 years, from current worldwide expenditures of nearly $6 billion annually to more than $11 billion, with police departments accounting for a significant part of that growth.

"We go into this with every expectation that the laws governing public safety and personal privacy will not be administered any differently for (drones) than they are for any other law enforcement tool," said Dan Elwell, vice president of the Aerospace Industries Association.
Discussion of the issue has been colored by exaggerated drone tales spread largely by conservative media and bloggers.

Scott said he was prompted to introduce his bill in part by news reports that the Environmental Protection Agency has been using drones to spy on cattle ranchers in Nebraska. The agency has indeed been searching for illegal dumping of waste into streams but is doing it the old-fashioned way, with piloted planes.

In another case, a forecast of 30,000 drones in U.S. skies by 2020 has been widely attributed to the FAA. But FAA spokeswoman Brie Sachse said the agency has no idea where the figure came from. It may be a mangled version of an aerospace industry forecast that there could be nearly 30,000 drones worldwide by 2018, with the United States accounting for half of them.

Fear that some drones may be armed has been fueled in part by a county sheriff's office in Texas that used a homeland security grant to buy a $300,000, 50-pound ShadowHawk helicopter drone for its SWAT team. The drone can be equipped with a 40mm grenade launcher and a 12-gauge shotgun. Randy McDaniel, chief deputy with the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, told The Associated Press earlier this year his office had no plans to arm the drone, but he left open the possibility the agency may decide to adapt the drone to fire tear gas canisters and rubber bullets.

Earlier this year Congress, under pressure from the Defense Department and the drone manufacturers, ordered the FAA to give drones greater access to civilian airspace by 2015. Besides the military, the mandate applies to drones operated by the private sector and civilian government agencies, including federal, state and local law enforcement.

Reps. Ed Markey, D-Mass, and Joe Barton, R-Texas, co-chairs of a congressional privacy caucus, asked the FAA in April how it plans to protect privacy as it develops regulations for integrating drones into airspace now exclusively used by aircraft with human pilots. There's been no response so far, but Acting FAA Administrator Michael Huerta will probably be asked about it when he testifies at a Senate hearing Thursday.

Even if the FAA were to establish privacy rules, it's primarily a safety agency and wouldn't have the expertise or regulatory structure to enforce them, civil liberties advocates said. But no other government agency is addressing the issue, either, they said.



well, well now it would seem it's about time to start working on that EMP gun huh!!!!!! looks like we better be gettin ready for the cyborgs and H.K. units to start patrols:(


Senior Member
well, well now it would seem it's about time to start working on that EMP gun huh!!!!!! looks like we better be gettin ready for the cyborgs and H.K. units to start patrols:(
If you can get a emp gun get me one too! all types of shinanigans i could have with one of them


Senior Member
well, well now it would seem it's about time to start working on that EMP gun huh!!!!!! looks like we better be gettin ready for the cyborgs and H.K. units to start patrols:(

What is an EMP gun?
It is in theory a rifle or bazooka type weapon that is able to shoot bursts of Electromagnetic Energy in order to fry electronic systems in cars and such. whether or not one actually excists is beyond me let alone if the average joe could attain one.
