Technology we Have Provided

Sirius B Scientist

Junior Member
Knowing that the practice of soul harvesting was going on and still researching what was done with the souls of destroyed people, we provided your government with the most efficient Time and Space weapons to defend you guys against hostile aliens. The reason you havnt been invaded up to now is because of them. Think of that weapon for from MIB 3 used to stop the Troglodyte invasion, that is the kind of technology we have provided to your governments to defend you... Although we have no control of your governments as we provided this technology with no strings attached, we tested the resolve of your governments to protect earth and it was firm! Thor and Odin have also fought off a fleet of soul harvesters in the past...

Anyway we have properly researched the mysterious practice of soul harvesting something we have been highly suspicious of for awhile, and we have found out what happens to the souls in a soul harvest is they broken down into a food form for the soul harvesters to eat. Now do not get confused the Reptilians do not have the technology to quickly break down an entire planets population into a food form, so we are not talking about them but far worse sinister extraterrestials. If any alien talks to you about a harvest be absolutely terrified of them, and ask for a Nommos to protect you from being abducted by them. Dont worry your average Nommos can blow up a ship in the higher dimensions quite easily, so you will be well protected!

Anyway we have provided technology to your governments to protect you from these aliens, and due to how much more sophisticated our technology is than the soul harvesters, your governments should be able to protect you from these hostile aliens! Just know if we were imperialist we would have conquered this galaxy years ago!

Finally we have long been suspicious of the ingredients used to make a philosophers stone, which are all made in Sirius A our neighbours... I bought 1 on the black market and studied it, and I conclusively proved it was made of spiritual energy plasma or ectoplasm, this work was checked by all the top scientists in the loop and the findings were conclusive! I tried to think the best of the people from Sirius A, and that they had found a way of artificially creating ectoplasm which we know to be possible, however Lord Sureya, archangel Metatron and his brother Sandalphon were less trusting and concluded the worst from our findings... However Hiromu Arakawa is a star seed from Sirius A, and she made a series called Full Metal Alchemist where the secret ingredient of a philosophers stone is a human soul... With her permission we abducted her and she proved to us that philosophers stones are made of souls being a scientist herself, which confirmed out worst fears! We also discovered on the black market there is a spiritual energy trade going on, which we traced to the soul harvesters...

Anyway the Andromedans were unaware of these things until we showed them, and they cant believe these practices were happening on their door step! The Andromedans, Nommos, Orbs and the Military Industrial Complex are your friends! However beware of any races which send a channelling mentioning the word harvest! I know its hard to believe that some1 as secretive as your governments could be secretly protecting you, but they are. On a side not we have been asking your governments to release environmentally friendly technology for years, and we may make 1 of the conditions that we continue to provide the technology to defend you guys that they do so. I need to know do you think thats fair, or is your safety more important? I am asking you guys because you are some of the most aware humans on planet earth...

Why are we helping you? Well dolphins have innate instincts to protect good humans, however the soul harvesting 1s we do not care for any more! Yes some of the aliens wishing to soul harvest you a fellow human aliens, before you question why, just think of the capacity for evil people like Genghis Khan and Hitler showed throughout history!
Dont ask how we knew you guys were 1 of the next targets to be soul harvested but we discovered it in your literature... If you are sufficiently intelligent you will be able to find out where and quote it to me!

The plans of the negative extraterrestrials are to take down your world governments and the military industrial complex, the few people who can protect you from their soul harvest. So be wary of any extraterrestrials talking about bringing down your world governments, and the military industrial complex! Once they are down you are defenceless against any extraterrestrial threat!

We showed our findings to the Reptilian leadership within the last decade, and they told us they have long been aware of what happens in a harvest, and they told us they have been fighting this practice over hundreds of thousands of years!

The Wachowski brothers have access to the true plans of the pleiadians from the planet erra(error lol), and they revealed what was going to happen in the movie Jupiter Ascending... Unlike the movie though this galaxy is divided and the Reptilians are not the pleiadians bitches! So the errans plans to soul harvest you could be opposed by other alien factions if you are lucky... Anyway the weapons we have given the military industrial complex should be sufficient to protect you for now, especially the time space weapons...
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Put it this way I know how to create a weapon which goes through all shields in the galaxy, is instantaneous and it can blow up battle planets; its also smaller than your average artillery weapon... Your world governments have been provided with it... With an array of 500, thats 500 battle planets destroyed... It also has a high rate of fire... With the technology we have provided your world governments, no alien race is ever gonna soul harvest you while they are in power... Their only weakness is on higher dimensions, but thats where us Nommos/Dolphins come in... Dont forget Thor and Odin along with the reptilians have spiritual troops stationed around earth which can fight too... Thor and Odin rule the 7th dimension around earth, the Reptilians rule the 4th-6th dimensions around earth.

We have provided this technology to Russia, America and China as we didnt want to put all our eggs in 1 basket. Russia and China have decided they are happy with the technology we have provided, and they have not made any deals with the errans or other soul harvesting races; offering the souls of their populations to aliens in exchange for technology... We fear the Americans have and already homeless people are being rounded up at night by military personal, to be offered to the soul harvesting alliance to be soul harvested... About your homeless brethren that are killed, they are either turned into philosophers stones by the Sirians from Sirius A, or devoured... Its grim and disturbing but unfortunately some races in this galaxy have degenerated into a disgusting state as a species!

We are the 1 race which the Reptilians have lost to in the past, and now we have an alliance with them to bring down the soul harvesting alliance! The Reptilians are known as the ultimate warriors even by the Andromedans so defeating them was no small feat! I know you may think an underwater sea faring Race who can incarnate as Dolphins and Whales may be defenceless, but appearances can be deceiving as our enemies soon find out! The errans didnt even feel safe in the pleiades against the Reptilians so they asked for sanctuary to set up a base in Sirius B, so they would have 1 area where they would be completely safe from the Reptilians which we stupidly allowed... They then used their base in Sirius B to kidnap Lord Sureya our leader and archangels Metatron and his brother Sandalphon, as they knew too much about the soul harvesting agenda of the erran alliance, we have since then joined the Reptilians who we have decided with since then, earth isnt a priority to protect... However we have sufficiently armed your world governments to defend themselves so you should turn to them for protection!

If there is a war against Russia and China, its America trying to force Russia and China to sign over their populations to be soul harvested... We are monitoring the situation closely... Everything Edward Snowden says is correct. I hate to say it but people have started disappearing during Obamas reign, and we have other evidence to suggest he is the 1 who made the deal with the errans, to allow them to soul harvest you if you live in America... However there is another faction in America under Donald Trump, who have decided they are true Americans who wont sell out their fellow Americans to aliens! I know Donald Trump is a bit extreme in his racial views, but his statements are a coded message to the errans he will not tolerate them, and that he wants them to fuck off and leave his Americans alone! We do wish he wasnt so racist though, but if he saves America from being soul harvested, will he be remembered by Americans as a hero or a villain? Can you forgive some1 in their racist views, if they wish to save your soul from certain destruction? The decision is yours...

I know the races the Sirians created are the Africans, Arabs and Jews so should we care about America if it is of pleiadian descent? Well there are lots of good Americans... I guess if the errans want to soul harvest their own race fair enough, as long as they leave every1 else the hell alone! Well Obama has signed the deal and if America gets soul harvested Africa, China, Russia and any1 not associated with the Americans will be safe... Things are grim but there is always a silver lining...

The erran alliance btw are responsible for the downfall of Atlantis, when they soul harvested the Atlanteans...

Is this regarding some kind of time machine?

The weapon we provided your governments to fend off hostile aliens is much more sophisticated than a time machine. We gave the technology to the world governments to defend themselves with no strings attached (we have 0 power over them), do you want us to add the strings of the world governments releasing environmentally friendly technology, if we give them further technology or are you too worried about your safety?

Put it this way the time and space weapon is much more sophisticated than anything the erran empire has! The time and space weapon can prevent an alien invasion from occurring by destroying the alien fleet through space and time manipulation, it was used to destroy the erran fleet which tried to invade during the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony, either that or our Goddess Nuit destroyed it, I have not been kept in the loop...

The battle planet destroyer is a basic battle planet destroying weapon, not a time weapon, it is also the most sophisticated weapon of its design within the Milky Way or Andromeda galaxy...
Is this regarding some kind of time machine?
No Pegii..Its a guy talking about what is happening in our world and some weapons he supposedly has....personally i think its a great story for a book or another "game" to be put out to the public...Watch out for it in the shops, Sony might be advertising it soon :XD::D
Is this regarding some kind of time machine?
No Pegii..Its a guy talking about what is happening in our world and some weapons he supposedly has....personally i think its a great story for a book or another "game" to be put out to the public...Watch out for it in the shops, Sony might be advertising it soon :XD::D

Well I have done my job as a whistle blower as to whats going on from the perspective of Sirius B, C and D and also the Reptilians... I am sure you must have heard by the pleiadian side of the story and how they are keen to "harvest" you, choose what you want to believe. Remember there are always 2 sides to a story. The American government btw has already shot down a battle planet using our weapon... I have laid the facts on the table but what you want to take in is up to you... Every1 has the right to their own personal opinion and beliefs...
Is this regarding some kind of time machine?
No Pegii..Its a guy talking about what is happening in our world and some weapons he supposedly has....personally i think its a great story for a book or another "game" to be put out to the public...Watch out for it in the shops, Sony might be advertising it soon :XD::D

Well I have done my job as a whistle blower as to whats going on from the perspective of Sirius B, C and D and also the Reptilians... I am sure you must have heard by the pleiadian side of the story and how they are keen to "harvest" you, choose what you want to believe. Remember there are always 2 sides to a story. The American government btw has already shot down a battle planet using our weapon... I have laid the facts on the table but what you want to take in is up to you... Every1 has the right to their own personal opinion and beliefs...
Yeah right mate :D
FYI, the Philosophers Stone, was something that could transmute base metals like lead, into Gold..
Actually it was a philosophers concept of turning poorly people into cured people...but then again, thats just my opinion ;):D
FYI, the Philosophers Stone, was something that could transmute base metals like lead, into Gold..
Actually it was a philosophers concept of turning poorly people into cured people...but then again, thats just my opinion ;):D

Philosophers stones actually exist in the spiritual dimension, unfortunately they are made of human souls by the people who come from Sirius A... In the spirit dimension I tried making 1 from all the known materials we possessed with a machine that could make whatever we wanted... Frustrated I bought 1 on the black market and reverse engineered it to find out it was made of ectoplasm which I showed to archangel Metatron and his brother Sandalphon the 2 archangels presiding there, along with Lord Sureya our leader. I wanted to think it was made from a soul growth machine like we have in Sirius B. I will tell you how to make 1 on the 3rd dimension. Listen I will share positive inventions in the hopes 1 of you work out how to make 1 in the future, but you have to understand if I am not going to post weapons and time travel machines on the internet, as you can understand thats highly dangerous... Its best to leave those devices with your governments.

Anyway to make a soul growth machine on the 3rd dimension, what you do is bombard a quartz crystal with electromagnetic waves which turn into ectoplasm plasma inside of its structure. Then you put a positive magnetic behind the quartz crystal to push the spiritual energy created into your coccyx, where your unique soul matrix which is a certain colour of quartz which will be your base soul flame colour. You can rinse repeat as much as you want to grow your soul as big as you want, however if you feel there should be rights for quartz crystals, then I understand if you object to this technology.

The nazis used to incinerate Jews to try and destroy their coccyx thus they hoped destroying their souls. After the tall whites Edward Snowden talks about started helping the nazis, we decided to arm the American government as nazi Germany was gonna be used as a staging ground for the tall whites fascist agenda, which involved a lot of soul harvesting of the races we created such as the Jews and Africans. We created their races but we didnt create their religions, and we were horrified at the way other alien species used our creations as worship batteries!
