Temporal Agent from a distance future

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well time to cook a very late dinner lol. to me, this just is a hoax. especially when someone goes mad over a reply..... this was funny, but now, its just getting boring, because Harriet is getting angry obviously, lol so i shall put that one on ignore, and say , peace stay cool all. peace to you all. and remember, chill out, and keep cool folks, always. Peace be with you all. i speak to folks who can be an adult , not someone who acts immature. i mean no offense, i'm just not gonna talk to someone who turns angry. too old and too tired for that. peace.
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Harriet (B) I asked this question further back on page 16 and got not response , allow me to rephrase the question: Has anyone posting on this forum had any effect in the advancement of Time Travel ?
@HARRIET (B) Im very pleased to see that you are in the UK, iam also and i live in Derby :)..
I can prove beyond any reasonable doubt to our Paranormalis members that you are indeed a genuine Time-Traveller, if you wish to meet me tomorrow outside our city Cathedral at 1pm...:D..

All people from a different Time-Line have an oscillating magnetic field aura, which is almost identical to a magnetic field that is generated by two Neodymian magnets with both their North Poles stuck together...The only difference is, with Time-Travellers their magnetic fields oscillate between 50 to 60 pulses per second, and my own patented magnetic field anomaly meter can easily read those pulses..(y)..:D
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That's a good date. Confession is usually on Saturday before the vigil mass. So you can just come back the next day and get that issue sorted out after your semen was collected.

Let us know how it went..
If you are male between the ages of 21 and 45 in good health with no hereditary weakness and prepared to father children then yes you'll be able to sign up..! Males over the age of 45 will be considered if they have superior genes and able to demonstrate they are still capable of impregnating...
can you give me more details on what you need?
tell me about this future place.
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