The Disclosure Project

Re: The Disclosure Project

Numenorean7 said:
A friend of mine told me something about ETs last week.

If they have a so advanced technoloy, like time travel, faster than light transportations, dimensionnal travel, why should they need to kidnap you and put a probe in your ass ? That makes no sense. They must pass by Earth like we pass by an desert island. They know there's life on there, but they are not interested. That makes some sense to me, we're not the center of the universe.


We're not the center of the universe?:p
ok I had a dream the other night that was prolly inspired by The Truman was on cable last week.
OK...My dream went like this....Life on another planet. Ok..if every being (on this other planet) wants one, they can have a "family" on earth that they watch, from beginning of life till the end. Like a movie. We are assigned to them and its just entertainment..I think they might bet on who is gonna do what next..that sort of stuff..Crazy huh?
Just a dream but I wouldnt doubt it....:D
Re: The Disclosure Project

Perhaps they are going to tell us that we're a reality show for ETs.
If it's so, I will understand why they were reluctant to tell us !!!
Re: The Disclosure Project

Yeah I bet we are one big entertainment show! The weirder the better!
Jerry Springer is the go - to for American Trash! Im sure every country has their stuff! The E T's are watching saying.." Those Earthlings are just to WEIRD!"
Re: The Disclosure Project

I am not sure I like being called the court jester for the galactic counsel/ Empire/federation/ or what ever the hell they call themselves:eek:
but hey guess its better to be laughed at than shot at huh:D
Re: The Disclosure Project

kc wildman said:
I am not sure I like being called the court jester for the galactic counsel/ Empire/federation/ or what ever the hell they call themselves:eek:
but hey guess its better to be laughed at than shot at huh:D

Yeah but for me I'll be shot at then laughed at!
Re: The Disclosure Project

yeh thats the way of the warroir and how they meet there end
shoot first ask questions later
we will not go quitely into the night
we will not give up without a fight
we may parrish but you will know we were here
we may lose the fight but you will feel the pain of are strike
Re: The Disclosure Project

kc wildman said:
yeh thats the way of the warroir and how they meet there end
shoot first ask questions later
we will not go quitely into the night
we will not give up without a fight
we may parrish but you will know we were here
we may lose the fight but you will feel the pain of are strike

Love it! Shoot first and ask questions later: sounds like the Portland Police ta me!
Re: The Disclosure Project

gonzogirl said:
Love it! Shoot first and ask questions later: sounds like the Portland Police ta me!
S.O.P. for all the goon squads today:mad:
dead man don't sue the abuser:eek:
S tandered
O pperating
P rocedures
Re: The Disclosure Project

well according to the rocky mountian news there is spose to be a video of a living ET to be aired sometime today has anyone seen it yet???
