The Disclosure Project

Re: The Disclosure Project


The "Alien in the window" video that I posted earlier is a dramatization of the actual video.

Scientists are analyzing the video and Stan's situation and that's why they have only released a still of the real video. When I find it, I'll post it.
Re: The Disclosure Project

The video is made to prepare us for the real one !
That's it ?

That's some cool stuff dude, thanks for posting. :)

Re: The Disclosure Project

Here is a "real" picture from the video.
It's pretty hard to see anything.

Re: The Disclosure Project

Numenorean7 said:
The video is made to prepare us for the real one !
That's it ?

That's some cool stuff dude, thanks for posting. :)

sounds like a plan to me too 7
I think your onto to the real deal, its just to darn conveant, and timely to be a childhood prank ya know??????? lets scare Jessica to death kinda stuff.
Re: The Disclosure Project

Looks pretty fake to me.
Some say in the comments that it's probably fake because of the reflexion in the window.
Why is the reflection in the window all smudged? In the photo you can see something like a bookshelf (or some kind of shelf, anyway :P), but in this video it has all been smudged and blurred. No detail at all.
They can't be analysing this video, it looks too fake, the dramatization video was more convincing.
Re: The Disclosure Project

It's a fake!

Compare it to the real still. There is a world of difference.

Somebodies been doin' some adobe(in)...
Re: The Disclosure Project

Numenorean7 said:
Here is a "real" picture from the video.
It's pretty hard to see anything.


This pic reminds me of the movie called Communion...Based on the book by Whitley Streiber....
