The Disclosure Project

Re: The Disclosure Project

I still think 7 is on the mark here.
theres sometnin afoot these vids are comin out day after day rite on que so to speak. just too many all at once, and the networks are puttin a dozen or so U.F.O. shows on every week. only there not makin fun anymore. the witness are not some toothless trailer queen in a mue-mue with a cigarett and a beer. odd, very odd indeed.
Re: The Disclosure Project

I made a post on Stan Romaneks forum asking when the documentary is going to be released. THis was his wifes reply.

Lisa Romanek Global Moderator


Posts: 28

Re: Documentary release
? Reply #2 on: Today at 08:51:00 PM ?

We are not sure of the date either, but hopefully sooner than later, do you have your email address on your profile? So I can contact you when I know?

STARSEED/ the Stan Romanek Story is the best name so far:)

but Stan does not like it so we will see, but that is what I think it will be!
Re: The Disclosure Project

well they gotta get the editing done guys, they don't want anymore cable connectors showing up.ha ha ha ha .like in the mars pics.
Re: The Disclosure Project

Yeah, I hope they're going to release something more serious than the previous video we posted.
Men in black are coming, be watchful now.
Re: The Disclosure Project

Chip said:
Very interesting! He doesn't like it? Hmm, could this mean the PTB has involved itself?

As in PTB you mean his wife? (Which would mean Stan and I have more in common than I thought) I think she may have meant that's the name she likes, but he doesn't as much. Either Or that's the best name they came up with so far. I didn't mention it in my previous post, but I also asked what the name of the documentary was going to be, as well as when its' coming out.

It looks like the video will not be shown on network television. Which most likely means we will have to pay for it. If it were on network television I might think so, but she said they are working with a producer who they've known for a while so they have some control over the documentary and how it's presented. I bet it has nothing to do with not being offered enough by cable networks for the story.;)

THey seem like nice enough people from what I read on their forum, but I think withholding the video and showing the press a sneakpeak to stir up controversy is a little suspicious.
Re: The Disclosure Project

baudmiksen said:
As in PTB you mean his wife? (Which would mean Stan and I have more in common than I thought) I think she may have meant that's the name she likes, but he doesn't as much. Either Or that's the best name they came up with so far. I didn't mention it in my previous post, but I also asked what the name of the documentary was going to be, as well as when its' coming out.

It looks like the video will not be shown on network television. Which most likely means we will have to pay for it. If it were on network television I might think so, but she said they are working with a producer who they've known for a while so they have some control over the documentary and how it's presented. I bet it has nothing to do with not being offered enough by cable networks for the story.;)

THey seem like nice enough people from what I read on their forum, but I think withholding the video and showing the press a sneakpeak to stir up controversy is a little suspicious.

I thought maybe he didn't like the editing of the story! That's what I get while trying to post while watching my 1 year old eh? HAHA!

Regardless, good post Baud!!!
Re: The Disclosure Project

Yeah man, I've just seen that news too. That's pretty amazing. I'm surprised that they report it.
Looks like stuff like that happens more and more often these days.
Re: The Disclosure Project

I am not so sure its realy happening more, so much as they can't hide it as much, harder to do now with all the vid.cams/, and tv news reports.
