The Many Types of Love


There are several types of love. Romantic love is hormone based. There is friendship type love, and there is the love/bond that one has for a child or a pet. There is also universal love, which is more of a universal acceptance/tolerance of all living things. Romantic love doesn't lead to "happily ever after", which many teens believe it does. They're feeding off the urge to reproduce. Hollywood and books make romantic love out to be more than it really is. But, this is why women enjoy romance novels and romantic movies. They get to sort of experience that fairy tale type of love that doesn't really happen.

Also, IMHO, one can love many people due to the many types of love. It's just ends up being a matter of who you commit to.


Temporal Engineer
I did mention love was a trap. I guess I was referring to the love bond that develops between two people that have fallen in love with each other. Almost everyone succumbs to the bait. And I think most would agree it is a very enjoyable experience. Wouldn't it be nice if you could feel that way for each other for the rest of your lives? Unfortunately that isn't the case. Most would agree that what love has really done, is to make the two of you compatible, so that you may spend the rest of your lives together. You're mated for life. So basically it is just a biological trap. An enjoyable trap in the beginning. There are some that do make the best of it and do live happily ever after. And then there are some that have to have a bite of the forbidden fruit.


I did mention love was a trap. I guess I was referring to the love bond that develops between two people that have fallen in love with each other. Almost everyone succumbs to the bait. And I think most would agree it is a very enjoyable experience. Wouldn't it be nice if you could feel that way for each other for the rest of your lives? Unfortunately that isn't the case. Most would agree that what love has really done, is to make the two of you compatible, so that you may spend the rest of your lives together. You're mated for life. So basically it is just a biological trap. An enjoyable trap in the beginning. There are some that do make the best of it and do live happily ever after. And then there are some that have to have a bite of the forbidden fruit.

Right, because it's based on hormones. Once those hormones are satisfied, it's basically over. It's very biological. Reproduction.


People confuse mating with love. When people are "in love", their hormones are going whacko. The "chase" is exciting. Typically, once the male captures his mate and reproductive practices have been achieved, the male will instinctly lose interest and either consciously or subconsciously seek another mate. Humans are just animals and most probably don't even realize they do this. It's all about mixing DNA and sowing their seed. Marriages that last are based on constant work, but if they are still "in love" after a long, long time, it's basically just a miracle. Of course, I'm only speaking of straight couples (i.e. reproduction). Anyone in the gay/lesbian genre can feel free to chime in because I have no experience with that.

(In other words, I am not trying to exclude or offend anyone).

UGH sorry... never mind... I suppose gay/lesbians do want children. I'm talking out of my ass. Feel free to correct me.
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Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
To me, there's a big difference between lust and love... I know what you mean about women reading romance novels in order to vicariously seek that kind of love people write about...But I do believe in romantic love being more than justdriven by hormones...Sure, sometimes they go hand in hand, but I don't think "love" is soley based on that alone... Maybe compatability come into play as far as long term relationships, but I think it's the love that holds people together after the "chase" is done, after the lust has died away... I also believe we accept the kind of love we think we deserve...Then again, maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic, ah well... ;)


To me, there's a big difference between lust and love... I know what you mean about women reading romance novels in order to vicariously seek that kind of love people write about...But I do believe in romantic love being more than justdriven by hormones...Sure, sometimes they go hand in hand, but I don't think "love" is soley based on that alone... Maybe compatability come into play as far as long term relationships, but I think it's the love that holds people together after the "chase" is done, after the lust has died away... I also believe we accept the kind of love we think we deserve...Then again, maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic, ah well... ;)

Well, marry, and after 5 years tell me how it goes. :)


Temporal Engineer
I feel there is some type of brain chemistry that creates the euphoric high along with an unconditional compatibility adaptation that takes place. Once bitten love is blind. This is no ordinary high. On average most people would say the euphoria can last around six months. Both you and your partner adapt to each others wants and needs unconditionally. This is mother natures way to bring two people together to form a bond that can last a lifetime. Lots of people don't like what love does to them. I ran across one young woman who felt love was like having a cold. She was complaining that it takes six whole months to recover from the illness.
