time travel is nothing to mess with!

My whole interest in Time Travel came about because of a suicide attempt. I aborted my suicide because someone gave me a reason to keep on living. But the someone that did it has never revealed themselves to me. And the only person with the specific knowledge to pull it off would have been me. Of course if it was me, then I would have needed a time machine to do it. So that is why I have spent a lot of time researching how to make a time machine. But I don't want to change my past. I want to make sure my past happens the way it did. So I wouldn't call myself a casualty. More likely the result of a successful time travel experiment. Which makes me a paradox. But I still don't have a time machine. Of course I used logic and reason to come up with my explanation. What if it wasn't done that way? I'm not someone that can just go out and use a belief to explain something away. I need facts. So my logical explanation is in fact just an unsubstantiated belief. But I do have a lot of paranormal experiences in my life that also defy explanation. It would be nice to tie it all together. I just have to be careful in the way I use the facts.

Did this person come up to you out of the blue?

Nope. It was someone behind the scenes that had tricked me into believing an old girlfriend was contacting me. And then coincidentally at the same time a letter in my mailbox stating some stock I had sold had gone through. And I would be receiving a check by the end of the week. I hadn't sold any stock. So obviously it was a mistake. Not my fault if it's not my mistake. But I never got the money either. So at that particular time in my life, someone gave me reasons to hang around a little longer. It worked. But who did it? I'm the only one with those specific details that could do it. And it wasn't me. Some would say it was Gods work. I'm not a believer. Why would God take an interest in a non believer? Basically any explanation I could choose would require me to believe in something without proof. Sorry. I want the real facts. Who did it? And how did they do it? Beliefs are just like theories. A dime a dozen.

We're time travelers. We just haven't left yet.
Did this person come up to you out of the blue?

Nope. It was someone behind the scenes that had tricked me into believing an old girlfriend was contacting me. And then coincidentally at the same time a letter in my mailbox stating some stock I had sold had gone through. And I would be receiving a check by the end of the week. I hadn't sold any stock. So obviously it was a mistake. Not my fault if it's not my mistake. But I never got the money either. So at that particular time in my life, someone gave me reasons to hang around a little longer. It worked. But who did it? I'm the only one with those specific details that could do it. And it wasn't me. Some would say it was Gods work. I'm not a believer. Why would God take an interest in a non believer? Basically any explanation I could choose would require me to believe in something without proof. Sorry. I want the real facts. Who did it? And how did they do it? Beliefs are just like theories. A dime a dozen.

We're time travelers. We just haven't left yet.

Another theory. That one had me going for quite a while. But I have no time machine in the works. How about you? For a while I even thought I had a guardian angel following me around. But it seems the angel only makes its presence known when I'm at deaths door. I've been there quite a few times accidentally. I just don't like believing in something I can't see or experience myself.

But then there was the one time I did purposely experience an out of body experience. That was real. I was on the outside looking in. They say your astral body leaves every night when you fall asleep. And some here at Paranormalis can actually time travel in their astral body form. It just makes me wonder if my astral body can do things on my behalf without my presence needed. Yep! I have a new suspect for who saved me. I can't prove it yet. But there does seem to be a body of evidence accumulating for this possible explanation.
I'm the only one with those specific details that could do it.

This is key.

It is about isolating information through deductive reasoning. As long as there is no other possibility, as long as it could only have come from you, it means you are a time traveler.

I am seeing such things. I am also seeing modern/current information relayed through various mediums to a before the fact point in time, and that can be isolated to individuals or small groups of people. I am seeing a lot of other things too.

It would not surprise me if a decade from now we are all together going on a mission or something.
Opmmur & TimeFlipper
There is an explanation of the video contents below the video. Just scroll down and read the description and then re-watch the video. It will make more sense.

Warren York's Time Travel Anomaly
I have seen that video clip, and along with the Prof unfortunately nothing is clear as to what was happening, perhaps you can clarify this for us please? :)

Just what was written:

Warren York and Mike Windell perform a vacuum-tube experiment in which the filament breaks, producing strange harmonics and a time-travel effect during testing. Unaware of any change in the lab, they later realize that the experiment has lasted 3-hours longer than they can explain, and encounter a power-line repairman outside who has been called to examine “strange effects happening with the local power”.

The time-travel anomaly apparently occurs with a strange experience in which the tube’s filament appears to actually leave the side of the tube and re-enter during operation, under power by a high-frequency/high-voltage signal. After completing the experiment, which York and Windell believed took approximately 45 minutes to conduct, they emerged from their laboratory to find that the actual time was 4 hours later than they had anticipated it could be – leading to their belief that a time-dilation effect created type of time-travel that may explain the missing time.

Later, they encounter a power-line repairman working to restore electricity to the surrounding neighborhood, who claims that power has been lost to the entire area due to an unknown fault in the line-transformer. They document this as an anomaly as they are able to see house-lights throughout the neighborhood, leading them to speculate that perhaps the time-travel effects they believe occurred may have created this.
I'm the only one with those specific details that could do it.

This is key.

It is about isolating information through deductive reasoning. As long as there is no other possibility, as long as it could only have come from you, it means you are a time traveler.

I am seeing such things. I am also seeing modern/current information relayed through various mediums to a before the fact point in time, and that can be isolated to individuals or small groups of people. I am seeing a lot of other things too.

It would not surprise me if a decade from now we are all together going on a mission or something.

The problem is with logic and reason. We are taught to believe that logic and reason are acceptable ways to solve a problem. But how many times have you noticed that what you are told and what you see with your own eyes are two different things. All logic and reason does in my case is create a circumstance that makes it seem like I am the only one that could have possibly saved me. But I didn't do it. It looks like a setup to me. The time travel angle is just an easy out explanation. I don't buy it. I want the truth. And it's starting to look like the truth is stranger than the circumstantial evidence.

Here is an example of a setup circumstance. You come home one day and find your girlfriend dead on the floor with a knife through her heart. You rush over not willing to believe she is really dead. You pull the knife out of her chest. Just then the cops arrive and see you over the dead body with the murder weapon in your hand. A victim of circumstance. So the circumstances point toward what seems like only one solution. You know you didn't do it. But everyone else will believe you did. All I'm saying is be more cautious on circumstantial evidence you are accepting as fact. By doing so, you are actually no longer looking for the real answers.
Opmmur & TimeFlipper
There is an explanation of the video contents below the video. Just scroll down and read the description and then re-watch the video. It will make more sense.

Warren York's Time Travel Anomaly
I have seen that video clip, and along with the Prof unfortunately nothing is clear as to what was happening, perhaps you can clarify this for us please? :)

Just what was written:

Warren York and Mike Windell perform a vacuum-tube experiment in which the filament breaks, producing strange harmonics and a time-travel effect during testing. Unaware of any change in the lab, they later realize that the experiment has lasted 3-hours longer than they can explain, and encounter a power-line repairman outside who has been called to examine “strange effects happening with the local power”.

The time-travel anomaly apparently occurs with a strange experience in which the tube’s filament appears to actually leave the side of the tube and re-enter during operation, under power by a high-frequency/high-voltage signal. After completing the experiment, which York and Windell believed took approximately 45 minutes to conduct, they emerged from their laboratory to find that the actual time was 4 hours later than they had anticipated it could be – leading to their belief that a time-dilation effect created type of time-travel that may explain the missing time.

Later, they encounter a power-line repairman working to restore electricity to the surrounding neighborhood, who claims that power has been lost to the entire area due to an unknown fault in the line-transformer. They document this as an anomaly as they are able to see house-lights throughout the neighborhood, leading them to speculate that perhaps the time-travel effects they believe occurred may have created this.
Thanks mate, i didnt see anything written about what you have put....it must have been written on here and silly old me must have overlooked it....but still it made little or no sense to me lol :confused::D
The problem is with logic and reason. We are taught to believe that logic and reason are acceptable ways to solve a problem. But how many times have you noticed that what you are told and what you see with your own eyes are two different things.

While I am inclined to be an outside the box kind of thinker, the element of logic is ever present. It is simply how I think. If what I am told is antithetical to logic, I don't necessarily trust it.

All logic and reason does in my case is create a circumstance that makes it seem like I am the only one that could have possibly saved me. But I didn't do it. It looks like a setup to me. The time travel angle is just an easy out explanation.

How do you know it wasn't you traveling time, ...or someone else? When dealing with time travel and the unknown of the future, the possibilities are vast. It could be any number of future technologies at work. People could be digging through the NSA database in a museum 6000 years from now, picking people out, astral traveling like they were in the room with us, and then visiting like a vacation. Maybe they are coming from another worldline doing a gradual repair job on this one from the future. You get a free visit to the past on this one, but you have to do something to make it better. Who knows. It could be anything.

I don't buy it. I want the truth. And it's starting to look like the truth is stranger than the circumstantial evidence.

I can certainly identify with valuing truth. What is maddening for the disorientation is not having a truthful premise in which to base decisions.

Logic is truth. But I do understand the value of definitive proof (like traveling time)verses circumstantial suggestive or conclusive evidence.

If a group of people are standing on the other side of the road from you and a bus with dark tinted windows pulls up to them, blocking your view of them, then drives off, and there are no people left standing, and you did not see anyone leave the spot where they were standing, you can safely conclude they all got onto the bus. You never actually saw them board the bus, and no one has to explain it to you. You simply see reality through logic.

So, what if the bus pulls around to you, having not left your sight or doing anything unusual, the door opens and you step onto an empty bus? Now what is reality through logic? You never actually saw the people board. This fact never came into question until you saw it empty. Until then, it was an obvious reality. Now it is conclusive evidence of something else.

You step off of the bus and walk across the street to where the people were standing as to examine it. You find absolutely nothing unusual about that particular spot. It is simply asphalt gravel grass and dirt within a 100 ft radius. You saw absolutely nothing unusual about anything until you got on that bus.

But you KNOW there is something about that bus that does not fit reality. The anomaly, whatever defies logic and normalcy, is about the bus. The logical conclusion of people obviously boarding has just become a magic bus.

(Can you imagine explaining that to The Who?)

Here is an example of a setup circumstance. You come home one day and find your girlfriend dead on the floor with a knife through her heart. You rush over not willing to believe she is really dead. You pull the knife out of her chest. Just then the cops arrive and see you over the dead body with the murder weapon in your hand. A victim of circumstance. So the circumstances point toward what seems like only one solution. You know you didn't do it. But everyone else will believe you did. All I'm saying is be more cautious on circumstantial evidence you are accepting as fact. By doing so, you are actually no longer looking for the real answers.

It's about a girl alright.

I'm trying to figure out what happened and look out for a friend, put her in a safe place, ideally home with family like nothing happened.

Born in 1998 is somehow encrypted onto her womb before it was ever thought of. And I know I didn't put it there unless her and I end up pregnant with time travel in the future, which would explain a few things. The thing is, 'Alice' is presumed dead under anomalous circumstance and the context of 30 years of interaction with time travelers and others playing stupid crazy games, and gathering of data and evidence.

Not knowing if she is O.K., in trouble or dead frustrates me, even more so is how she likely knew it then. (hee-hee)

Metaphorically speaking, she is the magic bus.

If somebody invents physical time travel i imagine that the risk of death is very great. i am talking getting burned to a crisp/charcoal briquette in milliseconds type of power levels involved which is nuclear bomb territory. Not saying that this power comes from an artificial source like a fusion generator but natural energy levels inside spacetime such as pyramids, vortexes, and chakra points. I had a weird vision where I say my physical body burned to a piece of charcoal after an attempted time jump. It was in a flash. it made me realize that you are lucky your time travel experiments dont work.

With chronic pain I have everyday, I'd still take the risk.
