Time Travel Movies: Good or bad, post them here!

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Oh man Loopers should be good. Waiting for it to come online. I've been following it for months and supposedly has high rating in IMDB. Please share feedback when you see it.


Junior Member
Loopers was a blast to watch. Amazing idea, and it's got Bruce Willis. The acting was a lot better than you'd expect, even from the lesser known actors and actresses. Great job all around tying everything together.


Senior Member
Loopers was a blast to watch. Amazing idea, and it's got Bruce Willis. The acting was a lot better than you'd expect, even from the lesser known actors and actresses. Great job all around tying everything together.

Glad to hear your Review! I'm very anxious to see it, but waiting for DVD.


Junior Member
Hi guys, I thought it might be a good idea to have this as a sort of data base? I was hoping maybe the admins might pin this just so that newbies like me can see it as a first port of call. I will start another thread about general concepts and thoughts on Time Travel in general raised by these media. This is meant to be just a list!
My interpretation of Time Travel here is pretty flexible and includes alternative universes etc. I am not saying all of these movies and books are good!! Please add titles in replies and I will come back and update the list on this page.

Films :
The Time Machine. (2 versions)
Source Code
Deja Vu
Back To The Future series
If Only
Sliding Doors
Run Lola Run
The Matrix
A Christmas Carol (many versions)
Time Cop
The Time Traveller's Wife

Time Tunnel
Dr Who

The Time Machine Hg Wells
A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens
Up The Line Robert Silverberg
The Time Traveller's Wife Audrey Niffenager (apologies; sure I have spelt that wrong!)


New Member
I don't know if this may count properly, but maybe the lakehouse with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock?


Senior Member
I watched two movies on Netflix that were related to TT...They were interesting so I thought I would list them here.
The Penitent Man 2010NR92 minutes
Dr. Jason Pratt is at a crossroads with his life. When one of his clients, the mysterious Mr. Darnell, walks into his office and paints him a repentant tale of future economic and moral collapse, Jason's eyes are forever opened.
Lance Henriksen, Lathrop Walker
Nicholas Gyeney

Lunopolis2009NR97 minutes
In a classic sci-fi thriller setup, two independent filmmakers uncover a powerful secret organization controlled by aliens living on the moon.
Dave Potter, Jed Himel, Nathan Avant

Both movies had TT ideas in them. Some of the discussions in the movies reminded me of what I read in these threads.
