Timeline Change


Time Travel Professor
Their maybe a group of people playing around with our time line. A lot of stories can be found on this web site about personal changes being different today then is was in their past.


Junior Member
If you want to unlock the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. - Nikola Tesla
I can help, but not here in the world of internet


I am new to this group. I am a pursuing my masters in counseling.

A one time experience is hardly mental illness. As a counselor, still be open to paranormal explanations if the individual doesn't have any other symptoms of mental illness. Of course, it should be ruled out, but the post office change was way too bizarre. I do not have slurred speech, delusions, etc. It was too big of a change to blame on memory and such as well.


Junior Member
I am new to this group. I am a pursuing my masters in counseling. If a person was coming to me talking about these experiences, I don't know how I would handle it. My education would say these individuals have experienced something,but it may not be what it appears. The individual may be confused and may be suffering an mental illness especially if there is incoherent speech patterns. Personally I know that reality is subjective. I have been experiencing alter vu since October of 2014. For those of you who don't know Alter vue is when someone remembers their history differently. The last I remember I was waking up from an horrible dream of a car crash but it was very real,to the point I was crying when I awoke. The reality was set back to the previous 6 months before I encountered the crash. The car crash was suppose to be when I took my mother to the dentist, I have avoided my mother's dentist.As I move down the timeline to present July 8,2015 experiences are slightly different. I have been able to predict certain things. Everyday feels as if I have two memories of events, it is the strangest feeling. I have contemplated that I was dead for awhile. I have thought that it is possible something wrong with my temporary lope. The only thing that can possible explain it is conscious emerging from an parallel universe. I have been researching explanations for awhile now through quantum mechanics and biocentrism. Yet there is nothing concrete and it doesn't explain if fully. I am kind of use to these experiences now, although it makes you feel crazy. I only talk about it to a few people out of fear judgment. If this is a mental illness it is harmless since it have not created unhealthy life patterns. People through out history have had strange beliefs and experiences. If anybody has any empirical evidence research journals or book please let me know the names. Thank you so much. I hope I was not too off topic.
You are right on topic. It is not a mental illness and you are not crazy. The issue is that our physical minds can't always cope with the changes, and some people can't wrap their mind around non-linear concepts such as time travel and parallel dimensions. When they experience these things, they experience cognitive dissonance and each deals with it in a different way.

I am very curious about your particular experiences, though. I'm not sure I am reading it right, but when you said, "The reality was set back to the previous 6 months", you are suggesting that you went back in time 6 months after having the dream. I would like you to clarify this if you don't mind.


I am kind of use to these experiences now, although it makes you feel crazy. I only talk about it to a few people out of fear judgment. If this is a mental illness it is harmless since it have not created unhealthy life patterns. People through out history have had strange beliefs and experiences. If anybody has any empirical evidence research journals or book please let me know the names. Thank you so much. I hope I was not too off topic.

I agree. Don't think you are "crazy". As I said before, you can rule out some the symptoms and then what you are left with is a new experience that you can't explain. Many people on this forum have experienced time slips and have witnessed changes. You sound like you actually traveled back to the past. Did you relive the dentist experience?
