I want you to imagine the sweetest, most adorable pretty little girl you can, who comes from generations of good loving homes and has all those great qualities of an excellent future mother and wife. Think "Alice in wonderland" before she grew up to be a magnificent woman. Now imagine her daughter emulating her and addressing to you a deeply profound and loving sentiment.

Now add to that time travel and an absolute hellish nightmare that consumes your entire life and somehow produces a few million dead people, one of which is Alice , and along with an attached message that reads what looks like a great big "Fuck You" to a lot of people that appears to be from a really pissed off group of great great great great great great great +++++ grandparents.

...or something like that.

The video clip you posted of Jefferson Alirplane had Grace Slick performing the song, White Rabbit, and a Rabbit was in "Alice In Wonderland", so therefore could be the girl in your mind?..
@ Toofless

Do you understand the title of this thread. I suspect you do. I made this because I suspect you're listening, that this is somehow getting to you. I am going to try to focus on that. Forget the distractions.

I see you. I see a lot of things. I really need to talk to you. And I wish you folks (and everyone) would quit messing around. I see what has transpired over time, and I very much need clarity on things, as I am having a major orientation issue in regard to time/space/people/circumstance/etc.

And it is related to some other things that are kind of a big deal, so it's important.
Know thyself.

I am inclined to not bother with something unless it is necessary, needed or worth something. It has to be justified, without ethical dilemma and preferably beneficial. With or without travel, why would I bother associating with anyone of your people? How is it necessary or worth something to me?

The answer is that I would justify any action by the value of life. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother. IF I did bother, it would most likely be by whatever minimal action necessary while being as clandestine as possible. Ideally, that means doing something in a way that no one even notices. Ideally, I would be there (with support) and gone and no one would know anything. I would walk away with the quiet satisfaction of something right and good, hopefully without notice.

How does that apply? Well, that's what I am trying to figure out. I am not seeing what I would do.

If I bother with you now, without travel, it is because I apparently don't have much of a choice. And I would appreciate it if someone would please explain what you are doing.
My primary goal and first order of business is truth. That is where it starts. There are problems that need to be resolved, NOW. I need to explain exactly a set of events and circumstances that have effected the entirety of my life and the lives of others, NOW. A LOT is dependent upon it.

I suspect key figures may be listening. I know they hold truth. I hurt too, and can only imagine their pain. But this needs addressing. If they aren't listening, then maybe someone is who gives a damn, who may be able to help.

How is the apple problematic? Why or how does it suggest that I am not following clues? Do you know what that apple is about? If so, speak up.

You dance with words like a politician. You speak a lot but don't have anything to say, yet claim otherwise. I must say, I'm not very compelled to entertain you further.
You dance with words like a politician. You speak a lot but don't have anything to say, yet claim otherwise. I must say, I'm not very compelled to entertain you further.

Are you Toofless or somehow associated? Probably not. ...So this isn't really about entertainment value, or for you. If it is, then please, speak up.

Why don't you video yourself dancing and singing a song for us or whatever talents you may have. Do you play a violin or drums or something? Maybe you can entertain us better?
Everyone is so demanding. I get it. You want your proof, your info, your substantiation, and you want it now. Because you do.

I don't really care if you believe it or understand or whatever, but the whole thing started, apparently, with the things I am speaking about here. I have been a little mixed up, trying to sort some things. But this is it.

While I am thinking about it, and just in case, ...

If people are calling you crazy for the things you're seeing or whatever, ...I'm guessing that you're not. There is an answer here somewhere in the depths of it all.
