Waco type events described by John Titor


Junior Member
why are you guys always thinking that the world consists just of the USA...i dont blame you but there is a point to this waco style comment i cant get of my mind...its not JUST happening in the USA...its happening all over the planet...people are fed up with the capitalistic-democratic system controled by the bankers and i sure DO believe he was talking about civil uprising against the government because they are tired of it...only time can tell when the shit hits the fan....just take the snowden case and look at all the diplomatic problems and tension it creates (this you can see if you look at international news instead of FOX all day long)
personaly i find it very disturbing if in spain innocent people get shot in the eye by non-lethal weapons during a peaceful demonstration, italians resisting police and throw them of a public square after they tried to force em of (non violent demonstration in the beginning as well), french teens burning cars in the streets or a german police officer shoots and kills a man in public (thats US police behaviour they usually dont have that over there...they tend to be more reasonable) ...and there is way more...sure you have to take in consideration (as US citizen) that the rest of the world doesnt have the constitutional right to bear guns... so you will not have deadly force by guns that often....well i would say until it is too late and the shit hits the fan...(europeans have the means to get a gun legal or not)
in the last ten years those events are getting very common in europe and they havent been before!!
so WACO type events could sure mean public resistence "silenced" by government forces no matter where

just a thought to chew on
gretts tomrat

P.S.: just a thought of mine...its not good to just focus on the US discussing about john titor...in the end he talks about a global problem and 3 billion deads...last time i checked the USA had around 300 million citizens


Temporal Engineer
Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston, Texas...

What happened in Aurora?

That was the movie theater shooting where a guy went in and started killing people. Lots of conspiracy theories on that one. My own personal favorite theory is an alien implant was controlling him to cause him to do these horrendous acts. But the CIA will probably get the blame for it anyway.

Castor Troy

New Member
Thank you both, i remember hearing about that in the news, but didnt get much info.

Waco type event eh... my theory is that, the government is hiding evidence of its own wrong doing. Like getting away with murder, 1993 waco texas, evidence was missing, 9/11 building 7 was destroyed, thousands murdered, good evidence was not involved with the commission, also dc madam, news said she committed suicide, two days or so earlier she was on alex jones radio, saying she is not gonna commit suicide...

boston bombings, witnesses says there were bomb drills of some type, fbi ignores questions about it, they caught one of the suspects alive, but apparently he was shot in the interrogation room... I dont know if there was a trial, and I dont know if there are trials after someone dies... Those men wearing the beige pants, black jackets, with wires hanging from their ears, looked suspicious to me..

sandy hook, not gonna go there, but I do find that one of the victim's father was, seemed to be smiling before going on live cameras, getting ready to cry, but no tears, I dont know, it just seemed strange to me, also, possible other suspects was reported and all, running behind the school, later denied.
Newtown Connecticut, seems to be a lot of satanism there, the church of satan was founded in connecticut 1966, theres illuminati signs in newtown,
I believe the illuminati is associated with satanism, the symbolism and all, rituals, etc.

I aint no lawyer, i aint no detective, but, if government is guilty, who stands trial?

walt willis

Senior Member
I think he is trying to say that tyranny can only come to your door in uniform.
Nazi storm troopers ask you if you have any Jews in your home hiding and you are a good Christian and can never tell a lie?
The people in control are not always the good guys, and not all Christians are bright!
