Welcome All, from 2026

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Hi I'm Frog I just wanted to ask you a some questions so here they are and thanks for listening:

1. What kind of time travel do you do?

2. What kind of food, water, and soda do you have in your timeline?

3. Do movies and entertainment still exist where your from?

thanks for your time and patience and thanks for the answers and so much more please reply back to me soon if you have sparetime and thanks for being cool and such I will talk with you later on! well I got to go now I will chat more later!
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

I don't think Zeshua is a TT'er either, but just to go along with the flow...

- What does history say about the Middle East during this decade?
- What does history say about the US?

Please give more than a few sentences.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Where is Zeshua??? Zeshua please post some pictures of well known places or buildings (not the Twin Towers) that have been affected by a tragic event.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"BubbuClinton\")</div>
Maybe he just isn't allowed to post any more.


I can assure you that Zeshua is allowed to post here, and is invited to post what he wishes in order to answer your questions.

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

I didn't mean he was banned from the forum. I just that, don't you think that timetravelers shouldn't disturb the past time lines. Maybe there are such things as time cops.

Of course he will always be allow to post here.

Re: Welcome All, from 2026


Any US War Veterans still alive in your time? Currently in our time we have a few hundred World War I Vets still alive, a couple million World War 2 vets, and more numbers from Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War. I doubt WW1 vets are still alive in your time, but possibly are there any WW2 vets and beyond still around in your time? Would be interesting.

For the record. WW2 Vets could still be alive in Zeshua's time. Considering that the last of the US Civil War Veterans all passed away in the 1950s.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026


Aw mom, don't take all of our fun away. You gotsta have a little humor here and there. Otherwise things get a bit too heated on the boards. And, usually in threads like these, things can get pretty heated. That is why I use the humor, not to ridicule the other person, per se, but to break the tension caused by continuous attacks by other posters on the claimed TT'ers.

k, questions... questions... Ok, here is one. Nostradamus talks about a person by the name of Mabus, after whom who's death will cause a "hundred-hand" death. Any insight onto who this is, from the perspective of looking from the future to the past? There have been some who say it might be President Bush or Mohammad Abbas. Another person says it could be a man in the Balkans, a Mirajald (spelling ?) Labus. What do you say?

Will Iran do as they say when they create a nuclear bomb (and drop it on Israel)?

And, most importantly, When will Yellowstone blow its top?

(K, Mom don't be too harsh here. :P )
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Hmm, more than three days to get an answer? Either the studies are harder than we anticipated OR he is diligently collecting proof for our inquires. Can't wait to see pictures from his time.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Given that there is as good a chance of getting answers to burning questions from Zerosham as there is of bedding Barbarella in a hermetic polystyrene bubble over the Van Helsing Belt during a show of Northern Lights, I submit, and humbly, the following queries:

1. Will Jesus, upon His return, advent from the East or the West, will He be armed, and will He be, as I have envisioned, sporting a brace of whippets?

2. Upon the appearance of the multinoggined Antichrist, will hell be razed (i.e., will conditions be such that they would be hotter than hell, that is, hot enough to "raze," or scald hell itself), raised, or freeze over?

3. Will California fall into the ocean, or will it happen the other way around?

4. Will the moon turn to blood, and, if so, won't this be a horrible thing to mix with cheese?

5. If the world does not end, does this mean I have to pay off my mortgage anyway?

6. If you can send your voice to the past, and you happen to have the hiccups, does the unanticipated, sudden glitch on the needlegraph in the wormhole anomaly thwart the stream of data and occasion a typographical error?

7. What happens to a wormhole if the worm is actually a caterpillar?

8. In String Theory, can a cable be substituted for the string and transmit ESPN to another time zone so that you can win a bunch of bets on the games?

Thank you for your precious time.
