What does my future hold for me? + 2015 prediction

Cool. So, you are a kid? May I ask, what does my future look like? I sent you a PM. "HDRKID is dedicated to helping you understand the 4th dimension cx" what does cx mean?
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Urial, Raphael, Michael and Gabriel. These are the Archangels of God mentioned in Scriptures. Gabriel is the deliverer of messages and Michael is God's Commander in Chief. The other two I'm not sure, they aren't mentioned very much in the mainstream Bible verses.
So, if you are Gabriel What message do you bring to this forum for us all?
Hi hdrkid:
What does the future hold for me?
2015 will be the last year. Worldwide earthquake coming. Many biblical, great earthquakes coming.
PS: I am archangel Gabriel himself.

I am not trying to be rude or mean, but I just want to point something out. Really, it's for anyone who wants to know about their own future from a time traveler. The time traveler would have to time travel, track you down (traveling, no doubt), spy on you, then return. Does a time traveler have unlimited resources to do this (money being the biggest)? And why would they bother wasting so much of their own time (pun not intended) to track you down just to tell you a prediction? Then, do it again for another person asking for a prediction. I know I wouldn't do it. Example: Would said time traveler fly from New York to Australia, with his own money, just to stalk an Australian guy that wants him to tell him what his future is like? Highly unlikely.

Again, I'm truly not meaning to cause trouble here, but it's something that I think about when I see people asking supposed time travelers questions about themselves.
Urial, Raphael, Michael and Gabriel. These are the Archangels of God mentioned in Scriptures. Gabriel is the deliverer of messages and Michael is God's Commander in Chief. The other two I'm not sure, they aren't mentioned very much in the mainstream Bible verses.
So, if you are Gabriel What message do you bring to this forum for us all?
I am in a war.
wtf is demonology short cuts. short for what the fuck. wtf is entalged with the bible. lmao. sorry it's too true the bible didn't put it in there or who ever wrote the bible. oh shit started a bible war again.
Urial, Raphael, Michael and Gabriel. These are the Archangels of God mentioned in Scriptures. Gabriel is the deliverer of messages and Michael is God's Commander in Chief. The other two I'm not sure, they aren't mentioned very much in the mainstream Bible verses.
So, if you are Gabriel What message do you bring to this forum for us all?
I am in a war.
Is the war a spiritual warfare between good and evil? You indicated 2015 would be the last year due to an earthquake. Could you elaborate on that regarding loss of life, rapture occurance, and survivors? Thanks.
Yes. I believe the non-elect will die, both physical (1st death) and spiritual (2nd death). There will be a rapture for the 144,000 saints. Survivors will be: none of the non-raptured, I believe. I guess the raptured can be called survivors. By the way/off-topic: God can heal our soul, which is the same as our body, it is embedded in this body. Beware of demonic traps! He that hath endureth till the end, the same shall be saved! With God on your/one's side, victory is certain. I'm sad that I smoke, though.
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Hey Gabriel...what's the latest? We avoided the asteroid that was suppose to arrive the end of September. Will we be able to avoid earthquakes or other disasters in 2015?
Dawg..its not an asteroid we have to worry about, its that super volcano thats underneath Yellowstone Park :eek:
If the choice is Asteroid or Super Volcano for armaggedon...which would you choose? (assuming of course that you have a limitless supply of dog biscuits and a suitable kennel) :D
Dawg..its not an asteroid we have to worry about, its that super volcano thats underneath Yellowstone Park :eek:
If the choice is Asteroid or Super Volcano for armaggedon...which would you choose? (assuming of course that you have a limitless supply of dog biscuits and a suitable kennel) :D
Your question is like do you want to drown in a flood or burn in a fire. An asteroid would be interestind but then again Yellowstone...I'll take the asteroid as I like looking at the sky.
