Debunking Who Perpetrated the John Titor Hoax?


Junior Member
Rather than read the evisceral diatribe that the trolls have allowed this thread to become, I'll simply ask this...

Does anyone realise that Titor posted about Jesus having returned, and that "he's pissed".? That alone should be enough to prove this travesty of a hoax.

Can you quote Titor on this ? Cause i can't remember reading such a thing.


Junior Member
I'm Bored with the same ole Titor story already...again... It's been obsessed about and fantasized over ad nauseam for 10 years now. It was BS in the beginning...It's BS now...It always will be BS. seems BS is a time traveler Titor. There is a thread ... I am an expert on John Titor. Feel free to engage me in conversation... Where you can go to worship John Titor if that is your desire. (Apparently there wasn't room to finish the title " if you agree with us but not if you are going to confront us with logic, common sense, or those pesky little fact things". )
That's why I want to start this thread to expound on the idea of "Who" was/were the person or persons that pulled off this hoax? Why has IT survived 10 years? This thread is not intended to debunk the Titor story. That has been done thoroughly over the past ten years, instead lets debunk "who" wrote it but if you want to continue to debunk the story or asinine opinions stated in "other" threads as if they were facts (where you're not allowed to), or this "thread itself" (you ARE allowed to here), feel free. There will be no whining to the admin to stop those mean "believers" from discrediting you here. I and anyone who chooses to post here should be willing to take and respond to if we wish ANY and ALL critique.
That is what it's all about. ( if of course Num7 agrees and allows. He is the boss.)
Let me begin;
I am a self-proclaimed, self-important, unquestionable Expert on the John Titor Saga Hoax. I have done extensive research on this subject (that is I have read the posts) and I have written on it( I will post pictures of this post later). I will submit, for peer review here, my Expert opinion on who I think I know was John Titor.
John Titor was a pseudonym as in John Doe. A very common name John and Titor was representative of his being a 'Ti' me 'T' ravel 'or'. Ignore the fact that it should have been Titer. Pretty ingenious huh? This pseudonym was used by the poster to hide his real identity.
This is what I think I believe was the real person/people behind the Hoax.
It was probably at least one college student, but possibly two, and at most I would say three. Why this number? Because as of this moment his personal identity is still secret. If you know anything about secrets you know that the fewer who know the secret the better chance it will REMAIN a secret. One person could easily keep a secret unless he tells someone. Two people mean there is twice the chance one or both of them could tell someone and three triples that chance and it just gets worse from there. But, making up this Hoax would take considerable talent. So it would be difficult for one person to do it by their self so two would be better. Two heads are better than one. A third would also add to the plot by offering a third person's perspective.
So there you have it. John Titor was one or two and even three people working together as one person. Now, what kind of a person/people was/were he/they. The simplest answer would be for three college students. One a physics major. One a computer science major. The last a sociology major. Why these three you may ask? The physics major would know how to make up physics stuff and the computer science major would know about the IBM 5100 and Unix 2038 problem. The sociology major would be able to better react to the readers replies to the Hoax-posters posts because sociology majors study society and how people would react to such a fantastic premise.
To summarize;
John Titor may have actually been several people posting an incredible "story" about a Time Traveler from the future who went back in time to fix a problem in the future and while doing so makes a stop in the present (what was the present at the time) to "chat" with the locals, meet the beautiful girl, and warn them that their wicked ways would cause a Civil War soon. That prediction, as with every thing else he said, didn't come to pass (so far) but that non-event was covered by the oh so convenient multiple Time Line/ Universe theory (as if infinity wasn't big enough now we have to consider infinite infinities). What things he said that the Titor followers claim have occurred are weak connections at best and with a lower confidence than even chance would account for. What makes this Titor "story" significant is they used a new form of comunication, the Internet, to carry out their story in real life and not in the form of a book or movie as had been done before. That it is presented as Fact and is (or I should say was at the time) rather well done compared to all the other TT claimers out there it is not at the level of its predecessors.
Back to the Future Trilogy- well written and interwoven.
12 Monkeys- don't you just love it when they wrap around to the beginning
Star Trek 4 The Voyage Home- my favorite of all the Star Trek movies
The Time Machine- by H.G. Wells 1895 the Grand-daddy of them all(special note: notice the year 1895. If you add Titor's unit number 177 to it and then subtract 60 the number of seconds or minutes in "time" you get 2012. Does anyone else find that fact peculiar?)
There are so many more, good and bad alike, that I can't possibly list them here but maybe I will in a future lengthy and informative post.
Suffice it to say, the Titor Hoax is no more than a story. Probably written by a team of writers just like nearly every other TT story/movie out there or perhaps only one. An H.G. Wells wanna-be. This is my humble expert opinion. Does it contain speculation? Of course it does. Just like ALL the other opinions on other threads do. Please, feel free to speculate your ass off here. Don't worry about those fact things that get in the way. The others don't.
So, who do YOU think he was/is?
I can't say if he was real or not. I'm not going to think he's real like some people because he showed us a picture that anyone can fake!!


Senior Member
On the John Titor website, Titor says that Jesus is not back during his time. Then later he says that perhaps Jesus came back and isn't telling anyone and is really angry.


Junior Member
On the John Titor website, Titor says that Jesus is not back during his time. Then later he says that perhaps Jesus came back and isn't telling anyone and is really angry.
Yea more then likely John T is a hoax. What do you think?


Senior Member
On the John Titor website, Titor says that Jesus is not back during his time. Then later he says that perhaps Jesus came back and isn't telling anyone and is really angry.
Yea more then likely John T is a hoax. What do you think?

I think that John Titor wants some people to think he's a hoax and a liar and other people to listen to what he's saying between the lines. The guy published pictures with a Civil Defense logo clearly showing on his Time Machine knowing people would figure that out.


Active Member
Reviving old threads here is not considered something negative at all, contrary to most other forums. Last post was a month ago, you didn't revive it, it wasn't dead yet.

Just out of curiosity many months does a thread have to not have activity on it to be considered dead?


Currently, there's not such a thing as a dead thread: We're able to post in every topic, even the very old ones.


This is what I think I believe was the real person/people behind the Hoax.
It was probably at least one college student, but possibly two, and at most I would say three. Why this number? Because as of this moment his personal identity is still secret............
Probably written by a team of writers just like nearly every other TT story/movie out there or perhaps only one. An H.G. Wells wanna-be. This is my humble expert opinion. Does it contain speculation? Of course it does. Just like ALL the other opinions on other threads do. Please, feel free to speculate your ass off here. Don't worry about those fact things that get in the way. The others don't.
So, who do YOU think he was/is?

Nope, the only person who wrote the JT posts was John. There is something in English Lit class called syntax and diction; the "voice" throughout the posts is consistent and recognizable due to consistent syntax and diction.
What is Diction, Syntax, Voice and Style?
The Effects of Syntax and Diction |

There is no way it could have been a team of writers because of this. Also, I know my generation; I was in my late 20s in the late 90s, and I honestly never met anyone as smart. When I was in my 20s I travelled around, went to college, and met all kinds of people in different environments, and I never encoutered anyone who says or thinks the things that he says. "Have you ever thought the world would be better off if half the people in the world were dead?" Sorry, not the every day conversation or belief system of a 70s child. People my age don't CARE enough about the world to know whether the world would be better off if a lot of people were dead or not. Haven't you ever heard of the APATHETIC generation Xer??
The Apathy Of Generation X
This is what I think I believe was the real person/people behind the Hoax.
It was probably at least one college student, but possibly two, and at most I would say three. Why this number? Because as of this moment his personal identity is still secret............
Probably written by a team of writers just like nearly every other TT story/movie out there or perhaps only one. An H.G. Wells wanna-be. This is my humble expert opinion. Does it contain speculation? Of course it does. Just like ALL the other opinions on other threads do. Please, feel free to speculate your ass off here. Don't worry about those fact things that get in the way. The others don't.
So, who do YOU think he was/is?

Humble Expert?

I am intrigued by your conclusions, Mr. Peregrini. I had no idea we had an expert in our midst. Could you point us to the evidence you have compiled to support your conclusions of a one, two or three writer team?
(are we counting that as one, two or three conclusions?)
And I am sure you may welcome speculation by others. You seem to be quite the expert on guessing. (barring your soon to be revealed evidence of course).
Of course, as many already know, speculation is no longer required; Conviction of a Time Traveler made the evidence-based argument for Titor's actual identity and it has been available to anyone for close to two years.

Of course, the choice is yours to avail your(expert)self to all the information.

As Ever,
Kind Regards
Temporal Recon


Nope, the only person who wrote the JT posts was John. There is something in English Lit class called syntax and diction; the "voice" throughout the posts is consistent and recognizable due to consistent syntax and diction.

Do actors and actresses on TV or in movies use a consistent syntax or diction? I'll just go ahead and say yes here, and do you know they have a team of writers writing the script? Again, I'll add the yes, so just how is it you think you can definitively state that there is no way more than one person had any thing to do with the "story" Titor told?
Titor was "allegedly born in 1998. He would not be a child of the 70's or the 90's, the people you say you know so well. Titor claimed to be from 2036 so that would make him 38 when he was here in 2000. If he wasn't a time traveler but was 38 then he would have been born in 1968. Almost a child of the 70's but more likely influenced by the 80's since most people are influenced by the events in their teens to mid 20's, in which case, he is "just now" beginning to be influenced if he was born in 1998.
As far as the 70's child not thinking the world would be better off with half of the people being dead... you don't know the 70's... but I do. There were several sects during the 70's. One group was make love not war. One group were the renaissance types. One group thought man was a blight on the Earth, this group has existed through till today too, and wanted more than anything for half of the population to be destroyed. And don't forget they thought people should be euthanized at 30, "Logan's Run" (1976).
